GEOM7001-Earth Observation:Advanced Image Processing &Modelling Sem 2 2023R

Java Python GEOM7001-Earth Observation:Advanced Image Processing &Modelling

SemesterSem    22023| Administrative Campus:St  Lucia  | Mode: External Printed:24 July 2024,06:11 pm

This printed course profileis valid at the date and time specifed above.The course profile may be subject to change during the semester-the online version is the authoritative version.

1.General  Course   Information

1.1 Course Details Course Code:GEOM7001

Course Title:Earth Observation:Advanced ImageProcessing &Modelling Coordinating Unit:School of theEnvironment

Semester:Semester 2,2023 Mode:External

Level:Postgraduate Coursework

Delivery Location:External (administered at St Lucia) Number of Units:2

Pre-Requisites:GEOM2000 or 7000 Incompatible:GEOM3001

Course Description: Remote sensing or earth observation,is an important toolfor monitoring and modelingthe condition and dynamicsofterestrial, aquatic and atmospheric environments.Theinformation extracted from images maybe usedin many ways,as image or thematic maps,directy in

decision making,as estimates of biophysical variables orintegrated with other spatialinformation systems for further analysis and display.This information can be collected from local to globalscales for examining changes in the habitat of endangered faunaor monitoring continental scale deforestation and global scale oceanic and atmospheric conditions.This courseis alogical progresion from the remote sensing concepts and skils introducedin GEOM2000/7000.GEOM3001/7001 emphasises digital image processing for analysis of remotelysensed imagery,including airborne   and satelite multi-spectral,hyper-spectral and synthetic aperture radar data.Practical sessions willinvolvea progression of practicals in the compute laboratory using the ENVI(Environmentfor Visualising Images)software package.Concepts andskillacquired in these sessions wil be applied in the individual student remote sensing project that can be designed to suit your areaof interest

Assumed Background:

Ahighlydesirable prerequisite for this courseis to have introductory knowledge of remote sensing from GEOM2000 (or equivalent).Pror to tending image processingpracticals students are expected to be familar with the basics of the Windows operating system (fle naming conventions and

management).If you have any concernsor special needs in relation to this course please see the course coordinator.

Support for students with a disability

Any student with a disability who may require alternative academic arrangements in the course/programisencouraged to seek advice atthe commencementof thesemester from a Disabiity Learning Adviser at Student Services

1.2 Course Introduction

Remote sensing or Earth Observation(EO)Science is an important toolformonitoring and modeling the conditionand dynamics of terrestrial, aquatic andatmospheric environments.The information extractedfrom images and remote cllected datasets may be usedin many ways,asimage or thematic maps,directy in decision making,as estimates of biophysical variables orintegrated with other spatialinformation systems for further    analysis and display.This information can be collected fromlocal toglobal scalesfor examining changes in the habitat of endangered fauna or monitoring continental scaledeforestation and global scale oceanic and atmosphericconditions.

This course is co-taught between GEOM3001 andGEOM7001.

How this course differs from the introductoryGEOM 2000/7000 course:

This courseis alogical progression from the remote sensing or Earth ObservationScience concepts and skill introduced inGEOM200.This course emphasises digitalimage processing for analysis of remotely sensed imagery,includingairborne and satelite multi-spectral,hyperspectral,LiDAR and synthetic aperture radar data.Practical sessions willivolve a progressionof practicals inthe computer laboratory (See mysinet),usinga combinationof open-source and proprietary software.Concepts and skils acquired in these sessions wil be apled in the individual student remote sensingproject that can be designed to suit your area of interest.

This course buildsupon thefundamentals taught in GEOM2000/7000and will evelop more advanced EO analyticskils and knowledge,including:

·Knowledge of the growing number of big data EO analytic platforms,and gaining practical experience with one or more of these

technologies (e.g.Open Data Cube(,Microsoft Planetary Computer (https://planetarycomputer,

·Calculating maps of biophysical tributes (e.g biomass)by combining remotely sensed data with ground dataand/or empirical algorthms ·More advanced theoretical and practical skills for analysing new sources of remote sensing data (eg.spaceborne LiDAR)

·Design,planandexecute a remote sensing project with detailed guidance

Course Changes in Responseto Previous Student Feedback

Feedback from end of semester and mid-semester course evaluationsin previous years,has been used to&nbs GEOM7001-Earth Observation:Advanced Image Processing &Modelling Sem 2 2023R p;modifyboth the lecture content and practicals for GEOM3001/7001.

1.3 Course Staff

Course Coordinator:Dr William Woodgate

1.4 Timetable

Timetables areavailableon the UQ Public Timetable.(

2.1 Course Aims

The aims of this course enable students to understand,think and operate like a remotesensing analyst by providing:

(1)a sound understanding of the theory of earth observation data acquisition and processing,

(2)thepractical skill to complete data acquisition and processing projectsthat produce information products using remote sensing data,and

(3)a detailed understanding of the processesto deliverinformation for mapping,measurement or monitoring applications,in a wide range of professions.

Accomplishing these aims develops aplied knowledge,skils,practical experience,and professional networks thatenable you to collect,process,

analyse andcommunicate about satlite,airborne and drone data.The course willprovide a detailedoverview and practical skils of whatis currenty possible with remote sensing data for earth observing applications,and outine the expanding possibilties due to the rapidly evolving technology.

3.Learning Resources

3.1 Required Resources

No required learning resources

3.2 Recommended Resources

Jensen,J.(2007or 2014)Remote Sensing of theEnvironment:An Earth Resource Perspective(2nd Edition).Prentice Hall,New Jersey.ISBN 013188950-8,592p

3.3 University Learning Resources

Access to required and recommended resources,plus past central exam papers,isavailable at the UQ Library website ( .

The University offers a range of resources and servicesto support student learning.Details are available on the myUQ website(


3.5 Other Learning Resources &Information Recommended reading:

·CRCSI(2016a)Earth       Observation:Data,Processing       and       Applications.(Eds.Harison,B.A.,Jupp,D.L.B.,Lewis,M.M,Forster,B.Mueller,

N.,Smith,C.Phinn,S,Hudson,D.Grant,l.,Coppa,l.)CRCSI,Melbourne.Available            from:

series    (

·Schowengerdt,R.A.1997.Remotesensing:Models and methods for image processing,2nd Edition,Academic Press San Diego. ·Schott,J.R.(1997)Remote  sensing:the  imagechain  approach.Oxford  University  Press.

·Lilesand,TM.and Kiefer,R.W.2000.Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation.4th Edition,John Wiley and Sons.

Note:Allreadings  refer  to  chaptersJensen(20072edition),aditionalinformation  may  be  found  in  Chapter  7in  Lillsand  and  Kiefer(2000)and selected sections in Schott(1997)and Schowengerdt (1997).

Other useful reference books for remote sensing are:

·Purkis,S.and C.Roelfsema(2015).11 RemoteSensing of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation and Coral Reefs.Remote Sensing of Wetlands Applications and Advances.pp:223.

·Goodman,J.Purkis,S.and Phinn,S.R.(2013)Coral Ref Remote Sensing:A Guidefor Multi-level Sensing Mapping and Assessment.

Goodman,J.,Purkis,S.and Phinn,S.R.Springer Publishing pp3-25 ISBN 978-90-481-9291-5

·American Society of Photogrammetry(1983)Manual of Remote sensing,2nd Edition,ASP,Falls Church.

·Baret,E.C.and  Curtis   LE.(1992)Introduction  to  environmental   remote  sensing.3rd  ed,Melbourne,Vic.:Chapman  &Hall. ·Campbell,J.B.(1996)Introduction  to  remote  sensing.2nd  Ed.The  Guilford  Press,New  York.

·Cracknell A.and  Hayes  L.(1991)Introduction to remote sensing.London:Taylor &Francis ·Curran,PJ.(1985)Principles   of   remote   sensing.Longman.

·Harrison,B.A.and Jupp,D.L.B.(1989)Introduction to remotely sensed data.Canberra:CSIRO,Division of Water Resources.   ·Harrison,B.A.and Jupp,D.L.B.(1990)Introduction to  image  processing.Canberra:CSIRO,Division  of  Water  Resources,1990 ·Richards,J.A.(1993)Remote sensing digital image analysis:an introduction.2nd Ed.Springer Verlag.

·Robert   A.Ryerson   Ed.(1997)Manual of remote sensing.3rd Edition,published in cooperation with the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.J.Wiley,New YorkSSH Library-G70.4.M361997v.1,V.2,V.3.

o   Volume.1.Earth observing platforms and sensors,Stanley A.Morain and Amelia M.Budge(CD-ROM)

o  Volume 2: Principles and applications of imaging radar,Floyd M.Henderson andAnthonyJ.Lewis Volume3:  Remote sensing for the earth sciences,Andrew Rencz


There are anumber of remote sensing textsin the main,undergraduate,and Physical Sciences andEnginering(PSE)Libraries which can be used for the course.

The bold journals are available on-line through the University Library's webpage(         





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