

2016 年有位年轻的程序员在 Quora 上提问求助:

我今年 17 岁,从 14 岁开始编程。我主要关注 Java 语言,并在 AP 计算机科学这门课上拿了 5 分。我相当精通 Java(比如语法、主要类、GUI/JFrame 等),HTML5 和 CSS3也不错。我感觉自己缺乏很多有用的技能,来帮助我在人才市场上推销自己(比如数据库的工作原理,以及我应该使用哪些工具),我很好奇其他人是如何学习这些东西的。我打算去大学拿一个软件开发的学位,但我开始感到有点沮丧,觉得读大学的目的就是为了工作。现在有哪些我应该上的课程,或者应该做的事情吗?

下面是 Brain Knapp 的回答︰



首先,这一切的开始是由于某人与某个吉他手产生了共鸣。大多数突然想要自学吉他的人,是想要成为另一个吉他手。之后,他们下定决心——“我也可以成为一个吉他手 ”,于是去了当地的乐器店,买了一把二手吉他(因为二手吉他更便宜,但也很酷)。

接下来可能会有两种情况,要不买一本“吉他入门”或类似的书籍开始自学,要不打开 YouTube,开始学习如何弹奏自己喜爱的歌。那些尝试学习弹奏喜欢的歌的自学者,往往学得更好。












例如,现在几乎每个人都使用 WordPress。在 WordPress 出现很久之前,我就用 PHP 和 MySQL 创建了 3 到 5 个不同的内容管理系统。我写过游戏、移动应用程序、框架,还有 SAAS 应用程序。



解决一个你想解决的问题。创建一个用于某件事的软件,解决一些你本人或他人想要通过软件解决的问题。每天为这个软件写代码,晚上写,周末也写,每天都写。即使你每天只花了 15 分钟写代码,也没关系。



做东西的同时,注意在你的网站上保存工作,并将其放在一个作品集中。每次你结束了一个项目,就将它上传到 Hacker News、Reddit 或其他什么网站,并发条关于它的博文。

你现在仅仅 17 岁,当你 20 岁的时候,你已经轻松地将两千多小时用于锻炼技能,你的个人作品集中也有了大概十到二十多个软件,你学习到的经验是那些仅仅上课的人无法比拟的。





转自:自学的程序员如何找到好工作? -飞哥的咖啡

How do self-taught developers actually get jobs?
Original question from Quora:

I’m 17 years old and I’ve been coding since I was 14. My main focus is Java and I managed to score a 5 on my AP Computer Science course. I’m pretty well-versed in Java (e.g. Syntax, major classes,, GUI/JFrame, etc.) and I’m decent with HTML5 and CSS3. I feel like I lack a lot of the skills I need to actually be able to market myself (e.g. How databases work and which ones I should use) and I’m curious as to how others learn these things. I do plan to go to college for a degree in Software Development but it’s beginning to get frustrating feeling like I have to go to college in order to be employable. Are there courses I’m not taking that I should be or things I’m not doing?

My Answer:
I believe you are looking at it wrong. You believe you need to take courses for someone else to tell and teach you the answer.

Fundamentally, self-taught programmers do something different.

A self taught programmer has a lot in common with a self taught guitar player. I don’t know if you’ve ever played guitar, so I’ll explain how a self-taught guitar player might learn guitar.

First, it starts with someone who sees someone who they identify with playing the guitar. Most people who play guitar at some point want to be like someone else who plays guitar. After that, they decide “I can be a guitar player too!” and they go to their local music shop and buy a used guitar (because they are cheaper, but still cool).

Next, one of two things will happen, either the person will pick up a “teach yourself guitar” book in some form, OR, they will go to YouTube and start learning how to play their favorite songs. The ones who try and learn their favorite songs tend to do better.

Now, when a young guitar player is motivated to learn a particular song, they will watch videos, print out tab sheets, the chords, and so on and they will sit and try and recreate the song themselves based on the videos and tabs available to them.

After hours of practice, going over the chords, solos, picking patters, and so on, they’ll be able to play their own version of that song. It won’t be quite the same, but it will be close enough for rock n roll.

Then, they’ll pick up another song they like and another song they like. Along the way, they will learn patterns, techniques, and so on without even realizing what they are. They will just figure out how to do them without learning the names and theories.

Eventually, playing guitar will just “feel right” and picking up a new song will be common and painless. The “language” of guitar will be something they speak like you and I speak words.

This all happens after thousands of hours of accumulated practice. Even at hours of practice a day, it takes years.

So, what does this have to do with self taught programmers?

Well, the thing that really makes a self taught programmer is that they build things. Lots of things. To become a great programmer with very marketable skills, you have to build things and write code.

Taking classes and learning the theory is great, but a lot of professors couldn’t code their way out of a cardboard box. They couldn’t build you a useful application that anyone would want to use if they tried.

It’s not that they don’t know their stuff, but rather that the skill of being a professor is research and theoretical understanding, not building code and delivering value to a client.

Do you see the difference?

The way that the best programmers I’ve ever worked with got good is they built things. Lots of things. Pretty much all the time.

For example, nowadays everybody and their brother uses WordPress. Long before WordPress, I built for myself something like 3 or 5 different content management systems in PHP and MySQL. I’ve built games. I’ve built mobile apps. I’ve built frameworks. I’ve built SAAS apps.

Nobody paid me to do any of those things. I did them for fun or learning or curiosity.

I haven’t taken a class in years and I don’t think they would really move the needle on my career much if I did. Yet, if I sat down and decided to build my own computer language or operating system from scratch, I bet I’d learn a lot of interesting things along the way.

Yes, I could take a class on those ideas, but I’d learn more from building something, making mistakes, and really “feeling” the experience of it all, than I would from reading a book or listening to a lecture.

So, this advice I will give you that will give you a huge advantage over everyone else who mostly doesn’t do this…

Solve a problem that you want to solve. Build some software that does a cool thing you want software to do or someone else wants software to do. Write code for that every single day. Nights, weekends, every day. Even if you only spend 15 minutes, fine.

Eventually, you’ll have something that works and is pretty decent.
Then, you do that again. Build something else. Keep building and building and building and building. Invest the thousands of hours into your skill by challenging yourself to build more things.

As you are building, save your work and put together a little portfolio on your website. Each time you finish a project submit to Hacker News or Reddit or whatever. Blog about it.

You are 17… By the time you are 20 you could easily put 2,000+ hours into developing your skill, have like 10-20 things in your portfolio, and you’ll have learned many lessons that those who just take classes will never learn.

More importantly, you’ll be able to clearly demonstrate that you can write code, solve problems, and ship something to the world. That is valuable. That is the kind of thing companies are looking for.

Once you land a job, keep building in your spare time and promoting your work. You’ll rise faster than your peers because they go home and watch TV and aren’t learning or growing or building ANYTHING. They get the paycheck and go home.

The more you build, the more you learn. The more you learn the more valuable you are. The more valuable you are, the easier it is to get a job, the more you get paid, and so on.

So, go out there and build something. Write the code!


Jul 7, 2016
in Quora

转自:How do self-taught developers actually get jobs?-Brian Knapp





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