AWS SAA-C03 #208

A company needs to move data from an Amazon EC2 instance to an Amazon S3 bucket. The company must ensure that no API calls and no data are routed through public internet routes. Only the EC2 instance can have access to upload data to the S3 bucket.

Which solution will meet these requirements?

A. Create an interface VPC endpoint for Amazon S3 in the subnet where the EC2 instance is located. Attach a resource policy to the S3 bucket to only allow the EC2 instance’s IAM role for access.
B. Create a gateway VPC endpoint for Amazon S3 in the Availability Zone where the EC2 instance is located. Attach appropriate security groups to the endpoint. Attach a resource policy to the S3 bucket to only allow the EC2 instance’s IAM role for access.
C. Run the nslookup tool from inside the EC2 instance to obtain the private IP address of the S3 bucket’s service API endpoint. Create a route in the VPC route table to provide the EC2 instance with access to the S3 bucket. Attach a resource policy to the S3 bucket to only allow the EC2 instance’s IAM role for access.
D. Use the AWS provided, publicly available ip-ranges.json file to obtain the private IP address of the S3 bucket’s service API endpoint. Create a route in the VPC route table to provide the EC2 instance with access to the S3 bucket. Attach a resource policy to the S3 bucket to only allow the EC2 instance’s IAM role for access.

The correct answer is A.

You should create an interface VPC endpoint for Amazon S3 in the subnet where the EC2 instance is located. Then, attach a resource policy to the S3 bucket to only allow the EC2 instance’s IAM role for access.

This solution meets all the requirements because it ensures that no API calls and no data are routed through public internet routes, and only the EC2 instance can have access to upload data to the S3 bucket.

The other options (B, C, and D) are not correct because they either do not provide the necessary security or they involve routing data through public internet routes, which is against the requirements.

Sure, here’s why the other options are incorrect:

Option B: A gateway VPC endpoint for Amazon S3 does not support private DNS, so requests to the S3 bucket could be routed over the public internet. Also, security groups cannot be attached to a gateway VPC endpoint.

Option C: The nslookup tool cannot be used to obtain the private IP address of the S3 bucket’s service API endpoint. Amazon S3 is a regional service and does not have a private IP address.

Option D: The ip-ranges.json file provided by AWS lists public IP address ranges, not private IP addresses. Therefore, this method would not meet the requirement to avoid routing data through public internet routes.

In all these options, the data transfer does not stay within the Amazon network, which is a violation of the stated requirements.

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AWS SAA-C03考试成绩是在AWS认证解决方案架构师-专业级别考试后获得的成绩。 对于想要成为AWS解决方案架构师的候选人来说,SAA-C03考试是一个重要的里程碑。该考试涵盖了许多关键主题,例如AWS服务的特点和用途、架构设计模式、安全性和合规性要求、可靠性和性能的最佳实践等等。 对于考生来说,获得AWS SAA-C03考试的成绩是一个很好的衡量标准。考试成绩反映了考生在AWS解决方案架构师领域的知识和技能水平。成绩通常以百分制呈现,这意味着考生可以知道自己在考试中的得分百分比。 AWS SAA-C03考试成绩对于考生的职业发展和机会来说是非常重要的。考试成绩可以帮助雇主或潜在雇主评估候选人的技能和能力,了解其在AWS架构设计和云计算领域的经验。较高的考试成绩通常意味着候选人在这个领域的专业水平更高,有更好的准备和理解。 然而,不管考试成绩如何,重要的是从考试中学到什么并努力改进。AWS解决方案架构师不仅需要对各种AWS服务和解决方案有深入了解,还需要与客户合作、设计和实施复杂的系统架构。考试成绩只是一个起点,持续学习和实践才能使一个架构师真正成长和发展。 总之,AWS SAA-C03考试成绩是一种衡量候选人在AWS解决方案架构师领域知识和技能水平的标准。这个成绩对于职业发展和机会来说是非常重要的,但更重要的是持续学习和实践,不断提升自己的技能和能力。




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