Atitit 简历外语版 英语 日语 1.经历了很多项目实践,具备较为宽广的IT从业与信息化工作背景,具备若干创业历程,道路曲折,初心不改。在相关领域累计了较深的深度(细化度)与高度(抽象度)与广度

Atitit 简历外语版 英语 日语


  1. 经历了很多项目实践,具备较为宽广的IT从业与信息化工作背景,具备若干创业历程,道路曲折,初心不改。在相关领域累计了较深的深度(细化度)与高度(抽象度)与广度 对事业与学业孜孜不倦,充满创业激情,  


  1. Experienced a lot of project practice, with a broader IT industry and information work background, with a number of entrepreneurship process, tortuous road, original intention unchanged. Accumulated in the relevant areas of depth (refinement) and height (abstraction) and breadth of career and learning tirelessly, full of entrepreneurial passion,


  1. 较强综合能力,近十几年来的工作中,努力完善自我,在it信息军事农牧理工娱乐医学经济管理宗教哲学法学教育历史等十大知识软资产体系都努力攻读进取。。  较好综合能力,结合横跨多种解决方案, 通过协同使用,扬长避短,组合利用共同提升
  2. 全球最大中文技术社区csdn社区专家排名TOP50位了 累计技术文章积累1w+  访问:358万+ 数次获得准专家头街  建立了很多开源项目作出了伟大贡献 为开源社区做出了很多贡献.


2.Strong comprehensive ability. In the past decade, i have made great efforts to improve ourselves. i have made great efforts to study and make progress in the ten knowledge soft assets systems of it information, military agriculture, animal husbandry, science, technology, entertainment, medical economy, management, religion, philosophy, law, education history and so on. Better comprehensive ability, combined with a variety of solutions across, through collaborative use, enhance strengths and avoid weaknesses, combined use and common promotion

3. Top 50 of the world's largest Chinese technology community CSDN community experts ranked TOP. The cumulative technical articles accumulated 1 W + visits: 3.58 million + quasi-experts obtained several times. i established many open source projects and made great contributions to the open source community.


  1. 热情,热衷于分享培训布道 优秀带队能力
  2. 较好的文字归纳功底与软文文献写作与撰写能力,资料搜集分析 很好的文字表达 软文撰写能力 资源积累,善于对事物进行实践总结,站在巨人的肩膀上,一步一个脚印 千里之行,始于足下 较多心得总结 已经有若干方面本领域内部书籍整理亟待出版了




4. Enthusiasm, enthusiastic about sharing the excellent leadership ability of training Evangelism


  1. Better ability of text induction and soft-text document writing and writing, good data collection and analysis of text expression and soft-text writing resources accumulation, good at practical summary of things, standing on the shoulders of giants, step by step, a journey of thousands of miles, began with more experience summary has several skills. Internal Book collation is in urgent need of publication
  2. 曾在不同组织内部担任重要角色。众多ngo组织参与人。体系化方面,打造了较为完整的全方位领域体系 在分享,知识积累与开源项目作出了卓越的贡献 构建了组织完整全体系平台基础设施作出了优秀成果
  3. 文化精神方面,热衷于建设维护企业文化架构 ,增强团队凝聚力。团队建设与培训十分的重要。。
  4. 熟悉信息化建设工作 较好的矩阵引流模式与熟悉自媒体流量平台,知识管理社区问答社区板块搜索引擎优化。。有利的帮助了小型组织做到特定领域高峰



  1. 6. Has played an important role in different organizations. Numerous NGO participants. In the aspect of systematization, we have built a relatively complete omni-directional domain system for sharing, made outstanding contributions to knowledge accumulation and open source projects, constructed a complete organizational system platform infrastructure, and achieved excellent results.
  3. 7. In terms of cultural spirit, i  keen on building and maintaining corporate cultural structure and enhancing team cohesion. Team building and training are very important.
  5. 8.Familiar with the better matrix drainage mode of information construction and familiar with self-Media traffic platform, knowledge management community QA community search engine optimization. Helping small organizations to reach the peak in specific areas
  7. 目前大方向集中于三大领域 软件研发  团队管理 文化与知识体系建设 等领域。。业务领域教熟悉搜索,文本文档处理,网盘,图像相册,音乐,短视频, 大数据 数据分析 数据挖掘 知识图谱 ai人工智能 数据统计分析,可视化 社交, 博客   输入法方面等。。
  8. 对软件架构优化熟悉 扩展性优化 性能优化等



9. At present, the main direction is focused on the three areas of software R&D team management culture and knowledge system construction. Professional field teaches familiarity with search, text document processing, web disk, image album, music, short video, large data analysis, data mining, knowledge map, AI data statistical analysis, visual social networking, blog input method, etc.


10. Familiar with software architecture optimization, scalability optimization, performance optimization, etc.



  1. 熟悉相关技术方向搜索与数据库相关处理(mysql oracle mssql es solr lucence nosql mongodb sql redis), NLP自然语言处理,文本处理 图像处理机器视觉(opencv等 ) 音视频处理 算法 爬虫(webdriver等) 大数据 跨语言集成 架构 算法等


  1.  聚焦于五大架构平台 web与桌面GUI(qt javafx swing wpf vue h5 bootstrap Echart报表等 )  前后端全栈 移动(跨平台手机移动android ios app 等)  。。做了大量跨平台与跨语言方面工作 java  node.js h5 js  php  python net c# vue   等,尺有所短,寸有所长,万物集合就是王道。 
  2. 对产品化高可扩展性业务流程熟悉( 规则引擎工作流jbpm activiti Flowable xml 脚本引擎php python nodejs sql 等)


  1. Familiar with related technology direction search and database related processing (mysql Oracle MSSQL es Solr Lucence NoSQL mongodb SQL redis), NLP natural language processing, text processing image processing machine vision (opencv, etc.) audio and video processing algorithm crawler (webdriver, etc.) large data cross-language integration architecture algorithm, etc.



12. Focus on the front-end and back-end full stack movement (cross-platform mobile phones, Android IOS apps, etc.) of the five architecture platforms web and desktop GUI (qt JavaFX swing WPF Vue H5 bootstrap Echart reports, etc.). Has done a lot of cross-platform and cross-language work Java node.js h5js PHP Python net c# vue, etc., a short ruler, inch long, the collection of things is the kingdom.


13. Familiarity with high scalability business processes (rule engine workflow jBPM activiti Flowable XML scripting engine PHP Python nodejs sql, etc.)



  1. 对高性能大并发方面熟悉,微服务 负载均衡 云计算 分布式存储 sql优化等(Springcloud dubbo nginx Springboot WebSocket等)
  2. 对团队开发效率提升,技术稳定性,高性能方面处理有成熟的方案体系。。


14. Familiar with high performance and large concurrency, SQL optimization of cloud computing distributed storage for micro-service load balancing (Spring cloud Dubbo nginx Spring boot WebSocket, etc.)


  1. There is a mature solution system for improving team development efficiency, technical stability and high performance.



  1. 可长期出差地域不限。包括海外
  2. 视野方面,较好全局意识,战略性思维以及优秀的判断决策能力;旧的过去,新的到来,积极探索业界新动向,积极探索业界新动向在的应用。提升人生最大高度。 



16. Long-term business trips are not limited. Including overseas


1.13. Visual field, better overall awareness, strategic thinking and excellent judgment and decision-making ability; old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new,actively explore new trends in the industry, actively explore the application of new trends in the industry. Promote the greatest height of life.



  1. 形而上者谓之道 殊涂与归 ,有着很好的归纳总结能力,善于知识体系建设 熟悉知识图谱体系的建立,建立各个知识点,,归纳总结 评估与撰写过多种标准化草案的以及解决方案( ,)生而有涯,知识无涯 与时俱进,不断跟踪最新趋势,总结与推广 ,较强的创新精神 创业型产品项目尤佳.  敢为天下先 感想敢做、实现价值  立足长远,
  2. 熟悉英文日语(可以完成文档文章书籍阅读撰写,邮件聊天软件im等书面沟通)。。
  3. 业余喜欢户外活动,绘画,摄影 文学 音乐 医学 经济管理 法学 等活动。



18. The metaphysical is called Tao,Different roads lead to the same goal.. . They have good inductive and summing-up ability. They are good at building knowledge system and are familiar with the establishment of knowledge atlas system, establishing various knowledge points, summarizing, evaluating and writing a variety of standardization draft and solutions. The latest trend, summary and promotion, strong innovative spirit entrepreneurship product projects are preferred. Dare to think for the world first, dare to do, and realize value based on long-term.


  1. Familiar with English and Japanese (can complete documents, articles, books, e-mail chat software IM and other written communication).

20. Amateurs like outdoor activities, painting, photography, literature, music, medical economics, management law and other activities.



  1. 对物联网相关系列技术链熟悉(mqtt 二维码条码 电子标签rfid刷卡 传感器集成 socket rest)




21. Familiarity with Internet of Things related technology chain (mqtt 2-D barcode tag RFID card swipe sensor integrated socket rest)





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