
本文翻译自:Convert UTC date time to local date time

From the server I get a datetime variable in this format: 6/29/2011 4:52:48 PM and it is in UTC time. 从服务器上,我得到一个datetime变量,格式为: 6/29/2011 4:52:48 PM ,它是UTC时间。 I want to convert it to the current user's browser time using JavaScript. 我想使用JavaScript将其转换为当前用户的浏览器时间。

How this can be done using JavaScript or jQuery? 如何使用JavaScript或jQuery完成此操作?




To me the simplest seemed using 对我来说,最简单的方法似乎是使用


(i thought the first line could be enough but there are timezones which are off in fractions of hours) (我以为第一行可能就够了,但是有些时区会在几分之一小时内消失)


This is an universal solution: 这是一个通用的解决方案:

function convertUTCDateToLocalDate(date) {
    var newDate = new Date(date.getTime()+date.getTimezoneOffset()*60*1000);

    var offset = date.getTimezoneOffset() / 60;
    var hours = date.getHours();

    newDate.setHours(hours - offset);

    return newDate;   

Usage: 用法:

var date = convertUTCDateToLocalDate(new Date(date_string_you_received));

Display the date based on the client local setting: 根据客户端本地设置显示日期:



Use this for UTC and Local time convert and vice versa. 将其用于UTC和本地时间转换,反之亦然。

//Covert datetime by GMT offset 
//If toUTC is true then return UTC time other wise return local time
function convertLocalDateToUTCDate(date, toUTC) {
    date = new Date(date);
    //Local time converted to UTC
    console.log("Time: " + date);
    var localOffset = date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000;
    var localTime = date.getTime();
    if (toUTC) {
        date = localTime + localOffset;
    } else {
        date = localTime - localOffset;
    date = new Date(date);
    console.log("Converted time: " + date);
    return date;


Matt's answer is missing the fact that the daylight savings time could be different between Date() and the date time it needs to convert - here is my solution: Matt的答案缺少以下事实:Date()和它需要转换的日期时间之间的夏令时可能有所不同-这是我的解决方案:

    function ConvertUTCTimeToLocalTime(UTCDateString)
        var convertdLocalTime = new Date(UTCDateString);

        var hourOffset = convertdLocalTime.getTimezoneOffset() / 60;

        convertdLocalTime.setHours( convertdLocalTime.getHours() + hourOffset ); 

        return convertdLocalTime;

And the results in the debugger: 并将结果放入调试器:

UTCDateString: "2014-02-26T00:00:00"
convertdLocalTime: Wed Feb 26 2014 00:00:00 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)


In Angular I used Ben's answer this way: 在Angular中,我这样使用Ben的答案:

$scope.convert = function (thedate) {
    var tempstr = thedate.toString();
    var newstr = tempstr.toString().replace(/GMT.*/g, "");
    newstr = newstr + " UTC";
    return new Date(newstr);

Edit: Angular 1.3.0 added UTC support to date filter, I haven't use it yet but it should be easier, here is the format: 编辑:Angular 1.3.0在日期过滤器中添加了UTC支持,我还没有使用它,但是它应该更容易一些,格式如下:

{{ date_expression | date : format : timezone}}

Angular 1.4.3 Date API Angular 1.4.3日期API

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unit uTimeZonesMgr; interface uses Windows, SysUtils, Classes, Registry, DateUtils; type {* 用于读取时区注册表TZI(长度为44)的属性值,存储时区信息 *} PRegTZIInfo = ^TRegTZIInfo; TRegTZIInfo = record Bias: Longint; StandardBias: Longint; DaylightBias: Longint; StandardDate: TSystemTime; DaylightDate: TSystemTime; end; {* 单个时区管理对象 *} TTimeZone = class private FTimeZoneName: string; //时区的显示名 FDisplay: string; //夏令时的名字 FDlt: string; //时区标准名字 FStd: string; //是Time zone information的缩写,描述时区的一些重要信息 FTZI: PRegTZIInfo; function GetSelfTimeZoneInformation: TTimeZoneInformation; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; function UTCToLocalDateTime(const AUTC: TDateTime; var ALocalDateTime: TDateTime): Boolean; function LocalDateTimeToUTC(const ALocalDateTime: TDateTime; var AUTC: TDateTime): Boolean; public property TimeZoneName: string read FTimeZoneName write FTimeZoneName; property Display: string read FDisplay write FDisplay; property Dlt: string read FDlt write FDlt; property Std: string read FStd write FStd; property TZI: PRegTZIInfo read FTZI write FTZI; end; {* 所有时区管理对象 *} TTimeZones = class private FTimeZoneKeyPath: string; FTimeZoneList: TStringList; FDefaultTimeZone: TTimeZone; procedure CollectTimeZone; procedure DestoryTimeZones; procedure CheckISDefaultTimeZone(ATimeZone: TTimeZone); public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; function FindTimeZone(const ADisplay: string): TTimeZone; public property TimeZoneList: TStringList read FTimeZoneList; property DefaultTimeZone: TTimeZone read FDefaultTimeZone; end; implementation { TTimeZones } procedure TTimeZones.CheckISDefaultTimeZone(ATimeZone: TTimeZone); var DefaultTimeZone: TTimeZoneInformation; begin GetTimeZoneInformation(DefaultTimeZone); if (ATimeZone.TZI.Bias = DefaultTimeZone.Bias) and (ATimeZone.Std = DefaultTimeZone.StandardName) then FDefaultTimeZone := ATimeZone; end; procedure TTimeZones.CollectTimeZone; var reg, tempReg: TRegistry; tempKeyPath: string; tempTimeZoneStrings: TStrings; iCir: Integer; tempTimeZone: TTimeZone; begin reg := TRegistry.Create; try reg.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; reg.OpenKey(FTimeZoneKeyPath, False); tempTimeZoneStrings := TStringList.Create; try reg.GetKeyNames(tempTimeZoneStrings); for iCir := 0 to tempTimeZoneStrings.Count - 1 do begin tempKeyPath := FTimeZoneKeyPath + '\' + tempTimeZoneStrings.Strings[iCir]; tempReg := TRegistry.Create; try tempReg.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; tempReg.OpenKey(tempKeyPath, False); tempTimeZone := TTimeZone.Create; tempTimeZone.TimeZoneName := tempTimeZoneStrings.Strings[iCir]; tempTimeZone.Display := tempReg.ReadString('Display'); tempTimeZone.Std := tempReg.ReadString('Std'); tempTimeZone.Dlt := tempReg.ReadString('Dlt'); tempReg.ReadBinaryData('TZI', tempTimeZone.TZI^, SizeOf(TRegTZIInfo)); FTimeZoneList.AddObject(tempTimeZone.Display, tempTimeZone); if FDefaultTimeZone = nil then CheckISDefaultTimeZone(tempTimeZone); finally tempReg.CloseKey; tempReg.Free; end; end; finally tempTimeZoneStrings.Free; end; finally reg.CloseKey; reg.Free; end; end; constructor TTimeZones.Create; begin FTimeZoneKeyPath := '\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones'; FTimeZoneList := TStringList.Create; FTimeZoneList.Sorted := True; FDefaultTimeZone := nil; CollectTimeZone; end; procedure TTimeZones.DestoryTimeZones; var iCir: Integer; tempTimeZone: TTimeZone; begin for iCir := 0 to FTimeZoneList.Count - 1 do begin tempTimeZone := TTimeZone(FTimeZoneList.Objects[iCir]); tempTimeZone.Free; end; FTimeZoneList.Clear; FTimeZoneList.Free; end; destructor TTimeZones.Destroy; begin DestoryTimeZones(); inherited; end; function TTimeZones.FindTimeZone(const ADisplay: string): TTimeZone; var iIndex: Integer; begin Result := nil; FTimeZoneList.Sort; if FTimeZoneList.Find(ADisplay, iIndex) then begin Result := TTimeZone(FTimeZoneList.Objects[iIndex]); end; end; { TTimeZone } constructor TTimeZone.Create; begin FTZI := GetMemory(SizeOf(TRegTZIInfo)); FillMemory(FTZI, SizeOf(TRegTZIInfo), 0); end; destructor TTimeZone.Destroy; begin FreeMemory(FTZI); inherited; end; function TTimeZone.GetSelfTimeZoneInformation: TTimeZoneInformation; begin GetTimeZoneInformation(Result); Result.Bias := TZI^.Bias; Result.StandardBias := TZI^.StandardBias; Result.StandardDate := TZI^.StandardDate; Result.DaylightBias := TZI^.DaylightBias; Result.DaylightDate := TZI^.DaylightDate; end; function TTimeZone.LocalDateTimeToUTC(const ALocalDateTime: TDateTime; var AUTC: TDateTime): Boolean; var tempLocalToLocal: TDateTime; iMilliSecond: Int64; begin Result := UTCToLocalDateTime(ALocalDateTime, tempLocalToLocal); if Result then begin if tempLocalToLocal > ALocalDateTime then begin iMilliSecond := MilliSecondsBetween(tempLocalToLocal, ALocalDateTime); AUTC := IncMilliSecond(ALocalDateTime, iMilliSecond * -1); end else begin iMilliSecond := MilliSecondsBetween(ALocalDateTime, tempLocalToLocal); AUTC := IncMilliSecond(ALocalDateTime, iMilliSecond); end; Result := True; end; end; function TTimeZone.UTCToLocalDateTime(const AUTC: TDateTime; var ALocalDateTime: TDateTime): Boolean; var TimeZone: TTimeZoneInformation; stUTC, stLC: SYSTEMTIME; begin Result := False; TimeZone := GetSelfTimeZoneInformation; DateTimeToSystemTime(AUTC, stUTC); if SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(@TimeZone, stUTC, stLC) then begin ALocalDateTime := SystemTimeToDateTime(stLC); Result := True; end; end; end.




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