论文:YOLOv3: An Incremental Improvement
在基本的图像特征提取方面,YOLO3采用了称之为Darknet-53的网络结构(含有53个卷积层),它借鉴了残差网络residual network的做法,在一些层之间设置了快捷链路(shortcut connections)。
感受一下9种先验框的尺寸,下图中蓝色框为聚类得到的先验框。黄色框式ground truth,红框是对象中心点所在的网格。
预测对象类别时不使用softmax,改成使用logistic的输出进行预测。这样能够支持多标签对象(比如一个人有Woman 和 Person两个标签)。
我们看一下YOLO3共进行了多少个预测。对于一个416*416的输入图像,在每个尺度的特征图的每个网格设置3个先验框,总共有 13*13*3 + 26*26*3 + 52*52*3 = 10647 个预测。每一个预测是一个(4+1+80)=85维向量,这个85维向量包含边框坐标(4个数值),边框置信度(1个数值),对象类别的概率(对于COCO数据集,有80种对象)。
对比一下,YOLO2采用13*13*5 = 845个预测,YOLO3的尝试预测边框数量增加了10多倍,而且是在不同分辨率上进行,所以mAP以及对小物体的检测效果有一定的提升。
class YOLOLayer(nn.Module):
"""Detection layer"""
def __init__(self, anchors, num_classes, img_dim=416):
super(YOLOLayer, self).__init__()
self.anchors = anchors
self.num_anchors = len(anchors)
self.num_classes = num_classes
self.ignore_thres = 0.5
self.mse_loss = nn.MSELoss()
self.bce_loss = nn.BCELoss()
self.obj_scale = 1
self.noobj_scale = 100
self.metrics = {}
self.img_dim = img_dim
self.grid_size = 0 # grid size
def compute_grid_offsets(self, grid_size, cuda=True):
将anchor box转换成以格子为单位;计算每个格子的像素数
:param grid_size:
:param cuda:
self.grid_size = grid_size
g = self.grid_size
FloatTensor = torch.cuda.FloatTensor if cuda else torch.FloatTensor
self.stride = self.img_dim / self.grid_size # 每个格子包含的resize后图片的像素数
# Calculate offsets for each grid
self.grid_x = torch.arange(g).repeat(g, 1).view([1, 1, g, g]).type(FloatTensor) #[1, 1, grid_size, grid_size]用来计算中心点x方向的坐标
self.grid_y = torch.arange(g).repeat(g, 1).t().view([1, 1, g, g]).type(FloatTensor) #[1, 1, grid_size, grid_size]用来计算中心点方向的坐标
self.scaled_anchors = FloatTensor([(a_w / self.stride, a_h / self.stride) for a_w, a_h in self.anchors]) # 将anchor box的坐标由像素为单位转换成格子为单位, [n_anchorbox, 2]
self.anchor_w = self.scaled_anchors[:, 0:1].view((1, self.num_anchors, 1, 1)) # anchor box 的w , [1, n_anchorbox, 1, 1]
self.anchor_h = self.scaled_anchors[:, 1:2].view((1, self.num_anchors, 1, 1)) # anchor box 的h , [1, n_anchorbox, 1, 1]
def forward(self, x, targets=None, img_dim=None):
# Tensors for cuda support
FloatTensor = torch.cuda.FloatTensor if x.is_cuda else torch.FloatTensor
LongTensor = torch.cuda.LongTensor if x.is_cuda else torch.LongTensor
ByteTensor = torch.cuda.ByteTensor if x.is_cuda else torch.ByteTensor
self.img_dim = img_dim
num_samples = x.size(0) # batch_size
grid_size = x.size(2) # 尺度, grid_size*grid_size为特征图的网格数量
prediction = ( # [batch_size, n_anchor_box, grid_size, grid_size, n_classes+5]
x.view(num_samples, self.num_anchors, self.num_classes + 5, grid_size, grid_size)
.permute(0, 1, 3, 4, 2)
# 神经网络的预测 x,y,w,h,c,cls
x = torch.sigmoid(prediction[..., 0]) # 中心点距离当前网格左上角的x方向的偏移量,单位为x个grid_size大小的格子, [batch_size, n_anchorbox, grid_size, grid_size]
y = torch.sigmoid(prediction[..., 1]) # 中心点距离当前网格左上角的y方向的偏移量,单位为x个grid_size大小的格子, [batch_size, n_anchorbox, grid_size, grid_size]
w = prediction[..., 2] # 预测出的box的weight,单位为x个grid_size大小的格子, [batch_size, n_anchorbox, grid_size, grid_size]
h = prediction[..., 3] # 预测出的box的Height,单位为x个grid_size大小的格子, [batch_size, n_anchorbox, grid_size, grid_size]
pred_conf = torch.sigmoid(prediction[..., 4]) # 包含物体的置信度, [batch_size, n_anchorbox, grid_size, grid_size]
pred_cls = torch.sigmoid(prediction[..., 5:]) # 类别概率, [batch_size, n_anchorbox, grid_size, grid_size, n_classes]
# If grid size does not match current we compute new offsets
if grid_size != self.grid_size:
self.compute_grid_offsets(grid_size, cuda=x.is_cuda)
# Add offset and scale with anchors
pred_boxes = FloatTensor(prediction[..., :4].shape) # [batch_size, n_anchorbox, grid_size, grid_size, 4], 单位是格子数
pred_boxes[..., 0] = x.data + self.grid_x
pred_boxes[..., 1] = y.data + self.grid_y
pred_boxes[..., 2] = torch.exp(w.data) * self.anchor_w
pred_boxes[..., 3] = torch.exp(h.data) * self.anchor_h
output = torch.cat( # 转换为像素为单位,[batch_size, grid_size*grid_size*n_anchorbox, 5+n_classes]
pred_boxes.view(num_samples, -1, 4) * self.stride,
pred_conf.view(num_samples, -1, 1),
pred_cls.view(num_samples, -1, self.num_classes),
if targets is None:
return output, 0
# iou_scores: [batch_size, n_anchorbox, grid_size, grid_size] 预测的box 和target box 的交并比
# class_mask: [batch_size, n_anchorbox, grid_size, grid_size], 预测正确的class 为true
# obj_mask : [batch_size, n_anchorbox, grid_size, grid_size]
# noobj_mask: [batch_size, n_anchorbox, grid_size, grid_size]
# tx: [batch_size, n_anchorbox, grid_size, grid_size]
# ty: [batch_size, n_anchorbox, grid_size, grid_size]
# tw: [batch_size, n_anchorbox, grid_size, grid_size]
# th: [batch_size, n_anchorbox, grid_size, grid_size]
# tcls :[batch_size, n_anchorbox, grid_size, grid_size, n_classes]
# tconf: [batch_size, n_anchorbox, grid_size, grid_size]
iou_scores, class_mask, obj_mask, noobj_mask, tx, ty, tw, th, tcls, tconf = build_targets(
# Loss : Mask outputs to ignore non-existing objects (except with conf. loss)
loss_x = self.mse_loss(x[obj_mask], tx[obj_mask])
loss_y = self.mse_loss(y[obj_mask], ty[obj_mask])
loss_w = self.mse_loss(w[obj_mask], tw[obj_mask])
loss_h = self.mse_loss(h[obj_mask], th[obj_mask])
loss_conf_obj = self.bce_loss(pred_conf[obj_mask], tconf[obj_mask])
loss_conf_noobj = self.bce_loss(pred_conf[noobj_mask], tconf[noobj_mask])
loss_conf = self.obj_scale * loss_conf_obj + self.noobj_scale * loss_conf_noobj
loss_cls = self.bce_loss(pred_cls[obj_mask], tcls[obj_mask])
total_loss = loss_x + loss_y + loss_w + loss_h + loss_conf + loss_cls
# Metrics
cls_acc = 100 * class_mask[obj_mask].mean() # 正确率
conf_obj = pred_conf[obj_mask].mean() # 有物体的平均置信度
conf_noobj = pred_conf[noobj_mask].mean() # 无物体的平均置信度
conf50 = (pred_conf > 0.5).float() # 置信度大于0.5的位置 [batch_size, n_anchorbox, grid_size, grid_size]
iou50 = (iou_scores > 0.5).float() # 交并比大于0.5的位置 [batch_size, n_anchorbox, grid_size, grid_size]
iou75 = (iou_scores > 0.75).float() # 交并比大于0.75的位置 [batch_size, n_anchorbox, grid_size, grid_size]
detected_mask = conf50 * class_mask * tconf # 置信度大于0.5,并且预测的类别正确,并且obj_mask为true
precision = torch.sum(iou50 * detected_mask) / (conf50.sum() + 1e-16)
recall50 = torch.sum(iou50 * detected_mask) / (obj_mask.sum() + 1e-16)
recall75 = torch.sum(iou75 * detected_mask) / (obj_mask.sum() + 1e-16)
self.metrics = {
"loss": to_cpu(total_loss).item(),
"x": to_cpu(loss_x).item(),
"y": to_cpu(loss_y).item(),
"w": to_cpu(loss_w).item(),
"h": to_cpu(loss_h).item(),
"conf": to_cpu(loss_conf).item(),
"cls": to_cpu(loss_cls).item(),
"cls_acc": to_cpu(cls_acc).item(),
"recall50": to_cpu(recall50).item(),
"recall75": to_cpu(recall75).item(),
"precision": to_cpu(precision).item(),
"conf_obj": to_cpu(conf_obj).item(),
"conf_noobj": to_cpu(conf_noobj).item(),
"grid_size": grid_size,
return output, total_loss
def build_targets(pred_boxes, pred_cls, target, anchors, ignore_thres):
:param pred_boxes: 预测的box,单位是格子数 [batch_size, n_anchorbox, grid_size, grid_size, 4]
:param pred_cls: 类别概率, [batch_size, n_anchorbox, grid_size, grid_size, n_classes]
:param target: [n_boxes, 6], 第二个维度有6个值,分别为: box所属的图片的index, 类别index, x, y, w, h
:param anchors: [n_anchorbox, 2] ,第二个维度为anchor box的weight和hight
:param ignore_thres:
ByteTensor = torch.cuda.ByteTensor if pred_boxes.is_cuda else torch.ByteTensor
FloatTensor = torch.cuda.FloatTensor if pred_boxes.is_cuda else torch.FloatTensor
nB = pred_boxes.size(0) # batch_size
nA = pred_boxes.size(1) # n_anchor_box
nC = pred_cls.size(-1) # n_classes
nG = pred_boxes.size(2) # grid_size
# Output tensors
obj_mask = ByteTensor(nB, nA, nG, nG).fill_(0) # [batch_size, n_anchor_box, grid_size, grid_size]
noobj_mask = ByteTensor(nB, nA, nG, nG).fill_(1) # [batch_size, n_anchor_box, grid_size, grid_size]
class_mask = FloatTensor(nB, nA, nG, nG).fill_(0) # [batch_size, n_anchor_box, grid_size, grid_size]
iou_scores = FloatTensor(nB, nA, nG, nG).fill_(0) # [batch_size, n_anchor_box, grid_size, grid_size]
tx = FloatTensor(nB, nA, nG, nG).fill_(0) # [batch_size, n_anchor_box, grid_size, grid_size]
ty = FloatTensor(nB, nA, nG, nG).fill_(0) # [batch_size, n_anchor_box, grid_size, grid_size]
tw = FloatTensor(nB, nA, nG, nG).fill_(0) # [batch_size, n_anchor_box, grid_size, grid_size]
th = FloatTensor(nB, nA, nG, nG).fill_(0) # [batch_size, n_anchor_box, grid_size, grid_size]
tcls = FloatTensor(nB, nA, nG, nG, nC).fill_(0) # [batch_size, n_anchor_box, grid_size, grid_size]
# Convert to position relative to box
target_boxes = target[:, 2:6] * nG # [n_boxes, 4] 将box的相对坐标转换成以格子为单位的坐标,n_boxes为一个batch样本中框的总数
gxy = target_boxes[:, :2] # target box中心点的坐标,单位为格子数, [n_target_box, 2]
gwh = target_boxes[:, 2:] # target box的weight和height,单位为格子数,[n_target_box, 2]
# 找出于target box 交并比最大的anchor box,
ious = torch.stack([bbox_wh_iou(anchor, gwh) for anchor in anchors]) # target box和anchor box计算交并比, [n_anchorbox, n_target_box]
best_ious, best_n = ious.max(0) # 最大的iou,与target box 交并比最大的anchor box的index, [n_target_box], [n_target_box]
# Separate target values
b, target_labels = target[:, :2].long().t() # target box在批中的index,target box的物体类别index; [n_target_box], [n_target_box]
gx, gy = gxy.t() # target box中心点的坐标,单位为格子数,[n_target_box], [n_target_box]
gw, gh = gwh.t() # target box的weight和height,单位为格子数,[n_target_box], [n_target_box]
gi, gj = gxy.long().t() # gi为格子在x方向的index, gj为格子在y方向的index,[n_target_box], [n_target_box]
# Set masks
obj_mask[b, best_n, gj, gi] = 1 # [batch_size, n_anchorbox, grid_size, grid_size]
noobj_mask[b, best_n, gj, gi] = 0 # [batch_size, n_anchorbox, grid_size, grid_size]
# Set noobj mask to zero where iou exceeds ignore threshold
for i, anchor_ious in enumerate(ious.t()):
noobj_mask[b[i], anchor_ious > ignore_thres, gj[i], gi[i]] = 0
# Coordinates
tx[b, best_n, gj, gi] = gx - gx.floor() # target box 中心点在x方向上相对当前格子左上角的偏移[batch_size, n_anchorbox, grid_size, grid_size]
ty[b, best_n, gj, gi] = gy - gy.floor() # target box 中心点在y方向上相对当前格子左上角的偏移[batch_size, n_anchorbox, grid_size, grid_size]
# Width and height
tw[b, best_n, gj, gi] = torch.log(gw / anchors[best_n][:, 0] + 1e-16) # target box 的weight[batch_size, n_anchorbox, grid_size, grid_size]
th[b, best_n, gj, gi] = torch.log(gh / anchors[best_n][:, 1] + 1e-16) # target box 的height[batch_size, n_anchorbox, grid_size, grid_size]
# One-hot encoding of label
tcls[b, best_n, gj, gi, target_labels] = 1 # [batch_size, n_anchorbox, grid_size, grid_size, n_classes]
# Compute label correctness and iou at best anchor
class_mask[b, best_n, gj, gi] = (pred_cls[b, best_n, gj, gi].argmax(-1) == target_labels).float() # [batch_size, n_anchorbox, grid_size, grid_size]
iou_scores[b, best_n, gj, gi] = bbox_iou(pred_boxes[b, best_n, gj, gi], target_boxes, x1y1x2y2=False) # [batch_size, n_anchorbox, grid_size, grid_size]
tconf = obj_mask.float()
return iou_scores, class_mask, obj_mask, noobj_mask, tx, ty, tw, th, tcls, tconf
2.计算每个框的score, score=置信度*分类概率
- 将所有框根据score由大到小排序;
- 取出score最大的框,与剩余的框计算iou;
- 如果iou大于阈值,并且识别出的物体的标签与score最大的框识别出物体的标签相同,标记为invalid框;
- 将invalid的框从候选框中删除;
- 根据invalid框的置信度,作为权重,加权平均修正score最大的框的x,y,w,h;
- 将修正后的框加入结果框列表;
- 循环往复,知道没有候选框。
[1] YOLOv3 深入理解