在macos上使用pyinstaller打包python生成app, app也能启动运行, 可是在python中有用到pyside2的QThread和subprocess
经过验证, subprocess不能启动运行, 走到这里就停住了,
可是在pycharm中调试时可以运行的, 打包成命令行模式也是可以运行的, 不知道为何在app中却会卡在subprocess这里
class subprocessExeCommand(QThread):
def __init__(self,port,br,fm,addr):
super(stmcli, self).__init__()
self.usbport = port
self.br= br
self.fm= fm
def cmd(self):
if not self.isBin:
return '{} -c port={} br={} -d {}'.format(self.stmclient,self.usbport,self.br,self.fm)
return '{} -c port={} br={} -d {} {}'.format(self.stmclient,self.usbport,self.br,self.fm,self.addr)
def run(self):
cmd = shlex.split(self.shellcmd)
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
strbuf = ''
pb = precentbuf()
while p.poll() is None:
line = p.stdout.read(1)
line = line.decode('utf8')
strbuf += line
if p.returncode == 0:
print('Subprogram success')
print('Subprogram failed')
This file lists modules PyInstaller was not able to find. This does not
necessarily mean this module is required for running you program. Python and
Python 3rd-party packages include a lot of conditional or optional modules. For
example the module 'ntpath' only exists on Windows, whereas the module
'posixpath' only exists on Posix systems.Types if import:
* top-level: imported at the top-level - look at these first
* conditional: imported within an if-statement
* delayed: imported from within a function
* optional: imported within a try-except-statementIMPORTANT: Do NOT post this list to the issue-tracker. Use it as a basis for
yourself tracking down the missing module. Thanks!missing module named org - imported by copy (optional)
missing module named _sha512 - imported by hashlib (delayed, conditional, optional)
missing module named _sha256 - imported by hashlib (delayed, conditional, optional)
missing module named _md5 - imported by hashlib (delayed, conditional, optional)
missing module named _sha - imported by hashlib (delayed, conditional, optional)
missing module named 'org.python' - imported by pickle (optional)
missing module named msvcrt - imported by subprocess (conditional)
missing module named riscosenviron - imported by os (conditional, optional)
missing module named riscospath - imported by os (conditional)
missing module named riscos - imported by os (conditional, optional)
missing module named ce - imported by os (conditional, optional)
missing module named _emx_link - imported by os (conditional)
missing module named os2 - imported by os (conditional, optional)
missing module named nt - imported by os (conditional, optional), ntpath (optional)
missing module named _subprocess - imported by subprocess (conditional)
missing module named 'System.IO' - imported by serial.serialcli (top-level)
missing module named System - imported by serial.serialcli (top-level)
missing module named 'collections.abc' - imported by typing (optional)
不知道有朋友遇见过这样的问题没? 该如何解决!