
 * Ext JS Library 3.3.0
 * @class Ext.tree.TreePanel
 * @extends Ext.Panel
 * The TreePanel provides(提供) tree-structured(树形结构) UI representation(表现) of tree-structured data.
 * {Ext.tree.TreeNode TreeNode}s added to the TreePanel may each contain metadata(元数据)
 * used by your application in their {Ext.tree.TreeNode#attributes attributes} property.
 * A TreePanel must have a {#root} node before it is rendered. This may either be
 * specified(规定) using the {#root} config option, or using the {#setRootNode} method.
 * 单独treepanel示例:
 * An example of tree rendered to an existing div:
var tree = new Ext.tree.TreePanel({
   renderTo: 'tree-div', //已经存在的div;
   useArrows: true, //是否需要用箭头来代替十字架展开;
   autoScroll: true,
   animate: true,
   enableDD: true,
   containerScroll: true,
   border: false,
   // auto create TreeLoader
   dataUrl: 'get-nodes.php',

   root: {
       nodeType: 'async', // Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode(text: "根目录", id: "root");
       text: 'Ext JS',
       draggable: false,
       id: 'source'
 * The example above would work with a data packet similar to this:
   "text": "adapter",
   "id": "source\/adapter",
   "cls": "folder"
}, {
   "text": "dd",
   "id": "source\/dd",
   "cls": "folder"
}, {
   "text": "debug.js",
   "id": "source\/debug.js",
   "leaf": true,
   "cls": "file"
 * 包含treepanel的viewport示例:
 * An example of tree within a Viewport:
new Ext.Viewport({
   layout: 'border',
   items: [{
       region: 'west',
       collapsible: true, //可收缩;
       title: 'Navigation',
       xtype: 'treepanel',
       width: 200,
       autoScroll: true,
       split: true, //可托大托小;
       loader: new Ext.tree.TreeLoader(), //不配置其dataUrl,那只能使用本地数据;
       root: new Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode({ //异步;
           expanded: true, //自动展开;
           children: [{
               text: 'Menu Option 1',
               leaf: true //叶子节点标志;
           }, {
               text: 'Menu Option 2',
               leaf: true
           }, {
               text: 'Menu Option 3',
               leaf: true
       rootVisible: false, //根不可见;
       listeners: {
           click: function(n) {
               Ext.Msg.alert('Navigation Tree Click', 'You clicked: "' + n.attributes.text + '"');
   }, {
       region: 'center',
       xtype: 'tabpanel',
       // remaining code not shown ...
 * @cfg {Ext.tree.TreeNode} root_The root node for the tree;
 * @cfg {Boolean} rootVisible_false to hide the root node (defaults to true);
 * @cfg {Boolean} lines(子节点与父节点之间的虚线)_false to disable tree lines (defaults to true);
 * @cfg {Boolean} enableDD_true to enable drag and drop;
 * @cfg {Boolean} enableDrag_true to enable just drag;
 * @cfg {Boolean} enableDrop_true to enable just drop;
 * @cfg {Object} dragConfig_Custom config to pass to the {Ext.tree.TreeDragZone} instance;
 * @cfg {Object} dropConfig_Custom config to pass to the {Ext.tree.TreeDropZone} instance;
 * @cfg {String} ddGroup_The DD group this TreePanel belongs to;
 * @cfg {Boolean} ddAppendOnly_true if the tree should only allow append drops (use for trees which are sorted);
 * @cfg {Boolean} ddScroll_true to enable body scrolling;
 * @cfg {Boolean} containerScroll_true to register this container with ScrollManager;
 * @cfg {Boolean} hlDrop_false to disable node highlight on drop (defaults to the value of {Ext#enableFx});
 * @cfg {String} hlColor_The color of the node highlight (defaults to 'C3DAF9');
 * @cfg {Boolean} animate_true to enable animated expand/collapse (defaults to the value of {Ext#enableFx});
 * @cfg {Boolean} singleExpand_true if only 1 node per branch may be expanded;
 * @cfg {Object} selModel_A tree selection model to use with this TreePanel 
 *  (defaults to an {Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel});
 * @cfg {Boolean} trackMouseOver_false to disable mouse over highlighting;
 * @cfg {Ext.tree.TreeLoader} loader_A {Ext.tree.TreeLoader} for use with this TreePanel;
 * @cfg {String} pathSeparator_The token used to separate sub-paths in path strings (defaults to '/');
 * @cfg {Boolean} useArrows_true to use Vista-style arrows in the tree (defaults to false);
 * @cfg {String} requestMethod_The HTTP request method for loading data (defaults to the value of {Ext.Ajax#method}).
 * @constructor
 * @param {Object} config
 * @xtype treepanel
Ext.tree.TreePanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
    rootVisible : true,
    animate : Ext.enableFx,
    lines : true,
    enableDD : false,
    hlDrop : Ext.enableFx,
    pathSeparator : '/',

     * @cfg {Array} bubbleEvents(冒泡事件)
* An array of events that, when fired, should be bubbled to any parent container.
     * See {Ext.util.Observable#enableBubble}.
     * Defaults to [].
    bubbleEvents : [],

    initComponent : function(){

            this.eventModel = new Ext.tree.TreeEventModel(this);

        // initialize the loader
        var l = this.loader;
            l = new Ext.tree.TreeLoader({
                dataUrl: this.dataUrl,
                requestMethod: this.requestMethod
        }else if(Ext.isObject(l) && !l.load){
            l = new Ext.tree.TreeLoader(l);
        this.loader = l;

        this.nodeHash = {};

        * The root node of this tree.
        * @type Ext.tree.TreeNode
        * @property root
            var r = this.root;
            delete this.root;

            * @event append 附加
            * Fires when a new child node is appended to a node in this tree.
            * @param {Tree} tree_The owner tree;
            * @param {Node} parent_The parent node;
            * @param {Node} node_The newly appended node;
            * @param {Number} index_The index of the newly appended node;
            * @event remove
            * Fires when a child node is removed from a node in this tree.
            * @param {Tree} tree The owner tree
            * @param {Node} parent The parent node
            * @param {Node} node The child node removed
            * @event movenode
            * Fires when a node is moved to a new location in the tree
            * @param {Tree} tree The owner tree
            * @param {Node} node The node moved
            * @param {Node} oldParent The old parent of this node
            * @param {Node} newParent The new parent of this node
            * @param {Number} index The index it was moved to
            * @event insert
            * Fires when a new child node is inserted in a node in this tree.
            * @param {Tree} tree The owner tree
            * @param {Node} parent The parent node
            * @param {Node} node The child node inserted
            * @param {Node} refNode The child node the node was inserted before
            * @event beforeappend
            * Fires before a new child is appended to a node in this tree, return false to cancel the append.
            * @param {Tree} tree The owner tree
            * @param {Node} parent The parent node
            * @param {Node} node The child node to be appended
            * @event beforeremove
            * Fires before a child is removed from a node in this tree, return false to cancel the remove.
            * @param {Tree} tree The owner tree
            * @param {Node} parent The parent node
            * @param {Node} node The child node to be removed
            * @event beforemovenode
            * Fires before a node is moved to a new location in the tree. Return false to cancel the move.
            * @param {Tree} tree The owner tree
            * @param {Node} node The node being moved
            * @param {Node} oldParent The parent of the node
            * @param {Node} newParent The new parent the node is moving to
            * @param {Number} index The index it is being moved to
            * @event beforeinsert
            * Fires before a new child is inserted in a node in this tree, return false to cancel the insert.
            * @param {Tree} tree The owner tree
            * @param {Node} parent The parent node
            * @param {Node} node The child node to be inserted
            * @param {Node} refNode The child node the node is being inserted before
            * @event beforeload
            * Fires before a node is loaded, return false to cancel
            * @param {Node} node The node being loaded
            * @event load
            * Fires when a node is loaded
            * @param {Node} node The node that was loaded
            * @event textchange
            * Fires when the text for a node is changed
            * @param {Node} node The node
            * @param {String} text The new text
            * @param {String} oldText The old text
            * @event beforeexpandnode
            * Fires before a node is expanded, return false to cancel.
            * @param {Node} node The node
            * @param {Boolean} deep
            * @param {Boolean} anim
            * @event beforecollapsenode
            * Fires before a node is collapsed, return false to cancel.
            * @param {Node} node The node
            * @param {Boolean} deep
            * @param {Boolean} anim
            * @event expandnode
            * Fires when a node is expanded
            * @param {Node} node The node
            * @event disabledchange
            * Fires when the disabled status of a node changes
            * @param {Node} node The node
            * @param {Boolean} disabled
            * @event collapsenode
            * Fires when a node is collapsed
            * @param {Node} node The node
            * @event beforeclick
            * Fires before click processing on a node. Return false to cancel the default action.
            * @param {Node} node The node
            * @param {Ext.EventObject} e The event object
            * @event click
            * Fires when a node is clicked
            * @param {Node} node The node
            * @param {Ext.EventObject} e The event object
            * @event containerclick
            * Fires when the tree container is clicked
            * @param {Tree} this
            * @param {Ext.EventObject} e The event object
            * @event checkchange
            * Fires when a node with a checkbox's checked property changes
            * @param {Node} this This node
            * @param {Boolean} checked
            * @event beforedblclick
            * Fires before double click processing on a node. Return false to cancel the default action.
            * @param {Node} node The node
            * @param {Ext.EventObject} e The event object
            * @event dblclick
            * Fires when a node is double clicked
            * @param {Node} node The node
            * @param {Ext.EventObject} e The event object
            * @event containerdblclick
            * Fires when the tree container is double clicked
            * @param {Tree} this
            * @param {Ext.EventObject} e The event object
            * @event contextmenu 右键菜单
            * Fires when a node is right clicked. To display a context menu in response to this
            * event, first create a Menu object (see {Ext.menu.Menu} for details), then add
            * a handler for this event:
* 示例:
new Ext.tree.TreePanel({
   title: 'My TreePanel',
   root: new Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode({
       text: 'The Root',
       children: [
           { text: 'Child node 1', leaf: true },
           { text: 'Child node 2', leaf: true }
   contextMenu: new Ext.menu.Menu({ //右键菜单;
       items: [{
           id: 'delete-node',
           text: 'Delete Node'
       listeners: {
           itemclick: function(item) {
               switch (item.id) {
                   case 'delete-node':
                       var n = item.parentMenu.contextNode;
                       if (n.parentNode) {
   listeners: {
       contextmenu: function(node, e) {
       //Register the context node with the menu so that a Menu Item's handler function can access
       //it via its {Ext.menu.BaseItem#parentMenu parentMenu} property.
           node.select(); //高亮显示选中的菜单;
           var c = node.getOwnerTree().contextMenu;
           c.contextNode = node;
            * @param {Node} node The node
            * @param {Ext.EventObject} e The event object
            * @event containercontextmenu
            * Fires when the tree container is right clicked
            * @param {Tree} this
            * @param {Ext.EventObject} e The event object
            * @event beforechildrenrendered
            * Fires right before the child nodes for a node are rendered
            * @param {Node} node The node
             * @event startdrag
             * Fires when a node starts being dragged
             * @param {Ext.tree.TreePanel} this
             * @param {Ext.tree.TreeNode} node
             * @param {event} e The raw browser event
             * @event enddrag
             * Fires when a drag operation is complete
             * @param {Ext.tree.TreePanel} this
             * @param {Ext.tree.TreeNode} node
             * @param {event} e The raw browser event
             * @event dragdrop
             * Fires when a dragged node is dropped on a valid DD target
             * @param {Ext.tree.TreePanel} this
             * @param {Ext.tree.TreeNode} node
             * @param {DD} dd The dd it was dropped on
             * @param {event} e The raw browser event
             * @event beforenodedrop
             * Fires when a DD object is dropped on a node in this tree for preprocessing. 
             * Return false to cancel the drop. The dropEvent passed to handlers has the following properties:
tree - The TreePanel
target - The node being targeted for the drop
data - The drag data from the drag source
point - The point of the drop - append, above or below
source - The drag source
rawEvent - Raw mouse event
dropNode - Drop node(s) provided by the source OR you can supply node(s)
               to be inserted by setting them on this object.
cancel - Set this to true to cancel the drop.
dropStatus - If the default drop action is cancelled but the drop is valid, setting this to true
                         will prevent the animated 'repair' from appearing.
             * @param {Object} dropEvent
             * @event nodedrop
             * Fires after a DD object is dropped on a node in this tree. The dropEvent
             * passed to handlers has the following properties:
tree - The TreePanel
target - The node being targeted for the drop
data - The drag data from the drag source
point - The point of the drop - append, above or below
source - The drag source
rawEvent - Raw mouse event
dropNode - Dropped node(s).
             * @param {Object} dropEvent
             * @event nodedragover
             * Fires when a tree node is being targeted for a drag drop, return false to signal(表明) drop not allowed. 
             * The dragOverEvent passed to handlers has the following properties:
tree - The TreePanel
target - The node being targeted for the drop
data - The drag data from the drag source
point - The point of the drop - append, above or below
source - The drag source
rawEvent - Raw mouse event
dropNode - Drop node(s) provided by the source.
cancel - Set this to true to signal drop not allowed.
             * @param {Object} dragOverEvent
            this.on('beforeexpandnode', this.restrictExpand, this);

    // private
    proxyNodeEvent : function(ename, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6){
        if(ename == 'collapse' || ename == 'expand' || ename == 'beforecollapse' || ename == 'beforeexpand' 
         || ename == 'move' || ename == 'beforemove'){
             ename = ename+'node';
        // args inline for performance(执行) while bubbling events
        return this.fireEvent(ename, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6);

     * Returns this root node for this tree
     * @return {Node}
    getRootNode : function(){
        return this.root;

     * Sets the root node for this tree. If the TreePanel has already rendered a root node, the
     * previous(先前的) root node (and all of its descendants_后代) are destroyed before the new root node is rendered.
     * @param {Node} node
     * @return {Node}
    setRootNode : function(node){
        if(!node.render){ // attributes passed
            node = this.loader.createNode(node);
        this.root = node;
        node.ownerTree = this;
        node.isRoot = true;
            var uiP = node.attributes.uiProvider;
            node.ui = uiP ? new uiP(node) : new Ext.tree.RootTreeNodeUI(node);
        return node;
    clearInnerCt : function(){
    // private
    renderRoot : function(){

     * Gets a node in this tree by its id
     * @param {String} id
     * @return {Node}
    getNodeById : function(id){
        return this.nodeHash[id];

    // private
    registerNode : function(node){
        this.nodeHash[node.id] = node;

    // private
    unregisterNode : function(node){
        delete this.nodeHash[node.id];

    // private
    toString : function(){
        return '[Tree'+(this.id?' '+this.id:'')+']';

    // private_restrict:限制;
    restrictExpand : function(node){
        var p = node.parentNode;
            if(p.expandedChild && p.expandedChild.parentNode == p){
                p.expandedChild.collapse(); //collapse折叠;
            p.expandedChild = node;

     * Retrieve(找回) an array of checked nodes, or an array of a specific attribute of checked nodes (e.g. 'id')
     * @param {String} attribute (optional) Defaults to null (return the actual(实在的) nodes)
     * @param {TreeNode} startNode (optional) The node to start from, defaults to the root
     * @return {Array}
    getChecked : function(a, startNode){
        startNode = startNode || this.root;
        var r = [];
        var f = function(){
                r.push(!a ? this : (a == 'id' ? this.id : this.attributes[a]));
        return r;

     * Returns the default {Ext.tree.TreeLoader} for this TreePanel.
     * @return {Ext.tree.TreeLoader} The TreeLoader for this TreePanel.
    getLoader : function(){
        return this.loader;

     * Expand all nodes
    expandAll : function(){

     * Collapse all nodes
    collapseAll : function(){

     * Returns the selection model used by this TreePanel.
     * @return {TreeSelectionModel} The selection model used by this TreePanel
    getSelectionModel : function(){
            this.selModel = new Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel();
        return this.selModel;

     * Expands a specified path in this TreePanel. A path can be retrieved(找回) from a node with {Ext.data.Node#getPath};
     * @param {String} path
     * @param {String} attr (optional)_The attribute used in the path (see {Ext.data.Node#getPath} for more info);
     * @param {Function} callback (optional) The callback to call when the expand is complete. The callback will be called 
     * with (bSuccess, oLastNode) where bSuccess is if the expand was successful and oLastNode is the last node that was 
     * expanded.
    expandPath : function(path, attr, callback){
                callback(false, undefined);
        attr = attr || 'id';
        var keys = path.split(this.pathSeparator);
        var curNode = this.root;
        if(curNode.attributes[attr] != keys[1]){ // invalid root
                callback(false, null);
        var index = 1;
        var f = function(){
            if(++index == keys.length){
                    callback(true, curNode);
            var c = curNode.findChild(attr, keys[index]);
                    callback(false, curNode);
            curNode = c;
            c.expand(false, false, f);
        curNode.expand(false, false, f);

     * Selects the node in this tree at the specified path. A path can be retrieved from a node with {Ext.data.Node#getPath}
     * @param {String} path
     * @param {String} attr (optional) The attribute used in the path (see {Ext.data.Node#getPath} for more info);
     * @param {Function} callback (optional) The callback to call when the selection is complete. 
     * The callback will be called with (bSuccess, oSelNode) where bSuccess is if the selection was successful and 
     * oSelNode is the selected node.
    selectPath : function(path, attr, callback){
                callback(false, undefined);
        attr = attr || 'id';
        var keys = path.split(this.pathSeparator),
            v = keys.pop();
        if(keys.length > 1){
            var f = function(success, node){
                if(success && node){
                    var n = node.findChild(attr, v);
                            callback(true, n);
                    }else if(callback){
                        callback(false, n);
                        callback(false, n);
            this.expandPath(keys.join(this.pathSeparator), attr, f);
                callback(true, this.root);

     * Returns the underlying(底层) Element for this tree
     * @return {Ext.Element} The Element
    getTreeEl : function(){
        return this.body;

    // private
    onRender : function(ct, position){
        Ext.tree.TreePanel.superclass.onRender.call(this, ct, position);
        this.innerCt = this.body.createChild({tag:'ul',
               cls:'x-tree-root-ct ' +
               (this.useArrows ? 'x-tree-arrows' : this.lines ? 'x-tree-lines' : 'x-tree-no-lines')});

    // private
    initEvents : function(){

        if((this.enableDD || this.enableDrop) && !this.dropZone){
            * The dropZone used by this tree if drop is enabled (see {#enableDD} or {#enableDrop})
            * @property dropZone
            * @type Ext.tree.TreeDropZone
             this.dropZone = new Ext.tree.TreeDropZone(this, this.dropConfig || {
               ddGroup: this.ddGroup || 'TreeDD', appendOnly: this.ddAppendOnly === true
        if((this.enableDD || this.enableDrag) && !this.dragZone){
            * The dragZone used by this tree if drag is enabled (see {#enableDD} or {#enableDrag})
            * @property dragZone
            * @type Ext.tree.TreeDragZone
            this.dragZone = new Ext.tree.TreeDragZone(this, this.dragConfig || {
               ddGroup: this.ddGroup || 'TreeDD',
               scroll: this.ddScroll

    // private
    afterRender : function(){

    beforeDestroy : function(){
            Ext.destroy(this.dropZone, this.dragZone);
        this.nodeHash = this.root = this.loader = null;
     * Destroy the root node. Not included by itself because we need to pass the silent parameter.
     * @private
    destroyRoot : function(){
        if(this.root && this.root.destroy){

     * @cfg {String/Number} activeItem
     * @hide
     * @cfg {Boolean} autoDestroy
     * @hide
     * @cfg {Object/String/Function} autoLoad
     * @hide
     * @cfg {Boolean} autoWidth
     * @hide
     * @cfg {Boolean/Number} bufferResize
     * @hide //buffer缓冲
     * @cfg {String} defaultType
     * @hide
     * @cfg {Object} defaults
     * @hide
     * @cfg {Boolean} hideBorders
     * @hide
     * @cfg {Mixed} items
     * @hide
     * @cfg {String} layout
     * @hide
     * @cfg {Object} layoutConfig
     * @hide
     * @cfg {Boolean} monitorResize
     * @hide
     * @property items
     * @hide
     * @method cascade
     * @hide
     * @method doLayout
     * @hide
     * @method find
     * @hide
     * @method findBy
     * @hide
     * @method findById
     * @hide
     * @method findByType
     * @hide
     * @method getComponent
     * @hide
     * @method getLayout
     * @hide
     * @method getUpdater
     * @hide
     * @method insert
     * @hide
     * @method load
     * @hide
     * @method remove
     * @hide
     * @event add
     * @hide
     * @method removeAll
     * @hide
     * @event afterLayout
     * @hide
     * @event beforeadd
     * @hide
     * @event beforeremove
     * @hide
     * @event remove
     * @hide

     * @cfg {String} allowDomMove  @hide
     * @cfg {String} autoEl @hide
     * @cfg {String} applyTo  @hide
     * @cfg {String} contentEl  @hide
     * @cfg {Mixed} data  @hide
     * @cfg {Mixed} tpl  @hide
     * @cfg {String} tplWriteMode  @hide
     * @cfg {String} disabledClass  @hide
     * @cfg {String} elements  @hide
     * @cfg {String} html  @hide
     * @cfg {Boolean} preventBodyReset
     * @hide
     * @property disabled
     * @hide
     * @method applyToMarkup
     * @hide
     * @method enable
     * @hide
     * @method disable
     * @hide
     * @method setDisabled
     * @hide
Ext.tree.TreePanel.nodeTypes = {};
Ext.reg('treepanel', Ext.tree.TreePanel);

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