

How many languages can you speak?【Why / Why not?】

Actually, I can only speak 2 languages. Obviously one is my mother
tongue, the other is English. I can speak English fluently and this
second language is good enough for me to communicate with foreigners.

How useful will English be to you in your future?【Why / Why not?】

English will be extraordinarily important to me in my future as I will
study in the UK after a couple of months. I will take the lectures and
write assignments in English. What’s more, all the communication in my
daily life would be performed by English.

What do you remember about learning languages at school?

I remember the English spoken course at school clearly since I was not good at speaking at all. The most unconfutable part of the class was giving a presentation in front of more than 40 people. I was so scared to speak out with an unskilled language.

What do you think would be the hardest language for you to learn? 【Why?】

The hardest language for me to learn would be Spanish. Actually I haven’t even tried to learn this language. The retroflex in Spanish is extremely difficult for me. I decided to give up on this language when I first heard it from the radio.

what the website is

Taobao → largest online shopping platform, almost everyone who shops online uses this website;

what you bought from this website

So many things: laptop, earphones, keyboard, daily necessities, clothes and shoes…

how satisfied you were with what you bought

Generally speaking, I was quite satisfied (reason: good quality, authentic);
I have to be really careful when shopping on Taobao in order to avoid counterfeit or bad quality products.
Last time, I purchased a wireless keyboard on Taobao, but when I used it, it was difficult to type words smoothly and consistently.
Consequently, I had to return the product and claim the refund.

Part 3

Shopping online What kinds of things do people in your country often buy from online shops?


I buy electronic devices, like smart phone online usually because they are far more cheaper than that in the offline shop. Many people in my country also share similar demand with me. We buy those devices online mainly because they are cheaper.

What do you think online shopping has become so popular nowadays?

剑14里面的问法是:why has online shopping become so popular in many countries, 实际上和这道剑15的题目回答方向就很近似了,所以用同一个回答思路去理解,首先不要单纯回答原因,也要和实际例子结合在一起,例如:

I like shopping online because it is very convenient…and I think many people like it for the similar reason. This should be the reason why online shopping become so popular recently…

What are some possible disadvantages of buying things from online shops?

这道题和剑14 也是同类题,考察学生的辩证思维,所以前面也不要过于绝对地说网上购物的所有好处,也要提出的可能会有的一些坏处,这个时候可以说:

Despite of convenience, there are also something we need to worry about. For example, shipping problems and delays. Even the biggest and best shipping companies and online retailers have their bad days, so there’s no way to ensure that you’ll getyou have bought in time unless you pick it up from a physical store.

The culture of consumerismWhy do so many people today keep buying things which they do not need?


原因1:cheaper, e.g., discount online were up to 50% or even more, same quality, lower price
原因2:convenience, e.g., no need to go outside, buy something faraway from our living place

Do you believe the benefits of a consumer society outweigh the disadvantages?

这个地方选择利大于弊的话,利弊双方都可以说,但是注意不要喧宾夺主,重心还是放在好处上面,同时也可以说,其带来的不好之处很容易可以解决,所以还是利大于弊;同时注意,consumer society 这个名词实际上就不仅仅是网络购物了,说的是消费者导向的社会,那么其中的好处可能就包括:

Consumer’s preference will influence the development of the society, mass markets, industrialization, cultural attitude

More job opportunities will be created in certain industries


though there are some negative influences, like customers are always exposed to numerous advertisements that drives customers to buy thing they actually do not need.

How possible is it to avoid the culture of consumerism?


There is little possibility toavoid it in the modern time. First, consumerism shapes us in such a way that we want to acquire material goods not because they are useful, but because of what they say about us; Also,people want the newest and the best to fit in with or outshine others… to avoid these we need to do a lot of guidance on individual’s thinking style, which is very difficult.





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