
本文翻译自:Running the new Intel emulator for Android

Lately Google and Intel have published a new way to run the emulator, which should work much better than the previous version (which has emulated ARM CPU). 最近谷歌和英特尔发布了一种运行模拟器的新方法,它应该比以前的版本(模拟ARM CPU)好得多。 Here are some links about it: this and this . 以下是一些关于它的链接: 这个这个

However, after installing the new components and creating a new emulator configuration as instructed, I get an error and I also can't see any improvements. 但是,在安装新组件并按照说明创建新的模拟器配置后,我收到错误,我也看不到任何改进。 I've tried both API 10 and API 15, and with GPU enabled and disabled. 我已经尝试过API 10和API 15,并启用了GPU并禁用了它们。 None of those configurations helped. 这些配置都没有帮助。 I've also tried it on two different computers and didn't get any boost (and got the same errors). 我也在两台不同的计算机上试过它并且没有得到任何提升(并且得到了相同的错误)。

It seems that on the posts I've read about it, nobody had any problems with it and all report a much faster emulator. 似乎在我读过的帖子上,没有人对它有任何问题,所有人都报告了更快的模拟器。

The error it shows is: 它显示的错误是:

emulator: Failed to open the HAX device!
HAX is not working and emulator runs in emulation mode
emulator: Open HAX device failed

Why is it happening, and is there a way to fix it? 它为什么会发生,有没有办法解决它? Is there anyone else who gets those errors or vice versa? 有没有其他人得到这些错误,反之亦然?

By the way, I have an Intel CPU, if that could be a problem. 顺便说一句,我有一个英特尔CPU,如果这可能是一个问题。

EDIT: 编辑:

here's what I see in the BIOS, so it should be available... : 这是我在BIOS中看到的,所以它应该可用......:





I had the same issue, solved it by Installing the Intel Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager. 我遇到了同样的问题,通过安装英特尔硬件加速执行管理器解决了这个问题。 Download it with the SDK Manager, it's in Extras. 使用SDK Manager下载它,它在Extras中。 After this, go to the folder 在此之后,转到该文件夹

[Android SDK Root] \\extras\\intel\\Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager [Android SDK Root] \\extras\\intel\\Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager

then run IntelHaxm.exe and install. 然后运行IntelHaxm.exe并安装。

Here the link of the Intel Hardware Accelerated IntelHaxm.exe for Microsoft Windows,Mac OS* X, and Linux Ubuntu 这里是用于Microsoft Windows,Mac OS * X和Linux Ubuntu的英特尔硬件加速IntelHaxm.exe的链接


You'll get the following message if you don't have virtualization enabled in your BIOS: 如果您的BIOS中未启用虚拟化,则会收到以下消息:



You might need to turn on virtualization in your BIOS, most manufacturers disable it by default. 您可能需要在BIOS中启用虚拟化,大多数制造商默认禁用它。 Intel HAX requires CPU virtualization to be enabled. Intel HAX要求启用CPU虚拟化。


If all else fails. 如果一切都失败了。 Simply try to download the Intel HAXM zip manually, extract and install. 只需尝试手动下载英特尔HAXM zip,解压缩并安装。 check here 检查一下

Remember this only works for an Intel cpu that supports Intel Virtualization Technology. 请记住,这仅适用于支持Intel虚拟化技术的Intel cpu。 And you MUST enable virtulization in your bios. 你必须在你的BIOS中实现虚拟化。

It's a fairly decent and very noticeable improvement to the android emulator if you ask me. 如果你问我,这对于android模拟器来说是一个相当不错且非常明显的改进。


Using SDK Manager to download Intel HAX did not work . 使用SDK Manager下载Intel HAX 不起作用

Downloading and installing it from the Intel website did work . 从英特尔网站下载并安装它确实有效 http://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/intel-hardware-accelerated-execution-manager/ http://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/intel-hardware-accelerated-execution-manager/

Top Tip: making the change in my BIOS to enable virtualization and then using "restart" did not enable virtualization. 热门提示:在BIOS中进行更改以启用虚拟化,然后使用“重新启动”不会启用虚拟化。 Doing a cold boot (ie shutdown and restart) suddenly made it appear. 冷启动 (即关机和重启)突然出现了。

The first step (on Windows) is to make sure that the Micrsoft Hardware-Assisted Virtualization Tool reports that "this computer is configured with hardware-assisted virtualization". 第一步(在Windows上)是为了确保Micrsoft硬件辅助虚拟化工具报告“此计算机配置了硬件辅助虚拟化”。 http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=592 http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=592


Complete step-by-step instructions for running the accelerated emulator can be found on the official Android developers website : 有关运行加速仿真器的完整分步说明,请访问官方Android开发人员网站

Caution : As of SDK Tools Revision 17, the virtual machine acceleration feature for the emulator is experimental; 注意 :从SDK Tools Revision 17开始,仿真器的虚拟机加速功能是实验性的; be alert for incompatibilities and errors when using this feature. 使用此功能时,请注意不兼容性和错误。





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