To run PREfast for Drivers, use the following procedure.
1. Open a WDK build environment window.
To open a build environment window, use the follow menu path:
Start | All Programs | Windows Driver Kits | WDK_Version | Build Enviroment | Operating System | Build Environment.
2. Navigate to the driver's sources directory.
This is the directory that contains the sources file for the driver. If you do not have a driver to test, consider running PREfast for Drivers on one of the sample code files packaged with the tool. To run PREfast for Drivers on its sample files, navigate to the /tools/pfd/samples subdirectory of the WDK.
Eg:>cd D:/WinDDK/7600.16385.0/tools/pfd/samples/fail_drivers/ fail_driver1
3. Start PREfast for Drivers. To start PREfast for Drivers, at the command prompt, type prefast followed your standard build command. For example:
prefast build –cZ
D:/WinDDK/7600.16385.0/tools/pfd/samples/fail_drivers/fail_driver1>prefast build -cZ
输入错误: 没有文件扩展“.js”的脚本引擎。