[Notes] DevOps Demystified - An introduction to the ideas that are driving DevOps


DevOps Demystified - An introduction to the ideas that are driving DevOps

Ben Rockwood is Joyent's Director of Systems Engineering. Ben will speak about adopting the new philosophy of DevOps. It is about more than what tools you use, its about people first, process second, and then and only then tools. In this talk we'll discuss the heart of DevOps, deconstruct culture, examine the fields of study upon which DevOps ideas are being drawn, and consider just what makes a tool a "DevOps tool". You'll get an overview of where DevOps is today and where it is going in the future.


DevOps Components:

  • Collaboration of People
  • Convergence of Process
  • Creation & Exploration of Tools

DevOps supports flow:

Influencing Fields of Study:

  • Agile
    • manifesto
      • individuals and interactions OVER processes and tools
      • working software OVER comprehensive documentation
      • customer collaboration OVER contract negotiation
      • responding to change OVER following a plan
    • operations
      • the birthing idea that became DevOps
      • SCRUM doesn’t work for Operations —  WHY?
        • There are 4 types of work:
          • Business projects (new service)
          • Internal projects (implement CM)
          • Planned changes (tickets)
          • Unplanned changes (break-fix, interupts)
  • The ideas are sound, but incomplete for Ops and can re-enforce silos
  • Operations Management (OM)
    • Intro
      • the traditional study of management
      • you learn this as part of MBA
      • includes the study of 
        • scheduling, project management, process measurement, quality, scheduling, etc.
      • previously focused on manufacturing, today focused on service industries (like us)
      • includes TOC, LEAN/TPS, Six sigma, etc.
    • Systems Thinking & Systems Dynamics
      • Systems Thinking
        • a system is a whole that cannot be divided into independent parts
        • the essential properties of a system are those which none of its parts have
        • a system is not the sums of the behaviour of its parts, but its the product of their interactions
      • Systems Dynamics
        • mathematical study of interactions within a system
        • all interactions are feedback loops; cause and effect relationships
        • works back from events, to patterns, to the system itself to improve the system as whole
    • Theory of Constrains (TOC)

  1. identify the system’s constraint
  2. decide how to exploit the system’s constraint
  3. subordinate everything else to above decision
  4. elevate the system’s constraint(s)
  5. if, as a result of these steps, the constraint has moved, return the Step 1. Don’t let INERTIA become the constraint.
  • LEAN (Toyota Production System: TPS)
  • draws principles front he Toyota Production System (TPS)
  • TPS was created by Ohno at Toyota, but draws on Deming, Drucker, Toyoda, Shingo, Shewhart, Ford, etc.
  • focus on eliminating waste and creating a pull based system
  • Concepts
  • Kaizen: continuous improvement
  • Kanban: Just in Time (JIT) pull signalling system
  • Jidoka: “Autonomation” automation with a human touch
  • Polka-Yoke: mistak proofing
  • 5S: sorting, simplifying, sweeping, standardizing, sustaining
  • 5Why: root cause analysis method
  • Muda (Waste): removal of all non-value add action
  • IT Service Management (ITSM) - ITIL

Common “DevOps” Tools

  • Chef, Puppet, CFengine
  • Nagios
  • Ganglia, Graphite + statsd, Munin
  • Splunk, Logstash, Graylog2
  • Rundeck, MCollective
  • Collins, Juju, Crowbar
  • Git, Mercurial, Subversion

What is a DevOps Tool? — Any tool that:

  • aids the convergence of process
  • aids in the collaboration of people

It’s about flow
It’s about pride of workmanship
If you are not having fun, you are doing it wrong.

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