Probability and Statistics -- Introduction to Probability (part I)

1.3 Experiments and Events

Probability will be the way that we quantify how likely something is to occur


An experiment is any process, real or hypothetical, in which the possible outcomes can be identified ahead of time.


An event is a well-defined set of possible outcomes of the experiment. however, Not every set of possible outcomes will be called an event.


Almost all work in the mathematical theory of probability, from the most elementary textbooks to the most advanced research, has been related to the following two problems: (i) methods for determining the probabilities of certain events from the specified probabilities of each possible outcome of an experiment and (ii) methods for revising the probabilities of events when additional relevant information is obtained.




1.4 Set Theory

Sample Space. The collection of all possible outcomes of an experiment is called the sample space of the experiment. Similarly, events can be thought of as subsets of the sample space.


Relations of Set Theory

when the sample space is too large (as in Example 1.4.5) the theory of probability simply will not extend to the collection of all subsets of the sample space.

例如,摇骰子,样本空间 S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}. One event A is that an even number is obtained, 事件 A = {2, 4, 6}. 被认为是S的一个子集。


Then each possible outcome s of the experiment is said to be a member of the space S,

The statement that s is a member of S is denoted symbolically by the relation s ∈ S. 结果与样本空间的关系 s ∈ S

When an experiment has been performed and we say that some event E has occurred, we mean two equivalent things. 

One is that the outcome of the experiment satisfied the conditions that specified that event E. 

The other is that the outcome, considered as a point in the sample space, is an element of E. sE

it will be clear which sets of outcomes should correspond to events. 有时,结果中的某些子集对应事件是确定的。

In other applications, there are too many sets available to have them all be events有时,结果中的对应事件的子集太多了


First, a careful handling requires mathematical details that interfere with an initial understanding of the important concepts, 

and second, the practical implications for the results in this text are minimal.

In order to be able to do all of the probability calculations

there are three simple conditions that must be met by the collection of sets that we call events

For a sample space S with only finitely many outcomes, the collection of all subsets of S satisfies the conditions


Condition 1: The sample space S must be an event.


定理: Let A, B, and C be events. Then A ⊂ S. If A ⊂ B and B ⊂ A, then A = B. If A ⊂ B
and B ⊂ C, then A ⊂ C.

The Empty Set: Some events are impossible.For example, when a die is rolled, it is impossible to obtain a negative number. Hence, the event that a negative number will be obtained is defined by the subset of S that contains no outcomes.

Empty Set. The subset of S that contains no elements is called the empty set, or null set, it is denoted by the symbol ∅.

Finite and Infinite Sets Some sets contain only finitely many elements, while others have infinitely many elements. There are two sizes of infinite sets that we need to distinguish.




其中,偶数,齐数,素数都是可数的无限集合, 以及能够和整数有一对一对应的表达式,如下所示:


不可数集合的例子主要涉及实数,例如正实数, 在区间[0,1]之间的实数。

Operations of Set Theory

Complement. 补集,



A ∪ B ∪ C = (A ∪ B) ∪ C = A ∪ (B ∪ C).

1.5 The Definition of Probability

The first axiom states that the probability of every event must be nonnegative.

Axiom 1 For every event A, Pr(A) ≥ 0.

The second axiom states that if an event is certain to occur, then the probability
of that event is 1.

Axiom 2   Pr(S) = 1.

Axiom 3 

Pr(∅) = 0.

Proof Since A and Ac are disjoint events and A ∪ Ac = S, it follows from Theorem

1.5.2 that Pr(S) = Pr(A) + Pr(Ac). Since Pr(S) = 1 by Axiom 2, then Pr(Ac) =1− Pr(A).

Theorem1.5.4  If A ⊂ B, then Pr(A) ≤ Pr(B).

Theorem 1.5.5 For every event A, 0 ≤ Pr(A) ≤ 1.

Theorem 1.5.6 Pr(A ∩ Bc) = Pr(A) − Pr(A ∩ B).

Theorem 1.5.7 For every two events A and B,
Pr(A ∪ B) = Pr(A) + Pr(B) − Pr(A ∩ B).

Simple Sample Spaces
A sample space S containing n outcomes s1, . . . , sn is called a simple sample space if the probability assigned to each of the outcomes s1, . . . , sn is 1/n. If an event A in this simple sample space contains exactly m outcomes, then
Pr(A) = m/n.

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