Android源码 · IBinder

package android.os;


 * IBinder是一个远程处理对象的基本接口,是单进程和跨进程调用时,高性能的的轻量级的远程调用机制的核心部
 * 分。此接口描述与对象进行交互的抽象协议。不能直接实现这个接口,而是继承Binder。
 * Base interface for a remotable object, the core part of a lightweight
 * remote procedure call mechanism designed for high performance when
 * performing in-process and cross-process calls.  This
 * interface describes the abstract protocol for interacting with a
 * remotable object.  Do not implement this interface directly, instead
 * extend from {@link Binder}.
 * @see Binder
public interface IBinder {
     * 用户第一次使用的标识码 
    int FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION  = 0x00000001;
     * 用户最后一次使用的标识码 
    int LAST_CALL_TRANSACTION   = 0x00ffffff;

     * IBinder 记录交易码:pingBinder()
    int PING_TRANSACTION        = ('_'<<24)|('P'<<16)|('N'<<8)|'G';

     * IBinder 记录交易码 :转存内部状态     
    int DUMP_TRANSACTION        = ('_'<<24)|('D'<<16)|('M'<<8)|'P';

     * IBinder 记录交易码 :为接口询问交易的接收方     
    int INTERFACE_TRANSACTION   = ('_'<<24)|('N'<<16)|('T'<<8)|'F';

     * IBinder protocol transaction code: send a tweet to the target
     * object.  The data in the parcel is intended to be delivered to
     * a shared messaging service associated with the object; it can be
     * anything, as long as it is not more than 130 UTF-8 characters to
     * conservatively fit within common messaging services.  As part of
     * {@link Build.VERSION_CODES#HONEYCOMB_MR2}, all Binder objects are
     * expected to support this protocol for fully integrated tweeting
     * across the platform.  To support older code, the default implementation
     * logs the tweet to the main log as a simple emulation of broadcasting
     * it publicly over the Internet.
     * <p>Also, upon completing the dispatch, the object must make a cup
     * of tea, return it to the caller, and exclaim "jolly good message
     * old boy!".
    int TWEET_TRANSACTION   = ('_'<<24)|('T'<<16)|('W'<<8)|'T';

     * IBinder protocol transaction code: tell an app asynchronously that the
     * caller likes it.  The app is responsible for incrementing and maintaining
     * its own like counter, and may display this value to the user to indicate the
     * quality of the app.  This is an optional command that applications do not
     * need to handle, so the default implementation is to do nothing.
     * <p>There is no response returned and nothing about the
     * system will be functionally affected by it, but it will improve the
     * app's self-esteem.
    int LIKE_TRANSACTION   = ('_'<<24)|('L'<<16)|('I'<<8)|'K';

    /** @hide */
    int SYSPROPS_TRANSACTION = ('_'<<24)|('S'<<16)|('P'<<8)|'R';

    /** transact的标志 :这是唯一的调用,表示调用方立刻返回,被调用方没有等待结果。只应用在调用者和被调
    int FLAG_ONEWAY             = 0x00000001;

     * 确保 IPC 的大小,以保证记录缓冲的安全性
     * @hide
    public static final int MAX_IPC_SIZE = 64 * 1024;

     * 获得binder提供的接口的名称
    public String getInterfaceDescriptor() throws RemoteException;

     * 查看对象是否还存在
    public boolean pingBinder();

     * 查看binder进程是否还存活
    public boolean isBinderAlive();

     * 尝试检索Binder对象的接口实现接口
    public IInterface queryLocalInterface(String descriptor);

     * 将对象状态打印到给定的流中
     * @param fd The raw file descriptor that the dump is being sent to.
     * @param args additional arguments to the dump request.
    public void dump(FileDescriptor fd, String[] args) throws RemoteException;

     *  就像dump(FileDescriptor, String[]),但是只有异步执行。如果对象存在本地,就要创建一个新
     * 线程执行存储。
     * @param fd The raw file descriptor that the dump is being sent to.
     * @param args additional arguments to the dump request.
    public void dumpAsync(FileDescriptor fd, String[] args) throws RemoteException;

     * 使用对象执行常规操作
     * @param code The action to perform.  This should
     * be a number between {@link #FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION} and
     * {@link #LAST_CALL_TRANSACTION}.
     * @param data Marshalled data to send to the target.  Must not be null.
     * If you are not sending any data, you must create an empty Parcel
     * that is given here.
     * @param reply Marshalled data to be received from the target.  May be
     * null if you are not interested in the return value.
     * @param flags Additional operation flags.  Either 0 for a normal
     * RPC, or {@link #FLAG_ONEWAY} for a one-way RPC.
    public boolean transact(int code, Parcel data, Parcel reply, int flags)
        throws RemoteException;

     * 当该进程销毁一个 IBinder 的时候,接收回调的接口
     * @see #linkToDeath
    public interface DeathRecipient {
        public void binderDied();

     * 如果binder销毁,为消息注册一个接受者
     * <p>You will only receive death notifications for remote binders,
     * as local binders by definition can't die without you dying as well.
     * @throws RemoteException if the target IBinder's
     * process has already died.
     * @see #unlinkToDeath
    public void linkToDeath(DeathRecipient recipient, int flags)
            throws RemoteException;

     * 移除被销毁的注册信息。如果对象被销毁,接受者不会再被调用
     * @return {@code true} if the <var>recipient</var> is successfully
     * unlinked, assuring you that its
     * {@link DeathRecipient#binderDied DeathRecipient.binderDied()} method
     * will not be called;  {@code false} if the target IBinder has already
     * died, meaning the method has been (or soon will be) called.
     * @throws java.util.NoSuchElementException if the given
     * <var>recipient</var> has not been registered with the IBinder, and
     * the IBinder is still alive.  Note that if the <var>recipient</var>
     * was never registered, but the IBinder has already died, then this
     * exception will <em>not</em> be thrown, and you will receive a false
     * return value instead.
    public boolean unlinkToDeath(DeathRecipient recipient, int flags);





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