二、Hello Revit


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Autodesk.Revit;
using Autodesk.Revit.DB;
using Autodesk.Revit.UI;
using Autodesk.Revit.ApplicationServices;

namespace HelloRevit
    /// <summary>
    /// Demonstrate how a basic ExternalCommand can be added to the Revit user interface. 
    /// And demonstrate how to create a Revit style dialog.
    /// </summary>
    public class Command : IExternalCommand
        #region IExternalCommand Members

        /// <summary>
        /// Implement this method as an external command for Revit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commandData">An object that is passed to the external application
        /// which contains data related to the command,
        /// such as the application object and active view.</param>
        /// <param name="message">A message that can be set by the external application
        /// which will be displayed if a failure or cancellation is returned by
        /// the external command.</param>
        /// <param name="elements">A set of elements to which the external application
        /// can add elements that are to be highlighted in case of failure or cancellation.</param>
        /// <returns>Return the status of the external command.
        /// A result of Succeeded means that the API external method functioned as expected.
        /// Cancelled can be used to signify that the user cancelled the external operation 
        /// at some point. Failure should be returned if the application is unable to proceed with
        /// the operation.</returns>
        public Autodesk.Revit.UI.Result Execute(ExternalCommandData commandData,
            ref string message, Autodesk.Revit.DB.ElementSet elements)
            // NOTES: Anything can be done in this method, such as create a message box, 
            // a task dialog or fetch some information from revit and so on.
            // We mainly use the task dialog for example.

            // Get the application and document from external command data.
            UIApplication uIApplication = commandData.Application;
            Application app = commandData.Application.Application;
            UIDocument uIDocument = commandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument;
            Document activeDoc = commandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document;

            #region Task Dialog Sample
            // Study how to create a revit style dialog using task dialog API by following
            // code snippet.  

            // Creates a Revit task dialog to communicate information to the interactive user.
            TaskDialog mainDialog = new TaskDialog("Hello, Revit!--这是Titil");
            mainDialog.MainInstruction = "Hello, Revit!--这是MainInstruction";
            mainDialog.MainContent =
                "--这是MainContent--,This sample shows how a basic ExternalCommand can be added to the Revit user interface."
                + " It uses a Revit task dialog to communicate information to the interactive user.\n"
                + "The command links below open additional task dialogs with more information.";

            // Add commmandLink to task dialog
                                      "连接一,View information about the Revit installation");
                                      "连接二,View information about the active document");

            // Set common buttons and default button. If no CommonButton or CommandLink is added,
            // task dialog will show a Close button by default.
            mainDialog.CommonButtons = TaskDialogCommonButtons.Close;
            mainDialog.DefaultButton = TaskDialogResult.Close;

            // Set footer text. Footer text is usually used to link to the help document.
            mainDialog.FooterText =
                "<a href=\"http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/index?siteID=123112&id=2484975 \">"
                + "--这是FooterText--Click here for the Revit API Developer Center</a>";

            TaskDialogResult tResult = mainDialog.Show();

            // If the user clicks the first command link, a simple Task Dialog 
            // with only a Close button shows information about the Revit installation. 
            if (TaskDialogResult.CommandLink1 == tResult)
                TaskDialog dialog_CommandLink1 = new TaskDialog("Revit Build Information");
                dialog_CommandLink1.MainInstruction =
                    "Revit Version Name is: " + app.VersionName + "\n"
                    + "Revit Version Number is: " + app.VersionNumber + "\n"
                    + "Revit Version Build is: " + app.VersionBuild;



            // If the user clicks the second command link, a simple Task Dialog 
            // created by static method shows information about the active document.
            else if (TaskDialogResult.CommandLink2 == tResult)
                TaskDialog.Show("Active Document Information",
                    "Active document: " + activeDoc.Title + "\n"
                    + "Active view name: " + activeDoc.ActiveView.Name);

            return Autodesk.Revit.UI.Result.Succeeded;








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