select 'GV$' flag,
0 snap_id,
plan_hash_value phv,
executions execs,
disk_reads reads,
disk_reads / decode(executions, NULL, 1, 0, 1, executions) reads_per,
buffer_gets gets,
buffer_gets / decode(executions, NULL, 1, 0, 1, executions) gets_per,
rows_processed / decode(executions, NULL, 1, 0, 1, executions) rows_per,
elapsed_time/1000 elap_ms,
(elapsed_time/1000) / decode(executions, NULL, 1, 0, 1, executions) elap_per_ms
from gv$sql
where sql_id='&sql_id'
union all
select to_char(sht.begin_interval_time,'dd hh24:mi')||'--'||to_char(sht.end_interval_time,'hh24:mi') flag,
sta.instance_number inst,
sta.plan_hash_value phv,
sta.executions_delta execs,
sta.disk_reads_delta reads,
sta.disk_reads_delta /
decode(sta.executions_delta, NULL, 1, 0, 1, sta.executions_delta) reads_per,
sta.buffer_gets_delta gets,
sta.buffer_gets_delta /
decode(sta.executions_delta, NULL, 1, 0, 1, sta.executions_delta) gets_per,
sta.rows_processed_delta /
decode(sta.executions_delta, NULL, 1, 0, 1, sta.executions_delta) rows_per,
sta.elapsed_time_delta/1000 elap_ms,
(sta.elapsed_time_delta/1000) /
decode(sta.executions_delta, NULL, 1, 0, 1, sta.executions_delta) elap_per_ms
from dba_hist_sqlstat sta,dba_hist_snapshot sht
where 1=1
and sta.instance_number=sht.instance_number
and sta.snap_id=sht.snap_id
and sht.begin_interval_time>= sysdate-7
and sta.sql_id='&sql_id'
order by 1,2;
最新推荐文章于 2024-09-02 02:47:24 发布