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转载 算法学习笔记

算法虐我千百遍,我待算法如初恋学习方法把所有经典算法写一遍 看算法有关源码 加入算法学习社区,相互鼓励学习 看经典书籍 刷题基本数据结构和算法链表链表双向链表二叉树

2016-08-15 13:22:06 617

原创 spring and Mockito

private final ApplicationContext context = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext( Dsb2bserviceServiceConfiguration.class); //spring config file @InjectMocks private Dsb2bserviceController contr

2015-11-21 04:33:21 467

原创 maven eclipse tomcat 的 web 开发

maven 建立的web 应用在eclipse里需要特别的配置才能调用eclipse 内的tomcat服务添加如下plugin 到pom当中 http://tomcat.apache.org/maven-plugin-2/org.apache.tomcat.maventomcat6-maven-plugin2.0-beta-1org.apache.tomcat.mave

2012-03-29 04:11:14 810

转载 眼泪交杂着欢笑-比尔的葬礼


2012-02-26 18:12:16 938

原创 JQuery Develop

eclipse JQuery plugin:JSDT jQuery  支持语法提示 http://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/jsdt-jquery常用JQuery 语法:$(document).ready(function(){ // jQuery functions go here...});$ 选择符号

2012-02-16 22:14:33 757

转载 服装尺码换算参照表

服装尺码换算参照表女 装 (外衣、裙装、恤衫、上装、套装)标 准尺 码 明 细中国 (cm)160-165 / 84-86165-170 / 88-90167-172 / 92-96168-173 / 98-102170-176 / 106-110国 际XSSMLXL美 国24-68-1012-1416-18欧 洲3434-3638-404244男 装 (外衣、恤衫、套装)标 准尺 码 明 细中国 (cm)165 / 88-90170 / 96-98175 / 108-110180 / 118-122185

2011-04-04 10:33:00 2483

转载 Negotiate Your Best Salary (ZT)

Salary negotiations can be tricky. <br /><br />"When it comes to getting the best possible salary and benefits package, many job seekers are unprepared for the negotiation," says Martin Yate, author of the New York Times best-selling "Knock 'em Dead" serie

2011-01-17 03:26:00 716

原创 Apache force file (mp3) download

configure Apache to force file (mp3) download other than to play

2011-01-03 12:36:00 830

转载 shareware bible (from cnsw)

共享软件论坛国外:Association of Shareware Professionals 国外最大的共享软件组织,PAD标准的制订者http://www.asp-shareware.orgTrialware Professional Associationhttp://www.trialware.org/Euro-Share - The Shareware industry's leading daily discussion listhttp://www.euro-share.net/OISV -

2010-10-24 21:23:00 1026

原创 ghost house I have ever been

<br />I have been to an abandoned house which a landlord told my friend as a ghost house. It is very near the place described by the following link.<br /> <br />http://www.horatio.com.au/horatio-articles/1999/4/3/ghosts-of-the-illawarra/<br /> <br />Wollon

2010-07-15 15:03:00 475

转载 注册与破解

<br />简单说一下注册的相关原理。<br /><br />大部分注册算法的原理是:软件或者用户自己触发了软件的注册模块-》软件跳转到注册认证模块。-》弹出注册窗口-》用户输入注册名+注册码A,把它们存放在内存中。然后软件的注册码验证部分根据用户输入的注册名生成正确的注册码B并和用户输入的注册码A做对比。如果结果为相同则注册通过,并运行“注册成功”后面的程序分支,比如解除各种软件限制。如果不相同则提示“无效的注册码,请重新输入!”或者“Invalid key!”等等警告。 <br /><br />知道了原

2010-07-07 00:03:00 529

原创 Android Source

Because Google download dosent provide source default. Developer needs some configuration to access source code. We can just download the latest source code by just entering the URL in the browse

2010-05-24 12:51:00 497

原创 Java 项目开发的工具

1. 代码规范: checkstyle 2. 静态代码检查:FindBugs 3. 持续集成:EMMA (开源)Java测试覆盖率, Hudson  4. code review:ReviewClipse,Jupiter

2010-03-08 13:08:00 453

原创 Jax-ws server side and client side

server side code package service;import javax.jws.WebMethod;import javax.jws.WebService;@WebServicepublic class HelloWorld { @WebMethod public String sayHello(String name){ re

2009-03-11 12:04:00 886

原创 JBPM Timer Dynamically change durtime

part of processdefine.xml  timer working!  package com.sample.action;import java.util.Date;import org.jbpm.calendar.Busines

2009-02-18 05:25:00 1115 1

转载 Ant+JUnit+Cobertura


2009-01-21 13:18:00 1177

原创 build.xml for junit

need junit.*.*.jar and ant-junit.jar in path xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>project name="sun example" basedir="." default="build">    property name="lib.dir" value="${basedir}/lib"

2008-12-28 11:41:00 726

原创 Jboss global JNDI

By default, Jboss just bind the datasourc in local jndi namespace, so you cannot retrieve it out of jboss jvm. If you want that, you should bind the datasource to the global namespace :  In XX-ds.xm

2008-12-10 23:28:00 624

原创 Hibernate XA transaction

there is something need to be careful about Hibernate XA transaction. UserTransaction utx = (UserTransaction) new InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/UserTransaction");Session session1 = null

2008-11-13 10:04:00 857

转载 unix compile

As the number of UNIX variants increased, it became harder to write programs which could run on all variants. Developers frequently did not have access to every system, and the characteristics of some

2008-10-12 12:26:00 618

原创 location of xsd file

"1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>"../swixml.xsd"    size="640,280" title="Hello SWIXML World"    defaultCloseOperation="JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE"    >    "BorderLayout.CENTER">        "tf" font="

2008-08-06 11:37:00 450

转载 https and hessian

after you enable https on tomcat, you have to export the certificate to the local java runtime. To do that you follow these steps:1) Export the public keykeytool -export -class tomcat -file public.cer

2008-08-05 18:21:00 788

原创 jasperreport ireport Asian word issue

The process should follow as this: In Ireportafter create new report, first step you should setting style - fontChinese setting like this: font name SansSerf                                 

2008-08-01 10:15:00 939

原创 Eclipse.ini config error in XP Japanese version

new eclipse for j2ee 3.3 and 3.4 version can not run with default eclipse.ini file, which is in eclipse dir.eclipse.ini ... ...-vmargs-Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion=1.5-Xms40m-Xmx512mit wrongs excep

2008-07-22 10:22:00 794 1

转载 20 java relevant web site

http://www.javaalmanac.com - Java开发者年鉴一书的在线版本. 要想快速查到某种Java技巧的用法及示例代码, 这是一个不错的去处. http://www.onjava.com - OReilly的Java网站. 每周都有新文章. http://java.sun.com - 官方的Java开发者网站 - 每周都有新文章发表. http://www.devel

2008-06-22 15:32:00 522

转载 找 Java,J2EE 工作之我见

找 Java,J2EE 工作之我见最近这一两年,我是公司 interview panel 里的一员,面试有百余人。积累了一些经验。希望给目前找工作的同学一些参考。 首先,确定你找什么样的职位? - Junior (1-2 years) - intermediate (3-5 years) - senior (5-7 years) - architect (7-10 year

2008-06-19 02:07:00 850

原创 bat file notes

show information @echo off rem string echo  hello world!rem set variable set name=abcrem show variable echo %name% rem set keyboard input SET /P lname=Enter Last Name: echo %lname%rem call another bat

2008-06-11 15:15:00 522

原创 bat file notes

show information @echo off rem string echo  hello world!rem set variable set name=abcrem show variable echo %name% rem set keyboard input SET /P lname=Enter Last Name: echo %lname%

2008-06-11 14:44:00 479

转载 三五个人十来条枪 如何走出软件作坊成为开发正规军


2008-05-28 10:34:00 360

原创 java tools

java installer: advanced installer, install anywhere java to exe: Excelsior, exe4j (seems good and cheap), Jet (open source) java

2008-05-21 03:29:00 414

转载 Six Simple Steps to High Quality Coding

1. Describe fully the required functionality of the program.Don’t start coding until you are sure you understand what is needed. We developers like to jump right in and start coding, but t

2008-04-30 17:50:00 830

原创 Dos bat loop sample

Dos bat loop sampleecho offn:cd magixdevmainbinmgx_utilfor /L %%i in (38,1,50) do start multiple_client.bat %%i

2008-04-28 11:23:00 1351

原创 java nio client sample

 This code is reference from Mrs sun, a good female author.notice: 1 nio including Buffer Channel Selector and optional Charset. actually there are two Buffers, one for accept ing message and one

2008-04-19 23:51:00 4224

原创 Associations between classes


2008-04-10 00:39:00 537

原创 Ant build.xml sample

   A sample of my project file. There are still some bugs with dbunit and mysql. maybe it can work with other database. But it is still a good sample of how to compile, to run junit, to manage dat

2008-03-10 10:38:00 1398

原创 java TimeZone lesson

It take me two days to figure out the problem. If you run a java application  with JRE installed on OS. the JRE can get a default TimeZone informtion. But if you jar your application with a private JR

2008-02-22 11:06:00 616

原创 struts-2.0.11 doubleselect problems

 there are two problems in tag in struts version 2.0.11 need a  tag  and name property must not present String compare using equals rather than "==" s:form name="f">    s:doubles

2008-02-14 16:27:00 689

原创 典型与制度

 " 欧美为什么没有中国特色的各种先进典型?一句话,依法治国,而不是靠英雄靠先进典型治国。因为别人有机制运行,因为各类职业人等忠于职守。在一个法制健全、各司其责的社会,别人不依赖具有中国特色的齐抓共管,不需要有人多此一举。一些照中国人看来可以感天动地的人和事,在人家那儿成了常态,中国式的英雄无用武之地。西方国家鲜有中国式的雷锋,也不需要包打天下忍辱负重的吴天祥。中国已经明确提出依法治国,以德治

2008-01-11 14:57:00 579

原创 eclipse icons meaning

so many icons in eclipse.  and the clue is to search "JDT icons" in eclipses help.

2008-01-08 09:54:00 679

转载 JSTL config 4 step

1.将standard.jar和jstl.jar文件拷贝到/WEB-INF/lib/2.将jakarta-taglibs-standard-1.1.1/tld/下的tld类型文件拷到"/WEB-INF/tlds"下(1.1是15个文件,1.0是8个)3.在/WEB-INF/web.xml文件中:(以下定义是针对1.0的)  http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee" 

2008-01-07 14:53:00 609

Test-Driven Development By Example.chm

Part I. The Money Example,Part II. The xUnit Example,Part III. Patterns for Test-Driven Development,



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