Go?GO!(三) Go的面向对象技术、并发和包的简单介绍

Object Orientation 面向对象技术

The Go language supports a style of object-oriented programming similar to that used in C. Data is grouped together into structs, and then functions are defined which operate on those structs. Similar to Python, the language offers a way to define the functions and then call them so that the syntax is not cumbersome.


Structs 结构

Declaring a new struct type is simple: 结构体的声明:

type Point struct {
  x, y float64

Values of this type can now be allocated using the built-in function new, which returns a pointer to the value in memory with all slots initialized to the zero value.

var p *Point = new(Point)
p.x = 3
p.y = 4

That can get verbose, and one of the goals of the Go language is to be concise whenever possible. So a syntax is provided that both allocates and initializes the struct at the same time:

var p1 Point = Point{3,4}  // Value
var p2 *Point = &Point{3,4} // Pointer

Methods 方法/成员函数

Once a type has been declared, functions can be declared which take that type as an implicit first parameter:

func (self Point) Length() float {
  return math.Sqrt(self.x*self.x + self.y*self.y);

Those functions can then be called as methods on the struct:

p := Point{3,4}
d := p.Length() //=> 5

Methods can actually be declared on both value and pointer types. Go will handle referencing or dereferencing objects as appropriate, so it is possible to declare methods on both type T and type *T and have them be used as appropriate.

Let us extend our Point class with a mutator:

/* Note the receiver is *Point */
func (self *Point) Scale(factor float64) {
  self.x = self.x * factor
  self.y = self.y * factor

Then we can call it like this:

d = p.Length() //=> 10

It is important to understand that the self that is passed in to MoveToXY is a parameter like any other, and parameters are passed by value, not by reference. That is why it must be declared as a pointer type in order to actually change the value. If it were declared as just Point, then the struct that was modified inside the method would not be the same one at the call site - values are copied when they are passed to a function, they are also discarded at the end of it.

Interfaces 接口

Dynamic languages such as Ruby emphasize a style of object-oriented programming that places more importance on what behavior an object has rather than what type that object is (duck typing). One of the most powerful features that Go brings with it is the ability to program with that duck-typed mentality, and check for adherence to those defined behaviors at compile time. The name given to the behaviors is interfaces.
例如RUBY这样的动态语言在OO技术中,会更多的强调对象的行为而不是对象的类型(了解duck typing 戳我)。Go带给面向对象的优势有二:在精神上高度支持鸭子式的类型,另外,在编译期间也会严格检查这些行为(方法)。这些行为在GO中有了闪亮的名字——接口。

Defining an interface is simple:

type Writer interface {
  Write(p []byte) (n int, err os.Error)

That defines an interface with a method for writing a buffer of bytes. Any object which implements that method also implements the interface. No declarations are required as in Java, the compiler just figures it out. This gives the expressiveness of duck-typing with the safety of static type-checking.

The way interfaces behave in Go allows developers to discover their programs' types as they write them. If there are several objects that all have the behavior, and a developer wishes to abstract on that behavior, they can create an interface and then use that.

Consider the following code:

// Somewhere in some code:
type Widget struct {}
func (Widget) Frob() { /* do something */ }

// Somewhere else in the code:
type Sprocket struct {}
func (Sprocket) Frob() { /* do something else */ }

/* New code, and we want to take both Widgets and Sprockets and Frob them */
type Frobber interface {

func frobtastic(f Frobber) { f.Frob() }


It is important to note that every object implements the empty interface:

interface {}

Inheritance 继承

The Go language does not have inheritance, at least not the way most languages do. There is no hierarchy of types. Go encourages the use of composition and delegation over inheritance, and offers some syntactic sugar to make it more bearable.

Given these definitions:


type Engine interface {

type Car struct {

I can then write the following:

func GoToWorkIn(c Car) {
  /* get in car */


  /* drive to work */


  /* get out of car */

When I declared the Car struct, I gave it what is called an anonymous member. That is a member which is identified only by its type. The anonymous member is a member like any other, with a name the same as the type. So I could have also written c.Engine.Start(). The compiler automatically delegates calls made on Car to methods on itsEngine if the Car does not have methods of its own to satisfy them.


The rules for resolving methods provided by anonymous members are conservative. If a method is defined for a type, it is used. If not, and a method is defined for an anonymous member that is used. If there are two anonymous members that both provide a method, the compiler will produce an error, but only if that method is called.


This composition is achieved via delegation, not inheritance. Once the anonymous member's method has been called, flow has been delegated to that method entirely. So you cannot simulate type hierarchy like this:


type Base struct {}
func (Base) Magic() { fmt.Print("base magic") }
func (self Base) MoreMagic() { 

type Foo struct {
func (Foo) Magic() { fmt.Print("foo magic") }

When you create a Foo object, it will respond to both methods that Base does. However, when you call MoreMagic you will not get the results you expect:

f := new(Foo)
f.Magic() //=> foo magic
f.MoreMagic() //=> base magic base magic

Concurrency 并发

The Go authors chose a message-passing model as their recommended method for concurrent programming. The language does still support shared memory, however the authors have the following philosophy:

Do not communicate by sharing memory; instead, share memory by communicating.

The language offers two basic constructs to achieve this paradigm: goroutines and channels.



Go语言提供了两种基本的构造方式来达到该哲学:goroutines 和 channels

Goroutines Goroutines保留原始名字

Goroutines are lightweight parallel paths of program execution similar to threads, coroutines, or processes. However, they are sufficiently different from each that the Go authors elected to give them a new name and discard any connotative baggage that the other terms might have.


Spawning a goroutine to run a function named DoThis is as simple as this:

go DoThis() // but do not wait for it to complete

Anonymous functions can also be used:

go func() {
  for { /* do something forever */ }
}() // Note that the function must be invoked

These goroutines are mapped to the appropriate operating-system concurrency primitives (e.g. POSIX threads) by the Go runtime.

Goroutines会被Go runtime自动的映射到对应的并发模型上面(例如POSIX线程)。

Channels KO中国移动的强大IM软件

With goroutines, parallel execution of code is easy. However, a mechanism for communicating between them is still needed. Channels provide a FIFO communication queue that can be used for just this purpose.

有了goroutines之后,并发的实现就很简单了。但是,仍然确保他们之间有一些通讯机制牵线搭桥。这时候,Channels伴随着威武雄壮的”we will rock U“出现了。她提供了一个先进先出的消息队列,该队列能够很好的满足并发的goroutines之间的通讯问题。

Here is the syntax for working with channels:


/* Creating a channel uses make(), not new - it was also used for map creation */
ch := make(chan int)

/* Sending a value blocks until the value is read */
ch <- 4

/* Reading a value blocks until a value is available */
i := <-ch

For example, if we wanted to do some long-running numerical computation we could do this:

ch := make(chan int)

go func() {
  result := 0
  for i := 0; i < 100000000; i++ {
    result = result + i
  ch <- result

/* Do something for a while */

sum := <-ch // This will block if the calculation is not done yet
fmt.Println("The sum is:", sum)

The blocking behavior of channels is not always the best. The language offers two ways to customize this:

  1. A programmer can specify a buffer size - sending to a buffered channel will not block unless the buffer is full, and reading from a buffered channel will not block unless the buffer is empty
  2. The language also offers the ability to send and receive without ever blocking, while still reporting if the operation succeeded
  1. 程序员能够制定缓冲区的大小--给一个制定了缓冲的channel发送数据在缓冲区满了之前是不会被阻塞的,当从一个包含了缓冲区的channel中读数据时,只要缓冲区不是空的也不会被阻塞。
  2. Go也能够让发送和接受不适用阻塞的方式,但是仍然会报告操作是否成功。
/* Create a channel with buffer size 5 */
ch := make(chan int, 5)

/* Send without blocking, ok will be true if value was buffered */
ok := ch <- 42

/* Read without blocking, ok will be true if a value was read */
val, ok := <-ch

Packages 包

Go offers a simple mechanism for organizing code: packages. Each file begins with a simple declaration of what package it belongs to, and each file can import the packages it uses. Any names which begin with a capital letter are exported from a package, and are available to be used by other packages.

Here is a complete source file:



package geometry

import "math"

/* Point is capitalized, so it is visible outside the package. */

type Point struct {

  /* the fields are not capitalized, so they are not visible
     outside of the package */

  x, y float64 

/* These functions are visible outside of the package */

func (self Point) Length() float64 {
  /* This uses a function in the math package */
  return math.Sqrt(self.x*self.x + self.y*self.y)

func (self *Point) Scale(factor float64) {
  self.setX(self.x * factor)
  self.setY(self.y * factor)

/* These functions are not visible outside of the package, but can be
   used inside the package */

func (self *Point) setX(x float64) { self.x = x }
func (self *Point) setY(y float64) { self.y = y }

本篇文章至此结束,在下一篇中,将会介绍Effective Go~
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