
# This should be autodetected on an OpenWRT system, but if not:
# Set GatewayAddress to the IP address of the router on
# the GatewayInterface.  This is the address that the Nodogsplash
# server listens on.
# 服务器监听
# GatewayAddress
# Parameter: ExternalInterface
# Default: Autodetected from /proc/net/route
# This should be autodetected on a OpenWRT system, but if not:
# Set ExtrnalInterface to the 'external' interface on your router, 
# i.e. the one which provides the default route to the internet.
# Typically vlan1 for OpenWRT.
# 外部接口
# ExternalInterface vlan1
# Parameter: RedirectURL
# Default: none
# After authentication, normally a user is redirected 
# to their initially requested page. 
# If RedirectURL is set, the user is redirected to this URL instead.
# 确认后跳转网址(默认关闭) 
# RedirectURL
# Parameter: GatewayPort
# Default: 2050
# Nodogsplash's own http server uses GatewayAddress as its IP address.
# The port it listens to at that IP can be set here; default is 2050.
# 网关地址监听端口
# GatewayPort 2050
# Parameter: MaxClients
# Default: 20
# Set MaxClients to the maximum number of users allowed to 
# connect at any time.  (Does not include users on the TrustedMACList,
# who do not authenticate.)
# 最大用户数(不包括trustedmaclist项里的用户-不受任何限制用户)
# MaxClients 20
# ClientIdleTimeout
# Parameter: ClientIdleTimeout
# Default: 10
# Set ClientIdleTimeout to the desired of number of minutes
# of inactivity before a user is automatically 'deauthenticated'.
# 用户进入欢迎页面后不进行任何操作的超时设置 (分钟数)
# ClientIdleTimeout 10
# Parameter: ClientForceTimeout
# Default: 360
# Set ClientForceTimeout to the desired number of minutes before
# a user is automatically 'deauthenticated', whether active or not
# 欢迎页面弹出时间间隔(分钟)
# ClientForceTimeout 360
# Parameter: AuthenticateImmediately
# Default: no
# Set to yes (or true or 1), to immediately authenticate users
# who make a http port 80 request on the GatewayInterface (that is,
# do not serve a splash page, just redirect to the user's request,
# or to RedirectURL if set).
# 是否进行身份验证
# AuthenticateImmediately no
# Parameter: MACMechanism
# Default: block
# Either block or allow.
# If 'block', MAC addresses on BlockedMACList are blocked from
# authenticating, and all others are allowed.
# If 'allow', MAC addresses on AllowedMACList are allowed to
# authenticate, and all other (non-trusted) MAC's are blocked.
# MAC过滤方式(启用黑名单阻止方式还是白名单允许方式)
# MACMechanism block
# Parameter: BlockedMACList
# Default: none
# Comma-separated list of MAC addresses who will be completely blocked
# from the GatewayInterface.  Ignored if MACMechanism is allow.
# N.B.: weak security, since MAC addresses are easy to spoof.
# MAC过滤列表黑名单(用逗号隔开)
# BlockedMACList 00:00 E:AD:BE:EF,00:00:C0:1D:F0:0D
# Parameter: AllowedMACList
# Default: none
# Comma-separated list of MAC addresses who will not be completely
# blocked from the GatewayInterface.  Ignored if MACMechanism is block.
# N.B.: weak security, since MAC addresses are easy to spoof.
# MAC过滤列表白名单(用逗号隔开)
# AllowedMACList 00:00:12:34:56:78
# Parameter: TrustedMACList
# Default: none
# Comma-separated list of MAC addresses who are not subject to
# authentication, and are not restricted by any FirewallRuleSet.
# N.B.: weak security, since MAC addresses are easy to spoof.
# MAC例外(不受任何限制)
# TrustedMACList 00:00:CA:FE:BA:BE, 00:00:C0:01 0:0D

# Parameter: PasswordAuthentication
# Default: no
# Set to yes (or true or 1), to require a password matching
# the Password parameter to be supplied when authenticating.  
# 是否启用密码保护
# PasswordAuthentication no
# Parameter: Password
# Default: none
# Whitespace delimited string that is compared to user-supplied
# password when authenticating.  
# 启用密码保护后使用的密码
# Password nodog
# Parameter: UsernameAuthentication
# Default: no
# Set to yes (or true or 1), to require a username matching
# the Username parameter to be supplied when authenticating.  
# 是否启用登陆用户名
# UsernameAuthentication no
# Parameter: Username
# Default: none
# Whitespace delimited string that is compared to user-supplied
# username when authenticating.  
# 启用登陆用户名后使用的用户名
# Username guest
# Parameter: PasswordAttempts
# Default: 5
# Integer number of failed password/username entries before
# a user is forced to reauthenticate.
# 用户名和密码重试次数(超过规定次数后需要重新授权)
# PasswordAttempts 5
# Parameter: TrafficControl
# Default: no
# Set to yes (or true or 1), to enable traffic control in Nodogsplash.
# 是否启用流量控制(流量控制总开关)
# TrafficControl no
# Parameter: DownloadLimit
# Default: 0
# If TrafficControl is enabled, this sets the maximum download
# speed to the GatewayInterface, in kilobits per second.
# For example if you have an ADSL connection with 768 kbit
# download speed, and you want to allow about half of that
# bandwidth for the GatewayInterface, set this to 384.
# A value of 0 means no download limiting is done.
# 最大下载流量(0 为无限制)
# DownloadLimit 384
# Parameter: UploadLimit
# Default: 0
# If TrafficControl is enabled, this sets the maximum upload
# speed from the GatewayInterface, in kilobits per second.
# For example if you have an ADSL connection with 128 kbit
# upload speed, and you want to allow about half of that
# bandwidth for the GatewayInterface, set this to 64.
# A value of 0 means no upload limiting is done.
# 最大上传流量(0 为无限制)
# UploadLimit 64
# Paramter: GatewayIPRange
# Default:
# If TrafficControl is enabled, this sets the maximum download
# speed to the GatewayInterface, in kilobits per second.
# For example if you have an ADSL connection with 768 kbit
# download speed, and you want to allow about half of that
# bandwidth for the GatewayInterface, set this to 384.
# A value of 0 means no download limiting is done
# 流量控制网段设置
# GatewayIPRange




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