cd chipyard/sims/verilator
(3)编译chipyard中的default example
./simulator-chipyard-RocketConfig xxx
./simulator-chipyard-RocketConfig $RISCV/riscv64-unknown-elf/share/riscv-tests/isa/rv64ui-p-simple
为了简便,chipyard官方说也可以用make run-binary BINARY=xxx 代替 ./simulator-chipyard-RocketConfig xxx
make run-binary BINARY=$RISCV/riscv64-unknown-elf/share/riscv-tests/isa/rv64ui-p-simple
make run-asm-tests
make run-bmark-tests
chipyard/sims/verilator$ make help
design specifier variables:
SUB_PROJECT = use the specific subproject default variables [chipyard]
SBT_PROJECT = the SBT project that you should find the classes/packages in [chipyard]
MODEL = the top level module of the project in Chisel (normally the harness) [TestHarness]
VLOG_MODEL = the top level module of the project in Firrtl/Verilog (normally the harness) [TestHarness]
MODEL_PACKAGE = the scala package to find the MODEL in [chipyard]
CONFIG = the configuration class to give the parameters for the project [RocketConfig]
CONFIG_PACKAGE = the scala package to find the CONFIG class [chipyard]
GENERATOR_PACKAGE = the scala package to find the Generator class in [chipyard]
TB = testbench wrapper over the TestHarness needed to simulate in a verilog simulator [TestDriver]
TOP = top level module of the project (normally the module instantiated by the harness) [ChipTop]
compilation variables:
EXTRA_GENERATOR_REQS = additional make requirements needed for the main generator
EXTRA_SIM_CXXFLAGS = additional CXXFLAGS for building simulators
EXTRA_SIM_LDFLAGS = additional LDFLAGS for building simulators
EXTRA_SIM_SOURCES = additional simulation sources needed for simulator
EXTRA_SIM_REQS = additional make requirements to build the simulator
ENABLE_SBT_THIN_CLIENT = if set, use sbt's experimental thin client
VERILATOR_PROFILE = 'none' if no verilator profiling (default)
'all' if full verilator runtime profiling
'threads' if runtime thread profiling only
VERILATOR_THREADS = how many threads the simulator will use (default 1)
VERILATOR_FST_MODE = enable FST waveform instead of VCD. use with debug build
simulation variables:
BINARY = riscv elf binary that the simulator will run when using the run-binary* targets
VERBOSE_FLAGS = flags used when doing verbose simulation [+verbose]
EXTRA_SIM_FLAGS = additional runtime simulation flags (passed within +permissive)
NUMACTL = set to '1' to wrap simulator in the appropriate numactl command
some useful general commands:
help = display this help
default = compiles non-debug simulator [./simulator-chipyard-RocketConfig]
debug = compiles debug simulator [./simulator-chipyard-RocketConfig-debug]
clean = remove all debug/non-debug simulators and intermediate files
clean-sim = removes non-debug simulator and simulator-generated files
clean-sim-debug = removes debug simulator and simulator-generated files
run-binary = run [./simulator-chipyard-RocketConfig] and log instructions to file
run-binary-fast = run [./simulator-chipyard-RocketConfig] and don't log instructions
run-binary-debug = run [./simulator-chipyard-RocketConfig-debug] and log instructions and waveform to files
verilog = generate intermediate verilog files from chisel elaboration and firrtl passes
firrtl = generate intermediate firrtl files from chisel elaboration
run-tests = run all assembly and benchmark tests
launch-sbt = start sbt terminal