Android NDK: WARNING: APP_PLATFORM android-19 is larger than android:minSdkVersion 10 in ./AndroidManifest.xml
Android NDK: WARNING:jni/ non-system libraries in linker flags: -lopenal
Android NDK: This is likely to result in incorrect builds. Try using LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES
Android NDK: or LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES instead to list the library dependencies of the
Android NDK: current module
[armeabi] Compile arm : openal <= ALc.c
arm-linux-androideabi-gcc: error: unrecognized command line option '-mno-thumb'
make: *** [obj/local/armeabi/objs/openal/__/__/__/common/openal/ALc.o] Error 1
来自opengl es 2.0编程指南。