-- 需求6:查询价格高于平均价的商品信息
select * from goods where price >(select avg(price) from goods);
-- 需求7:查询所有来自拼多多的商品信息,包含商品分类
select * from goods;
select * from goods left join category on goods.typeId=category.typeId where company in ('拼多多','拼夕夕');
-- select * from goods where company in('拼多多','拼夕夕');
select * from category
inner join (select * from goods where company in('拼多多','拼夕夕')) a on category.typeId=a.typeId;
-- 需求8:查询价格在25-100之间的商品信息
-- in(范围)
select * from goods where price between 25 and 100;
select price from goods where price between 25 and 100;
select * from goods where price in(25,30,77,30,72,25);
select * from goods where price in (select price from goods where price between 25 and 100);
-- some /any
select * from goods where price =some(select price from goods where price between 25 and 100);
select * from goods where price =any(select price from goods where price between 25 and 100);
-- all
select * from goods where price =all (select price from goods where price between 25 and 100);
select * from goods where price !=all (select price from goods where price between 25 and 100);
最新推荐文章于 2024-11-09 16:20:10 发布