记录华为游戏SDK,ResourceLoaderUtil.getStringId() 空指针问题


08-14 21:01:07.111 17548 17548 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'android.content.res.Resources android.content.Context.getResources()' on a null object reference
408-14 21:01:07.111 17548 17548 E AndroidRuntime: at com.huawei.hms.utils.ResourceLoaderUtil.getStringId(ResourceLoaderUtil.java:1)
508-14 21:01:07.111 17548 17548 E AndroidRuntime: at com.huawei.hms.jos.games.player.AntiAddictionService$c.run(Unknown Source:33)
608-14 21:01:07.111 17548 17548 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:809)
708-14 21:01:07.111 17548 17548 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102)
808-14 21:01:07.111 17548 17548 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:166)
908-14 21:01:07.111 17548 17548 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:7555)
1008-14 21:01:07.111 17548 17548 E AndroidRuntime: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
1108-14 21:01:07.111 17548 17548 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:469)
1208-14 21:01:07.111 17548 17548 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:963)



 implementation 'com.huawei.hms:game:'



初始化华为SDK时候,添加代码 :

R e s o u r c e L o a d e r U t i l . s e t m C o n t e x t ( t h i s ) ; / / 设置防沉迷提示语的 C o n t e x t ,此行必须添加 \color{red}{ ResourceLoaderUtil.setmContext(this); // 设置防沉迷提示语的Context,此行必须添加} ResourceLoaderUtil.setmContext(this);//设置防沉迷提示语的Context,此行必须添加


public void init() {
  AccountAuthParams params = AccountAuthParams.DEFAULT_AUTH_REQUEST_PARAM_GAME;
  JosAppsClient appsClient = JosApps.getJosAppsClient(this);
  Task<Void> initTask;

  ResourceLoaderUtil.setmContext(this);  // 设置防沉迷提示语的Context,此行必须添加
  initTask = appsClient.init(
          new AppParams(params, new AntiAddictionCallback() {
              public void onExit() {
  initTask.addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<Void>() {
      public void onSuccess(Void aVoid) {
          showLog("init success");
          hasInit = true;
          new OnFailureListener() {
              public void onFailure(Exception e) {
                  if (e instanceof ApiException) {
                      ApiException apiException = (ApiException) e;
                      int statusCode = apiException.getStatusCode();
                      if (statusCode == JosStatusCodes.JOS_PRIVACY_PROTOCOL_REJECTED) { // 错误码为7401时表示用户未同意华为联运隐私协议
                          Log.i(TAG, "has reject the protocol");
                      } else if (statusCode == GamesStatusCodes.GAME_STATE_NETWORK_ERROR) { // 错误码7002表示网络异常
                          Log.i(TAG, "Network error");
                      } else if (statusCode == 907135003) {
                          showLog("init statusCode=" + statusCode);
                      } else {

  • 0
  • 0
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 1
/** * 初始化SDK */ private static void initSDK(String appid, String appkey) { ProxySelector defaultProxySelector = ProxySelector.getDefault(); Proxy proxy = null; List<Proxy> proxyList = null; try { proxyList = defaultProxySelector.select(new URI( "http://www.google.it")); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (proxyList != null && proxyList.size() > 0) { proxy = proxyList.get(0); Log.d(TAG, "Current Proxy Configuration: " + proxy.toString()); } AppInfo appInfo = new AppInfo(); appInfo.setAppId(appid);// 应用ID appInfo.setAppKey(appkey);// 应用Key appInfo.setCtx(ctx); /* * VersionCheckLevelNormal 版本检查失败可以继续进行游戏 VersionCheckLevelStrict * 版本检查失败则不能进入游戏 默认取值为VersionCheckLevelStrict */ appInfo.setVersionCheckStatus(AppInfo.VERSION_CHECK_LEVEL_STRICT); // 初始化SDK Commplatform.getInstance().Init(0, appInfo, new CallbackListener<Integer>() { @Override public void callback(final int paramInt, Integer paramT) { ctx.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Log.i(TAG, "Init paramInt = " + paramInt); // ok.setEnabled(true); LogUtil.send("初始化: " + paramInt); } }); } }); } /** * 用户登录 * */ public static void loginEx(Context context) { Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString("nounce", UUID.randomUUID().toString() .replace("-", "")); Commplatform.getInstance().LoginEx(context, bundle, new CallbackListener<Bundle>() { @Override public void callback(int resultCode, Bundle bundle) { if (resultCode == ErrorCode.COM_PLATFORM_SUCCESS) { // 完成参数验签 // 处理登录成功逻辑 // HomeActivity.show(ctx); // String uin= bundle.getString("uin"); LogUtil.send("登录成功 :"); // String uin= bundle.get("nounce").toString(); String uin = Commplatform.getInstance() .getLoginUin(); LogUtil.send("登录成功 uin :" + uin); UnityPlayer.UnitySendMessage("MainScript", "HuaweiLoginBack", uin); } else { // 处理登录失败逻辑 LogUtil.send("登录失败"); } } }); } /** * 充值 * */ public static int pay(String currency) { isPaying = true; Payment payment = new Payment(); ProductBean productBean = productMap.get(currency); makeSerial(); payment.setTradeNo(orderKen); payment.setProductId(productBean.getProductId()); payment.setSubject(productBean.getTitle()); payment.setDesc(productBean.getDescription()); payment.setAmount(productBean.getPrice_amount()); payment.setCurrency(productBean.getPrice_currency_code()); payment.setNote(""); payment.setNotifyURL(""); payment.setThirdAppId(id); payment.setThirdAppName("Spot Battle"); payment.setThirdAppPkgname("com.testcrecool.mi"); final String tradeNo = payment.getTradeNo(); final String productId = payment.getProductId(); // 将订单的详细信息插入数据库 PaymentTableAdapter.insert(ctx, payment); int res = Commplatform.getInstance().UniPayExt(payment, ctx, new CallbackListener<PayResult>() { @Override public void callback(final int code, final PayResult arg1) { ctx.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { // 回调结果,即支付过程结束 isPaying = false; LogUtil.send("回调结果,即支付过程结束 code: " + code); if (code == ErrorCode.COM_PLATFORM_SUCCESS) { // TODO Example 1 // 根据final 的 productID 或者 orderId // 去处理商品,比如查询道具,发放道具等 // TODO Example 2 // 可以根据订单号查询订单详细信息,在做订单的处理,比如查询道具,发放道具等 // 如下: Payment payment = PaymentTableAdapter .queryByOrderId(ctx, orderKen); // 购买有结果,即删除此订单号 PaymentTableAdapter.deleteByOrderId(ctx, orderKen); Log.i(TAG, "COM_PLATFORM_SUCCESS"); LogUtil.send("成功"); UnityPlayer.UnitySendMessage("MainScript", "hwPayCallback", orderKen); } else if (code == ErrorCode.COM_PLATFORM_ERROR_PAY_FAILURE) { Log.i(TAG, "COM_PLATFORM_ERROR_PAY_FAILURE"); } else if (code == ErrorCode.COM_PLATFORM_ERROR_PAY_CANCEL) { // 购买失败 // 购买有结果,即删除此订单号 PaymentTableAdapter.deleteByOrderId(ctx, tradeNo); Log.i(TAG, "COM_PLATFORM_ERROR_PAY_CANCEL"); UnityPlayer.UnitySendMessage("MainScript", "hwPayCallback", "error"); } else if (code == ErrorCode.COM_PLATFORM_ERROR_PAY_CANCEL) { LogUtil.send("取消购买"); // 取消购买 // 购买有结果,即删除此订单号 PaymentTableAdapter.deleteByOrderId(ctx, tradeNo); UnityPlayer.UnitySendMessage("MainScript", "hwPayCallback", "error"); } else { LogUtil.send("Purchase failed. Error code:" + code); Log.i(TAG, "COM_PLATFORM_ERROR_UNKNOWN"); } } }); } }); if (res == 0) { LogUtil.send("000"); return 0; } else { // 返回错误,即支付过程结束 isPaying = false; LogUtil.send("返回错误,即支付过程结束"); return -1; } } /** * 获取应用内商品信息 **/ public static void querySkuDetail() { Commplatform.getInstance().getSkuDetails(ctx, new CallbackListener<List<SkuDetail>>() { @Override public void callback(int errorCode, List<SkuDetail> skuDetails) { if (errorCode == ErrorCode.COM_PLATFORM_SUCCESS && skuDetails != null) { for (SkuDetail detail : skuDetails) { ProductBean prBean = new ProductBean(); prBean.setProductId(detail.productId); prBean.setPrice(detail.price); prBean.setPrice_amount(detail.price_amount); prBean.setPrice_currency_code(detail.price_currency_code); prBean.setTitle(detail.title); prBean.setDescription(detail.description); productMap.put(detail.productId, prBean); } // showText.setText(buffer.toString()); LogUtil.send("获取应用内商品信息"); } else { // showText.setText("query error"); LogUtil.send("query error"); } } }); } /** * 生成订单号 * */ private static String makeSerial() { // 生成订单号 orderKen = UUID.randomUUID().toString().replaceAll("-", ""); return orderKen; } // 同步支付订单的漏单查询接口调用 private static void checkPay(final Payment paymentSerial) { QueryPayment queryPayment = new QueryPayment(); queryPayment.setTradeNo(paymentSerial.getTradeNo()); queryPayment.setThirdAppId(paymentSerial.getThirdAppId()); final String tradeNo= queryPayment.getTradeNo(); Commplatform.getInstance().queryPayment(queryPayment, ctx, new CallbackListener<PaymentState>() { @Override public void callback(int paramInt, PaymentState paramT) { if (paramInt == ErrorCode.COM_PLATFORM_SUCCESS) { // Step2:订单查询成功 从数据库删除此订单号 PaymentTableAdapter.deleteByOrderId(ctx,tradeNo); // 订单支付成功,可以根据订单号查询订单详细信息,在做订单的处理,比如查询道具,发放道具等 // TODO… 游戏代码 LogUtil.send("漏单查询成功!!!"); UnityPlayer.UnitySendMessage("MainScript", "hwPayCallback", orderKen); } else if (paramInt == ErrorCode.COM_PLATFORM_ERROR_UNEXIST_ORDER) { // Step2:订单不存在 从数据库删除此订单号 PaymentTableAdapter.deleteByOrderId(ctx, tradeNo); // 根据游戏自身的体验决定如何处理 UnityPlayer.UnitySendMessage("MainScript", "hwPayCallback", "error"); } else if (paramInt == ErrorCode.COM_PLATFORM_ERROR_PAY_FAILURE) { // Step2:订单支付失败 从数据库删除此订单号 PaymentTableAdapter.deleteByOrderId(ctx, tradeNo); // 根据游戏自身的体验决定如何处理 UnityPlayer.UnitySendMessage("MainScript", "hwPayCallback", "error"); } else if (paramInt == ErrorCode.COM_PLATFORM_ERROR_SERVER_RETURN_ERROR) { // Step2:服务端返回错误 从数据库删除此订单号 PaymentTableAdapter.deleteByOrderId(ctx, tradeNo); // 根据游戏自身的体验决定如何处理 UnityPlayer.UnitySendMessage("MainScript", "hwPayCallback", "error"); } else if (paramInt == ErrorCode.COM_PLATFORM_ERROR_PAY_REQUEST_SUBMITTED) { // 订单已提交 // 根据游戏自身的体验决定如何处理 // 后续还需要继续查询 UnityPlayer.UnitySendMessage("MainScript", "hwPayCallback", "error"); } else { // 未知错误 // 根据游戏自身的体验决定如何处理 // 后续还需要继续查询 } } }); }
评论 1




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


