Tiptop fglWrt命令详解

License Controller Options (fglWrt)

All Four J's DVMs include a License Controller program named fglWrt on Unix systems and fglWrt.exe on Windows systems. This program is located in the bin subdirectory in DVM root directory. Four J's License Controller provides various types of license information and statistics.

This chapter describes the fglWrt options required when using Four J's License Manager. The fglWrt options “-l”, “-d”, “-k”, “-i” are only needed for local usage.

Note: For security reasons, you cannot remotely add or remove licenses registered on Four J's License Manager with the License Controller.

Display License information

License information is displayed with the command:

fglWrt -a info license

This command will display the current license for your Four J's product.

Example of display:

Server name : localhost

TCP Port : 6399

License : FAA#ZZZZZZZ8

Product : Four J's Universal Compiler

Type : Development version

Users : 500

Extension(s) :

- Open Database Interface

License manager usage enabled.

Warning! This is a temporary license, installation number is 'AAAAAAAAAAAA'.

  • Server name is the name of the machine running the license manager.
  • TCP Port is the port number for communication between the local License Controller and the License Manager.
  • License is the value of the license number.
  • Product is the name of the Four J's product.
  • Type is the type of license (test, runtime, development, and so on).
  • Users is the maximum number of users allowed
  • Extension(s) are the current extensions of this license

Display Statistics information

To display statistical license controller information, execute the command:

fglWrt -a info stat

Display Registered Active Users information

To display the registered active user list of the current license, execute the command:

fglWrt -a info users

There are three types of "clients" (terminal, web services and graphical),

Example of display:

Host         : sss

    Terminal   xxx       (license consumed by a Terminal)

        Process Id procid


    Process Id procid       (license consumed by a web service DVM)

    GUI Server fglserver:offset   (license consumed by a graphical client GDC/GJC/GWC)

        Process Id procid




  • sss is the name of the computer that runs the DVM
  • procid is the process identifier
  • fglserver is the client identifier (name or ip)
  • offset is the offset from DVM base port 6400
  • clientInfo is the information sent by the Front End to be displayed by the FLM; this information differs depending on the network architecture and the Front End (GDC/GDCAx/GJC or GWC).


The following Client Information (clientInfo) is sent:

cx-mode   : cnType

user-name : uname

host-addr : ip

hw-addr   : mac

host-name : hname


  • cnType is the connection type. The value can be "gas" or "direct"
  • uname is the local user name. The user that runs the Front End.
  • ip is the user computer IP address; this is the local IP address even if the connection goes through a router or a proxy.
  •  mac is the user computer mac address
  • hname is the user computer name


  • With direct connection to the DVM

cx-mode   : direct          

user-name : Administrator   

host-addr :       

hw-addr   : 00-0C-29-8D-EE-F0

host-name : server-2  

  • With connection to GAS or through a web server

cx-mode   : gas               

user-name : Administrator     

host-addr :         

hw-addr   : 00-0C-29-8D-EE-F0 

host-name : server-2


The following Client Information (clientInfo) is sent:

app-name   : appName

app-id     : appId

user-agent : ua

host-addr  : ip

host-name  : hname


  • appName is the application identifier that is in the URL …/wa/r/appName.
  • appId is the application session number that is in the URL …/sua/appId/…
  • ua is the user agent name.
  • ip is the user computer IP address
  • hname is the user computer name

Note: Depending on the proxy configuration or the web server configuration, host-name and host-addr can be the proxy or the web server information instead of the user information.


host-addr  :                                                   

host-name  :                                                   

user-agent : Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070219 Firefox/

app-name   : gwc-demo                                                     

app-id     : 131551616

Display the process Id list

To display the current list of “Process Ids” on your current machine, execute the command:

fglWrt -a ps

This list is correct if the registered user list synchronization mechanism worked correctly. To change the behavior of this mechanism, you can change the value of flm.ps or disable the synchronization mechanism by setting “flm.check=-1”.

Note: if you set “flm.check=-1”, some registered users will never be unregistered by Four J's License Manager unless you run “flmprg -i < license>” on the license manager machine or stop and restart the license manager daemon.

Force a Check of registered users list

To force a check of the registered users list on a specific machine, execute the command:

fglWrt -u

The “-u” option forces the synchronization of the real users list and the registered users list for the current machine. This command should be used after a system crash or an abnormal termination of the application.

Display the Version number of the License Controller

To display the version of the License Controller, execute the command:

fglWrt -V

Display the License Controller help

To display the help for the License Controller, execute the command:

fglWrt -h


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