


# Nodogsplash Configuration File
# 说明:#所在行不执行。(启用该参数需要删除执行参数前的#及空格)
# 文件格式为:参数|建议值|参数说明|执行参数 。
# 不同参数之间空一行,同一参数中间可使用带#的空行。
# 为保证规则正确运行,需要用"/etc/init.d/nodogsplash start"启动
# Parameter: GatewayInterface
# Default: NONE
# GatewayInterface is not autodetected, has no default, and must be set here.
# Set GatewayInterface to the interface on your router
# that is to be managed by Nodogsplash.
# Typically br-lan for the wired and wireless lan on OpenWrt White Russian.
# May be br-lan on OpenWrt Kamikaze.
# 监测接口
GatewayInterface br-lan1
# FirewallRuleSet: authenticated-users
# Control access for users after authentication.
# These rules are inserted at the beginning of the
# FORWARD chain of the router's filter table, and
# apply to packets that have come in to the router
# over the GatewayInterface from MAC addresses that
# have authenticated with Nodogsplash, and that are
# destined to be routed through the router.  The rules are
# considered in order, and the first rule that matches
# a packet applies to it.
# If there are any rules in this ruleset, an authenticated
# packet that does not match any rule is rejected.
# N.B.: This ruleset is completely independent of
# the preauthenticated-users ruleset.
# 防火墙规则集(我怕改这个)
FirewallRuleSet authenticated-users {
# You may want to open access to a machine on a local
# subnet that is otherwise blocked (for example, to
# serve a redirect page; see RedirectURL).  If so,
# allow that explicitly here, e.g:
 FirewallRule allow tcp port 80 to
# Your router may have several interfaces, and you
# probably want to keep them private from the GatewayInterface.
# If so, you should block the entire subnets on those interfaces, e.g.:
    FirewallRule block to
    FirewallRule block to
# Typical ports you will probably want to open up include
# 53 udp and tcp for DNS,
# 80 for http,
# 443 for https,
# 22 for ssh:
    FirewallRule allow tcp port 53 
    FirewallRule allow udp port 53 
    FirewallRule allow tcp port 80
    FirewallRule allow tcp port 443
    FirewallRule allow tcp port 22
# end FirewallRuleSet authenticated-users

# FirewallRuleSet: preauthenticated-users
# Control access for users before authentication.
# These rules are inserted in the PREROUTING chain
# of the router's nat table, and in the
# FORWARD chain of the router's filter table.
# These rules apply to packets that have come in to the 
# router over the GatewayInterface from MAC addresses that
# are not on the BlockedMACList or TrustedMACList,
# are *not* authenticated with Nodogsplash.  The rules are
# considered in order, and the first rule that matches
# a packet applies to it. A packet that does not match 
# any rule here is rejected.
# N.B.: This ruleset is completely independent of
# the authenticated-users and users-to-router rulesets.
FirewallRuleSet preauthenticated-users {
# For preauthenticated users to resolve IP addresses in their initial
# request not using the router itself as a DNS server,
# you probably want to allow port 53 udp and tcp for DNS.
    FirewallRule allow tcp port 53 
    FirewallRule allow udp port 53
# For splash page content not hosted on the router, you
# will want to allow port 80 tcp to the remote host here.
# Doing so circumvents the usual capture and redirect of
# any port 80 request to this remote host.
# Note that the remote host's numerical IP address must be known
# and used here.  
  FirewallRule allow tcp port 80 to 123.321.123.321
# end FirewallRuleSet preauthenticated-users

# FirewallRuleSet: users-to-router
# Control access to the router itself from the GatewayInterface.
# These rules are inserted at the beginning of the
# INPUT chain of the router's filter table, and
# apply to packets that have come in to the router
# over the GatewayInterface from MAC addresses that
# are not on the TrustedMACList, and are destined for
# the router itself.  The rules are
# considered in order, and the first rule that matches
# a packet applies to it. 
# If there are any rules in this ruleset, a
# packet that does not match any rule is rejected.
FirewallRuleSet users-to-router {
# Nodogsplash automatically allows tcp to GatewayPort,
# at GatewayAddress, to serve the splash page.
# However you may want to open up other ports, e.g.
# 53 for DNS and 67 for DHCP if the router itself is
# providing these services.
    FirewallRule allow udp port 53 
    FirewallRule allow tcp port 53 
    FirewallRule allow udp port 67
# You may want to allow ssh, http, and https to the router
# for administration from the GatewayInterface.  If not,
# comment these out.
    FirewallRule allow tcp port 22
    FirewallRule allow tcp port 80
    FirewallRule allow tcp port 443
# end FirewallRuleSet users-to-router
# EmptyRuleSetPolicy directives
# The FirewallRuleSets that NoDogSplash permits are:
# authenticated-users
# preauthenticated-users
# users-to-router
# trusted-users
# trusted-users-to-router
# For each of these, an EmptyRuleSetPolicy can be specified.
# An EmptyRuleSet policy applies to a FirewallRuleSet if the
# FirewallRuleSet is missing from this configuration file,
# or if it exists but contains no FirewallRules.
# The possible values of an EmptyRuleSetPolicy are:
# allow  -- packets are accepted
# block  -- packets are rejected
# passthrough -- packets are passed through to pre-existing firewall rules
# Default EmptyRuleSetPolicies are set as follows:
# EmptyRuleSetPolicy authenticated-users passthrough
# EmptyRuleSetPolicy preauthenticated-users block
# EmptyRuleSetPolicy users-to-router block
# EmptyRuleSetPolicy trusted-users allow
# EmptyRuleSetPolicy trusted-users-to-router allow

# Parameter: GatewayName
# Default: NoDogSplash
# Set  GatewayName to the name of your gateway.  This value
# will be available as variable $gatewayname in the splash page source
# and in status output from ndsctl, but otherwise doesn't matter.
# If none is supplied, the value "NoDogSplash" is used.
# 网关
# GatewayName NoDogSplash
# Parameter: GatewayAddress
# Default: Discovered from GatewayInterface





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