新一 Lesson135

1. marry是人生中的一件大事,所以,我们重点研究一下这个词的用法。
1) marry 通常用作及物动词,我们说,和某人结婚,通常会用
marry sb,
be married (to sb),
get married (to sb),
She got married with four children.她带着四个孩子结婚了)。
2) marry也可以做不及物动词,但做不及物动词时通常会加上表示“早婚”“晚婚”这样的状语。例如:
She married very early /late. They married in 1995.
3) Marry是非延续性动词(终止动词)因此,如果加上一段时间说结婚多久了,要用be married 形式(状态),不能用 got married 形式。

be married for +时间结婚多长时间


She married for three years.(这句语法是错的)

They have been married for three years.它们结婚三年了

She was married for three years.(它是对的,但是意思错了,它是指,这是过去的事情,现在不存在了,现在离婚了)

She has been married for three years.

she got/was married three years ago.她三年前结婚(她三年前结婚了,was表示的是一种被动,被嫁了。)了(was表示一种被动)一般过去式的被动句


---She married with a doctor.(married既可以表示过去发生的动作,也可以表示已经结婚了。)(改错)
---She married a doctor.
---She was married to a doctor.

---she got married to a doctor.


Have you married?(错的)

Are you married?(你在结婚状态里么?)

Did you get married?你结过婚么

have you been married.对

got married得到了一个结婚的状态 (瞬间动词)多久以前得到了一个结婚的状态



1. hotel       n. 饭店
2. latest       adj. 最新的 最近的
The youth like to follow the latest trends in fashion. 年轻人喜欢最新的款式 introduce   v. 介绍
刚才讲过,Introduce不能直接接双宾语。把…介绍给某人,应该用introduce sb to sb.
Professor Li have introduced a assistant for me.

Professor Li has introduced an assistant to me.



I really like her我真的很喜欢她

I’m really tired. I can really have her driving in three days.我三天后一定把开车给她教会。

”could you put off the meeting” she said. “not really” he answered politely. “this is the only day everyone is available”可以取消会议么?“不能确定”他礼貌的回答,“


make up one's mind = decide 决定,make up one's mind比较坚决

won't=will not

make film制作电影,演电影

direct film导演电影

go to the cinema 去电影院

shoot film 拍电影

go to movies去看电影

go to see a film去看电影


report about sb/sth(关于某人或某事的报道或报告)
report on通常用于事物的报道或报告。

about 详细内容

on 针对什么

to 表示方向

report用作动词时,向某人报告,report sth to sb. 例如:
There is a heartbreaking news report about starving children.
It is the latest report on the general election.
You’d better report the case to the police.
surrender oneself to the police/ give oneself up to the police 投案自首


at小地方 in 大地方



M: I may retire.(直接引语) –> Miss Marsh told reporters she might retire.(间接引语)


直接引语 Marsh:” I will have to ask my future husband.”
间接引语 She said she would have to ask her future husband.

直接引语:m:I have to ask my future husband.

间接引语:She said (that) She had to ask her future husband.

直接引语:Marsh:” He won’t let me make another film.”
间接引语:She said her future husband would not let her make another film.

won't = will not
wouldn't = would not

Marsh: “He’d better marry me.”

she said (that) her husband had better marry her.



1. 首先无论原句(直接引语)是陈述句还是一般疑问句或特殊疑问句,被引用为间接引语从句后,从句都要用陈述句语序。
1) 原句(直接引语)为陈述句时,间接引语的从句用that引导(常常可以省略)
Miss Marsh said (that) she would have to ask her future husband.

He said, “Do you have any difficulty with pronunciation?”——>
He asked(me)whether/if I had any difficulty with my pronunciation.

1) He said,“What's your name?”——> He asked(me)what my name was.

1) 原句(直接引语)为陈述句时,间接引语的从句用that引导(常常可以省略)
Miss Marsh said (that) she would have to ask her future husband.
He said, “Do you have any difficulty with pronunciation?”——>
He asked(me)whether/if I had any difficulty with my pronunciation.
3) 原句(直接引语)为特殊疑问句时,被引述为间接引语时,原来的疑问词作为间接引语的连词,间接引语中的主句通常用ask(sb.)来表达,语序改为陈述句语序。如:
He said,“What's your name?”——> He asked(me)what my name was.

1. 人称的变化
人称的变化要根据实际情况,例如the teacher said “we will help you”.
the teacher said they would help him. 第三者
our teacher said we would help you. 老师的学生对被帮助的人转述
the teacher said they would help me. 被帮助的人转述给其他人。

now (then); tomorrow (the next / following day )
today (that day);yesterday(the day before) two days ago( two days before )
here—there;  this—that;  these- those;


1. The teacher said “we will help you tomorrow.”
The teacher said they would help him tomorrow. 第三者,同一天
The teacher said they would help him the next day. 第三者,不同天


1) 间接引语的主句为一般现在时或将来时,从句根据实际情况,时态不限。 间接引语的主句为过去时,则从句必须为过去时。现在时它需改为过去时态;过去时态改为完成时;过去完成时则保留原来的时态
一般将来时(直接引语)-- 过去将来时(间接引语从句);
一般过去时(直接引语)-- 过去完成时(间接引语从句);
现在进行时(直接引语)-- 过去进行时(间接引语从句);
现在完成时(直接引语)-- 过去完成时(间接引语从句);
一般现在时(直接引语)-- 一般过去时(间接引语从句);

例如:She said that the earth goes around the sun.他说地球围绕太阳转
      She said practice makes perfect.他说熟能生巧
She said that She usually get up at seven.他说他通常七点起床


1) 本课中主要讲的就是,对直接引语中情态动词被引述为间接引语时的变化,
will-would, can- could, must- had to/must , may – might ,shall- would/should,

i.   He said, "I am living with my brother."
He said that __ living with his brother.
A. I am B. you were C. he is D. he was

i.   The teacher said, "My son had the same experience as the little boy."
The teacher said that his son had __ the same experience as the little boy.
A. been B. have    C. had   D. done


i.   You said to me, "I saw the film two days ago."
You told me that you had seen the film __
A. in two days B. two days before C. two days ago D. yesterday



1. 人称的变化
人称的变化要根据实际情况,例如the teacher said “we will help you”.
the teacher said they would help him. 第三者
our teacher said we would help you. 老师的学生对被帮助的人转述
the teacher said they would help me. 被帮助的人转述给其他人。1. 人称的变化
人称的变化要根据实际情况,例如the teacher said “we will help you”.
the teacher said they would help him. 第三者
our teacher said we would help you. 老师的学生对被帮助的人转述
the teacher said they would help me. 被帮助的人转述给其他人。1. 人称的变化
人称的变化要根据实际情况,例如the teacher said “we will help you”.
the teacher said they would help him. 第三者
our teacher said we would help you. 老师的学生对被帮助的人转述
the teacher said they would help me. 被帮助的人转述给其他人。she said (that) her husband had better marry her.she said (that) her husband had better marry her.won'twon't




















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