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原创 1005 Jugs

#include #include #include using namespace std;int CA, CB, N;class Node{public: Node(int ca, int cb) { this->ca = ca; this->cb = cb; } bool isEqual(Node node) {

2010-02-12 12:09:00 545

原创 1008 Gnome Tetravex

终于AC了,竟然是因为输出格式不对。刚开始时纯深度优先搜索超时,后来看了网上的解法,勉强不超时了。。。明天看看别人的为什么效率这么高#include using namespace std;int** board = NULL;int** isPlaced = NULL;int cnt = 0;int n = 1;bool isMatched(int x

2010-02-06 23:43:00 694

原创 1042 W's Cipher

Ws CipherTime limit: 1 Seconds   Memory limit: 32768K   Total Submit: 1528   Accepted Submit: 683   Weird Wallys Wireless Widgets, Inc. manufactures an eclectic assortment of small, wireless, net

2008-04-07 21:58:00 632

原创 1074 To the Max

To the MaxTime limit: 1 Seconds   Memory limit: 32768K   Total Submit: 4133   Accepted Submit: 2006   ProblemGiven a two-dimensional array of positive and negative integers, a sub-rectangle is any

2008-04-03 10:15:00 646

原创 1295 Reverse Text

Reverse TextTime limit: 1 Seconds   Memory limit: 32768K   Total Submit: 5736   Accepted Submit: 2463   In most languages, text is written from left to right. However, there are other languages where

2008-02-29 21:26:00 975

原创 1115 Digital Roots

Digital RootsTime limit: 1 Seconds   Memory limit: 32768K   Total Submit: 17476   Accepted Submit: 3718   BackgroundThe digital root of a positive integer is found by summing the digits of the inte

2008-02-16 20:13:00 768

原创 1078 Palindrom Numbers

Palindrom NumbersTime limit: 1 Seconds   Memory limit: 32768K   Total Submit: 5044   Accepted Submit: 2193   Statement of the Problem We say that a number is a palindrom if it is the sane when read

2008-02-15 13:46:00 931

原创 1089 Lotto

LottoTime limit: 1 Seconds   Memory limit: 32768K   Total Submit: 4029   Accepted Submit: 1785   In a Lotto I have ever played, one has to select 6 numbers from the set {1,2,...,49}. A popular stra

2008-02-13 19:52:00 573

原创 1095 Humble Numbers

Humble NumbersTime limit: 1 Seconds   Memory limit: 32768K   Total Submit: 4275   Accepted Submit: 1588   A number whose only prime factors are 2,3,5 or 7 is called a humble number. The sequence 1,

2008-02-13 01:32:00 1239

原创 1045 HangOver

HangOverTime limit: 1 Seconds   Memory limit: 32768K   Total Submit: 7773   Accepted Submit: 4111   How far can you make a stack of cards overhang a table? If you have one card, you can create a ma

2008-02-12 17:15:00 567 1

原创 1049 I Think I Need a Houseboat

I Think I Need a HouseboatTime limit: 1 Seconds   Memory limit: 32768K   Total Submit: 7800   Accepted Submit: 3188   Fred Mapper is considering purchasing some land in Louisiana to build his ho

2008-02-12 16:17:00 820 1

原创 1016 Parencodings

ParencodingsTime limit: 1 Seconds   Memory limit: 32768K   Total Submit: 4565   Accepted Submit: 1861   Let S = s1 s2 … s2n be a well-formed string of parentheses. S can be encoded in two different

2008-02-10 20:55:00 711

原创 1003 Crashing Balloon

  Crashing BalloonTime limit: 1 Seconds   Memory limit: 32768K   Total Submit: 10817   Accepted Submit: 2729   On every June 1st, the Childrens Day, there will be a game named "crashing balloon" on

2008-02-09 21:04:00 602

原创 1048 Financial Management

Financial ManagementTime limit: 1 Seconds   Memory limit: 32768K   Total Submit: 13086   Accepted Submit: 5311   Larry graduated this year and finally has a job. Hes making a lot of money, but s

2008-01-29 11:34:00 462

原创 1068 P,MTHBGWB

P,MTHBGWBTime limit: 1 Seconds   Memory limit: 32768K   Total Submit: 1297   Accepted Submit: 821   ProblemMorse code represents characters as variable length sequences of dots and dashes. In practi

2008-01-29 01:25:00 552

原创 1057 Undercut

UndercutTime limit: 1 Seconds   Memory limit: 32768K   Total Submit: 9696   Accepted Submit: 2267   Undercut is a card game where two players each have five cards numbered one through five. At each r

2008-01-29 01:23:00 487

原创 1006 Do the Untwist

Do the UntwistTime limit: 1 Seconds   Memory limit: 32768K   Total Submit: 5191   Accepted Submit: 2445   Cryptography deals with methods of secret communication that transform a message (the plaint

2008-01-29 01:19:00 495

原创 1002 Fire Net

Fire NetTime limit: 1 Seconds   Memory limit: 32768K   Total Submit: 14431   Accepted Submit: 4531   Suppose that we have a square city with straight streets. A map of a city is a square board with

2008-01-29 01:15:00 468

原创 1001 A + B Problem

  A + B ProblemTime limit: 1 Seconds   Memory limit: 32768K   Total Submit: 49379   Accepted Submit: 21234   Calculate a + b InputThe input will consist of a series of pairs of integers a

2008-01-29 01:09:00 481

freescale mcs9hcdg128 pwm模块的介绍

freescale mcs9hcdg128 pwm模块的介绍freescale mcs9hcdg128 pwm模块的介绍freescale mcs9hcdg128 pwm模块的介绍freescale mcs9hcdg128 pwm模块的介绍



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