Serial library for C++. Free source code and programming help



Serial communications is needed in several types of applications, but the Win32 API isn't a very easy to use API to implement it. Things get even more complicated when you want to use serial communication in an MFC based program. The classes provided in the library try to make life a little easier. Its documentation is extensive, because I want to give you a good background. Serial communication is hard and good knowledge of its implementation saves you a lot of work, both now and in the future...

First I'll briefly discuss why serial communications is hard. After reading that chapter you'll probably be convinced as well that you need a class, which deals with serial communication. The classes provided in the library are not the only classes, which handle the serial communication. Many other programmers wrote their own classes, but I found many of them too inefficient or they weren't robust, scalable or suitable for non-MFC programs. I tried to make these classes as efficient, reliable and robust as possible, without sacrificing ease of use too much.

The library has been developed as a public domain library some time ago, but it has been used in several commercial applications. I think most bugs have been solved, but unfortunately I cannot guarantee that there are no bugs left. If you find one (or correct a bug), please inform me so I can update the library.

Why is serial communication that hard?

Serial communication in Win32 uses the standard ReadFile/WriteFile functions to receive and transmit data, so why should serial communication be any harder then just plain file I/O? There are several reasons, which I'll try to explain. Some problems are solved in this library, but some others cannot be solved by a library.

Baudrates, parity, databits, handshaking, etc...

Serial communication uses different formats to transmit data on the wire. If both endpoints doesn't use the same setting you get garbled data. Unfortunately, no class can help you with these problems. The only way to cope with this is that you understand what these settings are all about. Baudrate, parity, databits and stopbits are often quite easy to find out, because when they match with the other endpoint, you won't have any problems (if your computer is fast enough to handle the amount of data at higher baudrates).

Handshaking is much more difficult, because it's more difficult to detect problems in this area. Handshaking is being used to control the amount of data that can be transmitted. If the sending machine can send data more quickly then the receiving machine can process we get more and more data in the receiver's buffer, which will overflow at a certain time. It would be nice when the receiving machine could tell the sending machine to stop sending data for a while, so it won't overflow the receiver's buffers. This process of controlling the transmission of data is called handshaking and there are basically three forms of handshaking:

  1. No handshaking, so data is always send even if the receiver cannot handle the data anymore. This can lead to data loss, when the sender is able to transmit data faster then the receiver can handle. Of course this option isn't recommended, but it can be used for situations where only a few bytes are transmitted once in a while.
  2. Hardware handshaking, where the RTS/CTS lines are used to indicate if data can be sent. This mode requires that both ports and the cable support hardware handshaking. Hardware handshaking is the most reliable and efficient form of handshaking available, but is hardware dependant. Make sure you have a proper cable, which is fully wired. There are a lot of wrong cables around, so make sure you use the right one.
  3. Software handshaking, where the XOFF/XON characters are used to throttle the data. A major drawback of this method is that these characters cannot be used for data anymore. The XOFF/XON characters are the CTRL-S/CTRL-Q characters, which cannot be used in the data stream anymore. This makes software handshaking pretty useless, when you want to send binary data. For ASCII data it's pretty useful. It's being used on the old UNIX terminals as well. Scrolling starts and stops with CTRL-S/CTRL-Q on these, so the user provides its own handshaking there (without even knowing it perhaps).

Problems with handshaking are pretty hard to find, because it will often only fail in cases where buffers overflow. These situations are hard to reproduce so make sure that you did setup handshaking correctly and that the used cable is working correct (if you're using hardware handshaking) before you continue.

The Win32 API provides more handshaking options, which aren't directly supported by this library. These types of handshaking are rarely used, so it would probably only complicate the classes. If you do need these handshaking options, then you can use the Win32 API to do that and still use the classes provided by the library.

Asynchronous I/O makes things more complex

File I/O is relatively fast so if the call blocks for a while, this will probably only be a few milliseconds, which is acceptable for most programs. Serial I/O is much slower, which causes unacceptable delays in your program. Another problem is that you don't know when the data arrives and often you don't even know how much data will arrive.

Win32 provides asynchronous function calls (also known as overlapped operations) to circumvent these problems. Asynchronous programming is often an excellent way to increase performance, but it certainly increases complexity as well. This complexity is the reason that a lot of programs have bugs in their serial communication routines. This library solves some asynchronous I/O problems by allowing the programmer to use overlapped and non-overlapped operations mixed throughout the code, which is often quite convenient.

The event driven programming model doesn't fit

Things get even more complex in GUI applications, which uses the event driven model that they're used to. This programming model is a heritage of the old 16-bit days and it isn't even that bad. The basic rule is simple... All events are send using a windows message, so you need at least one window to receive the events. Most GUI applications are single-threaded (which is often the best solution to avoid a lot of complexity) and they use the following piece of code in the WinMain function to process all messages:

// Start the message-pump until a WM_QUIT is received

MSG msg;
while (::GetMessage(&msg,0,0,0))

Because the GetMessage function blocks until there is a message in the message queue, there's no way to wake up when a serial event occurs. Of course you can set a timer and check the ports there, but this kind of polling is bad design and certainly doesn't scale well. Unfortunately the Win32 serial communication API doesn't fit in this event driven model. It would be easier for GUI applications that the Win32 API posted a message to a window when a communication event occurred (this is exactly what the 16-bit implementation looked like).

If you implement your own message-pump, you can use the MsgWaitForMultipleObjects to wait for a windows message or a windows object to become signaled. The following piece of code demonstrates how to do this (it assumes that the event handle that is being used for asynchronous events is stored in the variable hevtCommEvent):

bool fQuit = false;

while (!fQuit)
// Wait for a communication event or windows message
switch (::MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1,&hevtCommEvent,FALSE,INFINITE,QS_ALLEVENTS))
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