课程 22:Practice Exam

课程 22:Practice Exam

1.   练习:Question 1: Probability

2.   练习:Question 2:Probability


P(A|A) = 0.6





周五        P(A1)=0.75

周六        P(A2)= P(A1)*0.6+(1- P(A1))*0.25=0.5125

周日        P(A3)=P(A2)*0.6+(1-P(A2))*0.25=0.4294


P’=P(A2)*(1-P(A3))+ (1-P(A2))*P(A3)+( 1-P(A2))( 1-P(A3))



3.   练习:Question 3:Localization

4.   练习:Question 4:Localization


p=[0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2]





p=[0.2*0.1, 0.2*0.1, 0.2*0.9, 0.2*0.1,0.2*0.9]=[0.02, 0.02, 0.18, 0.02, 0.18]


p=[0.0476, 0.0476, 0.4286, 0.0476,0.4286]

move to right:

p=[0, 0.0476, 0. 0476, 0. 4286,0.4286+0.0476]= [0, 0.0476, 0. 0476, 0. 4286, 0.4762]

if sense again:


p=[0, 0.0048, 0.9*0. 0476, 0.1*0. 4286,0.9*0.4762]=[0, 0.0048,0.0428,0.0429,0.4286]


p=[0, 0.0092, 0.0825, 0.0826, 0.8257]

P(‘R’) = 0.0825+0.8257=0.9082


5.   练习:Question 5:Gaussians

6.   练习:Question 6:Gaussians

7.   练习:Question 7:Particle Filters

8.   练习:Question 8:Particle Filters

9.   练习:Question 9:A*

解答:选第三个(the costof motion is 2 or more)

因为,如果按照第一条那样的话,还会有个[1][4]=3 不能解释好。


而当第三条,motion cost 是2 或更多的时候,就能解释[1][4]=3了。而且能解释对角线方向的移动,对角线方向每次变化的值都<=2。

10. 练习:Question 10:Dynamic Programming

11. 练习:Question 11:PID Control

12. 练习:Question 12:Warehouse Robot

机器人仓库搬箱子问题:对于一个仓库warehouse,被划分成了若干个相等大小的方格,有若干个区域有货物,有货物的区域都被[1,99]之间的数字唯一标记了。搬运某个货物时,机器人从dropzone区域开始,通过水平或者垂直或者对角线方式进行移动寻找货物,其中水平和垂直方向的移动消耗1的代价,对角线方向移动消耗1.5的代价,进入目标货物所在的格子,捡起货物(不计时间),然后送回dropzone区域,放下货物(不计时间),表明完成一次货物搬运。货物搬运的任务列表是todo list。机器人必须按照todo list的顺序来搬运仓库中的货物,所有货物搬运完毕后,返回机器人消耗的总代价。代码主要添加到 plan()中。



# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


Created on Sun May 27 15:36:42 2018


@author: Spring



# -------------------

# Background Information


# In this problem, you will build aplanner that helps a robot

# find the shortest way in a warehousefilled with boxes

# that he has to pick up and deliver to adrop zone.


# For example:


# warehouse = [[ 1, 2, 3],

#              [ 0, 0, 0],

#              [ 0, 0, 0]]

# dropzone = [2,0]

# todo = [2, 1]


# The robot starts at the dropzone.

# The dropzone can be in any free cornerof the warehouse map.

# todo is a list of boxes to be picked upand delivered to the dropzone.


# Robot can move diagonally, but the costof a diagonal move is 1.5.

# The cost of moving one stephorizontally or vertically is 1.

# So if the dropzone is at [2, 0], thecost to deliver box number 2

# would be 5.


# To pick up a box, the robot has to moveinto the same cell as the box.

# When the robot picks up a box, thatcell becomes passable (marked 0)

# The robot can pick up only one box at atime and once picked up

# it has to return the box to thedropzone by moving onto the dropzone cell.

# Once the robot has stepped on thedropzone, the box is taken away,

# and it is free to continue with itstodo list.

# Tasks must be executed in the orderthat they are given in the todo list.

# You may assume that in all warehousemaps, all boxes are

# reachable from beginning (the robot isnot boxed in).


# -------------------

# User Instructions


# Design a planner (any kind you like, solong as it works!)

# in a function named plan() that takesas input three parameters:

# warehouse, dropzone, and todo. Seeparameter info below.


# Your function should RETURN the final,accumulated cost to do

# all tasks in the todo list in the givenorder, which should

# match with our answer. You may includeprint statements to show

# the optimum path, but that will have noeffect on grading.


# Your solution must work for a varietyof warehouse layouts and

# any length of todo list.


# Add your code at line 76.


# --------------------

# Parameter Info


# warehouse - a grid of values, where 0means that the cell is passable,

# and a number 1 <= n <= 99 meansthat box n is located at that cell.

# dropzone - determines the robot's startlocation and the place to return boxes

# todo - list of tasks, containing boxnumbers that have to be picked up


# --------------------

# Testing


# You may use our test function below,solution_check(),

# to test your code for a variety ofinput parameters.


warehouse = [[ 1, 2, 3],

             [ 0, 0, 0],

             [ 0, 0, 0]]

dropzone = [2,0]

todo = [2, 1]


# ------------------------------------------

# plan - Returns cost to take all boxesin the todo list to dropzone



# modify code below


def plan(warehouse, dropzone, todo):


   cost = 0

   for k in range(len(todo)):

       task_cost = float('Inf')

       goal = []

       # get the location of the goal location.

       for x in range(len(warehouse)):

            for y in range(len(warehouse[0])):

                if warehouse[x][y] == todo[k]:

                    goal = [x, y]


       if goal == []:

            #return ValueError('Fail, can notfind the goal ', todo[k], ' in the warehouse!')

            print('Error, can not find the goal', todo[k], ' in the warehouse!', warehouse)

            return float('Inf')


       closelist = []

       for x in range(len(warehouse)):

            rowlist = []

            for y in range(len(warehouse[0])):

                if warehouse[x][y] == 0:





       closelist[goal[0]][goal[1]] = 0


       openlist = []


       g = 0

       x = dropzone[0]

       y = dropzone[1]

       h = getHeuristicValue(x, y, goal)

       f = g + h

       openlist.append([f, g, x, y])

       closelist[x][y] = 1


       isFound = False

       while not isFound:

            if len(openlist) == 0: # won'thappen, because we has found the goal location before.

                #return ValueError('Fail, cannot find the goal ', todo[k], ' in the warehouse! openlist is blank.')

                print('Error, can not find thegoal ', todo[k], ' in the warehouse! openlist is blank.')

                return float('Inf')



            nextNode = openlist.pop()

            x = nextNode[2]

            y = nextNode[3]

            g = nextNode[1]

            f = nextNode[0]


            if x == goal[0] and y == goal[1]:

                isFound = True

                task_cost = 2.0 * f



            for i in range(-1, 2):

                for j in range(-1, 2):

                    if i == 0 and j == 0:


                    x2 = x + i

                    y2 = y + j

                    if x2 >= 0 and x2 <len(warehouse) and y2 >= 0 and y2 < len(warehouse[0]) \

                        and closelist[x2][y2]== 0:

                            g2 = 0

                            if i == 0 or j ==0:

                                g2 = g + 1


                                g2 = g + 1.5

                            h2 =getHeuristicValue(x2, y2, goal)

                            f2 = g2 + h2

                           openlist.append([f2, g2, x2, y2])

                            closelist[x2][y2] =1


       cost += task_cost


       # update the warehouse

       if isFound:

           warehouse[goal[0]][goal[1]] = 0


   print("COST is ", cost)

   return cost


# diagonalMove = 1.5, directMoveCost = 1.

def getHeuristicValue(x, y, goal):

   deltaX = goal[0] - x

   deltaY = goal[1] - y

   diagonalMove = 0

   directMove = 0


   if abs(deltaX) < abs(deltaY):

       diagonalMove = abs(deltaX)

       directMove = abs(deltaY) - diagonalMove


       diagonalMove = abs(deltaY)

       directMove = abs(deltaX) - diagonalMove


   heuristicValue = diagonalMove * 1.5 + directMove * 1.0

   return heuristicValue

################# TESTING##################



# solution check - Checks your planfunction using

# data from list called test[]. Uncommentthe call

# to solution_check to test your code.


def solution_check(test, epsilon =0.00001):

   answer_list = []


   import time

   start = time.clock()

   correct_answers = 0

   for i in range(len(test[0])):

       user_cost = plan(test[0][i], test[1][i], test[2][i])

       true_cost = test[3][i]

       if abs(user_cost - true_cost) < epsilon:

            print("\nTest case", i+1,"passed!")


            correct_answers += 1



            print("\nTest case ",i+1, "unsuccessful. Your answer ", user_cost,\

                  "was not within ",epsilon, "of ", true_cost)


   runtime =  time.clock() - start

   if runtime > 1:

       print("Your code is too slow, try to optimize it! Running time was:", runtime)

       return False

   if correct_answers == len(answer_list):

       print("\nYou passed all test cases!")

       return True


       print("\nYou passed",correct_answers, "of", len(answer_list), "test cases. Try to getthem all!")

       return False

#Testing environment

# Test Case 1

warehouse1 = [[ 1, 2, 3],

             [ 0, 0, 0],

             [ 0, 0, 0]]

dropzone1 = [2,0]

todo1 = [2, 1]

true_cost1 = 9

# Test Case 2

warehouse2 = [[   1, 2, 3, 4],

              [   0, 0, 0, 0],

              [   5, 6, 7, 0],

              [ 'x', 0, 0, 8]]

dropzone2 = [3,0]

todo2 = [2, 5, 1]

true_cost2 = 21


# Test Case 3

warehouse3 = [[   1, 2, 3,  4, 5, 6,  7],

              [   0, 0, 0,  0, 0, 0,  0],

              [   8, 9, 10, 11, 0, 0,  0],

              [ 'x', 0,  0,  0,0, 0, 12]]

dropzone3 = [3,0]

todo3 = [5, 10]

true_cost3 = 18


# Test Case 4

warehouse4 = [[ 1, 17, 5, 18,  9, 19, 13],

              [ 2,  0, 6, 0, 10,  0,  14],

              [ 3,  0, 7, 0, 11,  0,  15],

              [ 4,  0, 8, 0, 12,  0,  16],

              [ 0,  0, 0, 0,  0,  0, 'x']]

dropzone4 = [4,6]

todo4 = [13, 11, 6, 17]

true_cost4 = 41


testing_suite = [[warehouse1, warehouse2,warehouse3, warehouse4],

                 [dropzone1, dropzone2,dropzone3, dropzone4],

                 [todo1, todo2, todo3, todo4],

                 [true_cost1, true_cost2,true_cost3, true_cost4]]



solution_check(testing_suite) #UNCOMMENTTHIS LINE TO TEST YOUR CODE

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