USB Bulk Transfers

  Bulk transfers are useful for transferring data when time isn't critical. A bulk transfer can send large amounts of data without clogging the bus, because the transfers defer to the other transfer types and wait until time is available. Uses for bulk transfers include sending data from the host to a printer, sending data from a scanner to the host, and reading and writing to a disk. On an otherwise idle bus, bulk transfers are the fastest transfer type.
  Only full- and high-speed devices can do bulk transfers. Devices aren't required to support bulk transfers, though a specific device class may require it.
  A bulk transfer consists of one or more IN or OUT transactions. A bulk transfer is one-way. A transfer's transactions must all be IN transactions, or all OUT transactions. Transferring data in both directions requires a separate pipe and transfer for each di
-------------------------------------------------- USB Bulk Example Readme File Copyright (C) 2005 Silicon Laboratories, Inc. -------------------------------------------------- This release contains the following components: * USB Bulk Driver Example * USB Bulk Firmware Example * Host Application (F32x_BulkFileTransfer.exe) * Host Application Source Last updated: 25 MAY 2005 Running the Example on the C8051F32x target board ------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Connect the hardware: a) Connect the target board to a PC through a Debug Adapter. b) Install shorting blocks at the following positions: J3[1-2] (P2.0 Switch), J3[3-4] (P2.1 Switch), J3[5-6] (P2.2 LED), J3[7-8] (P2.3 LED), J9 (P0.2), J10 (P0.3) and J13 (P1.7 Potentiometer). c) Connect a USB cable between the target device and the host PC. d) To power the target board from an wall-powered source, place a shorting block at J2 and NO shorting block at J11. Next, connect a DC power adapter to the target board at P1. e) To power the target board from the USB bus, place a shorting block on the target board at J11 and NO shorting block on J2. 2) Build and download the Bulk Example firmware: a) Open the Silicon Laboratories IDE (v1.72 or later). b) Open the Connection Options window by selecting Options-> Connection Options... in the IDE menus. In the Debug Interface section, select C2. c) Connect to the target C8051F32x device (Alt+C, or IDE menu Debug->Connect). d) From the Project menu, select "Open Project" and browse to the Bulk Example Firware project "BulkFirmware.wsp", located by default in the "Silabs\MCU\Examples\C8051F32x\USB_Bulk\Firmware" directory. e) Build the project (F7, or through IDE menu Project->Build/Make Project). f) Download the firmware (Alt+D). 3) Run the Bulk Example firmware: a) In the IDE, Run the firmware (F5, or IDE menu Debug->Go). b) When Windows detects the device and the driver installation wizard opens: a. Choose "Search for a suitable driver for my device", and click Next. b. Check the box "Specify a location", and click Next. c. Browse to directory ..\USB_Bulk and select the file SilabsBulk.inf, and click OK. d. Follow the dialogue to finish driver installation. c) Once the firmware has been downloaded and is running, the IDE is no longer needed. Disconnect from the target device with the IDE and press the Reset button on the Target Board. 4) Run the Bulk Example host application: a) Run the F32x_BulkFileTransfer.exe application located by default in the "Silabs\MCU\Examples\C8051F32x\USB_Bulk" directory. b) The F32x_BulkFileTransfer application will display the current USB devices connected to the PC. Select the device to be used for the file transfer. c) Select file names for Transferring or Receiving data.




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