MYSQL 案例积累
以学生表、课程表、成绩表、教师表为例 进行练习
Student(S#,Sname,Sage,Ssex) 学生表
Course(C#,Cname,T#) 课程表
SC(S#,C#,score) 成绩表
Teacher(T#,Tname) 教师表
# 通过仅包含“001” 和 仅包含 “002”的表多表连接方式查询 select a.S# from (select s#,score from SC where C#='001') a, (select s#,score from SC where C#='002') b where a.score>b.score and a.s#=b.s#;
select a.S#,avg(score) from SC as a group by a.S# having avg(score) > 60
==================== #自己写的查询 select S#,Sname,courseCnt,totalScore from Student as a join( select S#,count(C#) as courseCnt,sum(score) as totalScore from SC group by S# ) as b on a.S# = b.S# ================== # 参考 select Student.S#,Student.Sname,count(SC.C#),sum(score) from Student left Outer join SC on Student.S#=SC.S# group by Student.S#,Sname
查询姓“李”的老师的个数 (**需要巩固)
select count(distinct(Tname)) from Teacher where Tname like '李%'
- %:代表0个或多个字符
- _仅替代一个字符
- [charlist] 字符列中任何单一字符
- [^charlist] 或 [!charlist] 不在字符列中任何单一字符
Persons 表:
Id LastName FirstName Address City 1 Adams John Oxford Street London 2 Bush George Fifth Avenue New York 3 Carter Thomas Changan Street Beijing # 选取居住在以 "Ne" 开始的城市里的人 返回id = 2的结果 SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE City LIKE 'Ne%' # 从 "Persons" 表中选取居住在包含 "lond" 的城市里的人: SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE City LIKE '%lond%' # "Persons" 表中选取名字的第一个字符之后是 "eorge" 的人: SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName LIKE '_eorge' #从 "Persons" 表中选取的这条记录的姓氏以 "C" 开头,然后是一个任意字符,然后是 "r",然后是一个任意字符,然后是 "er": SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE LastName LIKE 'C_r_er' #从上面的 "Persons" 表中选取居住的城市以 "A" 或 "L" 或 "N" 开头的人: SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE City LIKE '[ALN]%' # 从上面的 "Persons" 表中选取居住的城市不以 "A" 或 "L" 或 "N" 开头的人: SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE City LIKE '[!ALN]%'
Student(S#,Sname,Sage,Ssex) 学生表 Course(C#,Cname,T#) 课程表 SC(S#,C#,score) 成绩表 Teacher(T#,Tname) 教师表 ----------------------------- # 自己写的查询 select S#,Sname from Student where S# not in ( select S# from SC where C# in( select C# from Course where T# in ( select T# from Teacher where Tname = '叶平'))) group by S# ----------------------------- # 参考: select Student.S#,Student.Sname from Student where S# not in (select distinct( SC.S#) from SC,Course,Teacher where SC.C#=Course.C# and Teacher.T#=Course.T# and Teacher.Tname='叶平');