外刊学习:中国停飞波音737 Max8,受到全世界广泛认可


五个月内,波音 737 Max 8 型号客机发生两起坠毁事件,共造成 346 人遇难。出于航空安全考量,20 多个国家相继宣布对 737 Max 系列飞机采取停飞等措施,一些国家还禁止该系列客机在本国起降或飞越领空。中国在埃航空难发生后第二天迅速做出反应,成为首个发出国家级“暂停飞行令”的国家,引发广大媒体关注。中国此举有何重大意义?外媒又是如何评价中国航空事业的呢?让我们跟着 Lala 老师一起走进今天的新闻。


Boeing crash isolates FAA as China leads push against Max

Three days after an Ethiopian Airlines jet crashed, killing all 157 people on board, country after country ignored assessments by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) that the plane is safe to fly. Canada agreed it was too early to act but many fell into line in growing numbers behind the first major nation to ground its 737 Max fleet—China.

In doing so, long-time American allies including the U.K. and Australia broke convention by snubbing an authority that has defined what’s airworthy—and what’s not—for decades.

One day after the Ethiopian Airlines flight plunged to the ground, the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) drew a possible connection between the crash and Lion Air’s in October. Separately, the Wall Street Journal reported that Ethiopia wanted to send the flight-data and cockpit-voice recorders to the U.K., causing U.S. investigators to hold intense behind-the-scenes talks to bring the parts to America.

To be sure, Chinese aviation regulators do tend to be conservative. They banned the use of cellphones on aircraft until 2018, years after regulators in developed countries gave them the green light.

But China is gaining influence. As a regulator, recent events indicate China is on its way to attaining the level of authority enjoyed by the FAA and the European Union Aviation Safety Agency, giving the country global recognition for its ability to determine when an aircraft is safe to fly.


如何理解 fall into line 这个短语?
形容词 airworthy 是什么意思?
多国停飞波音 737 Max 系列飞机意味着什么?


Boeing crash isolatesFAA as China leads push against Max

中国率先停飞波音 737 Max,美联邦空管局被孤立

Three days after an Ethiopian Airlines jet crashed, killing all 157 people on board, country after country ignored assessments by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) that the plane is safe to fly. Canada agreed it was too early to act but many fell into line in growing numbers behind the first major nation to ground its 737 Max fleet—China.

埃塞俄比亚航空公司客机坠毁,机上 157 人全数罹难,而美国联邦航空管理局(FAA)评估事故机型可安全飞行。事故三天后,各国相继无视了 FAA 的这项评估。加拿大认同目前采取行动为时过早,但继中国这一主要国家停飞波音 737 Max 机组之后,许多国家纷纷加入这个日益庞大的停飞行列。

In doing so, long-time American allies including the U.K. and Australia broke convention by snubbing an authority that has defined what’s airworthy—and what’s not—for decades.

如此一来,美国长期以来的盟友们,包括英国和澳大利亚,一反惯例,漠视了 FAA 的权威(FAA 几十年来一直是定义飞机适航与否的权威)。

One day after the Ethiopian Airlines flight plunged to the ground, the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) drew a possible connection between the crash and Lion Air’s in October. Separately, the Wall Street Journal reported that Ethiopia wanted to send the flight-data and cockpit-voice recorders to the U.K., causing U.S. investigators to hold intense behind-the-scenes talks to bring the parts to America.

埃塞俄比亚航空公司班机坠地一天后,中国民用航空局就判断,该事件可能与(去年)十月的印尼狮航 737 Max 8 坠毁事件相关联。另外,据《华尔街日报》报道,埃塞俄比亚欲将飞行数据记录器和驾驶舱录音器寄给英国,引发了美国调查人员与之激烈的幕后谈判。他们要求将这些部件带到美国。

To be sure, Chinese aviation regulators do tend to be conservative. They banned the use of cellphones on aircraft until 2018, years after regulators in developed countries gave them the green light.

毋庸置疑,中国的航空监管人员的确倾向于保守。2018 年之前,他们一直禁止在飞机上使用手机。而在好几年前,发达国家的监管者就已经允许(在飞机上)使用手机了。

But China is gaining influence. As a regulator, recent events indicate China is on its way to attaining the level of authority enjoyed by the FAA and the European Union Aviation Safety Agency, giving the country global recognition for its ability to determine when an aircraft is safe to fly.

但是中国的影响力正在扩大。近期的事件表明,作为监管者的中国正在逐步获得 FAA 和欧盟航空安全局所享有的威信力。这使得中国判定飞机何时能安全飞行的能力,受到全世界的认可。



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