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转载 Code Signing


2012-09-13 15:13:00 122

转载 SSL

What is SSL? Secure Sockets Layer, SSL, is the standard security technology for creating an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. This...

2012-09-13 15:12:00 113


http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2005/09/mastering-guids-with-occams-razor.html 转载于:https://my...

2012-09-11 18:09:00 120

转载 Debugging in Visual Studio

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/sc65sadd.aspx 转载于:https://my.oschina.net/u/556267/blog...

2012-08-26 16:33:00 81

转载 Netmodule vs. Assembly

In .Net framework Assembly is the minimum unit of deployment. You cannot deploy anything less than an assembly. To CLR, a type does not exist outsi...

2012-08-26 16:08:00 121

转载 Relationship between Exchange Server, Outlook, AD

The address lists (GALs and ALs) are all managed by Exchange by querying Active Directory attributes. Outlook is simply a client that handles the a...

2012-08-26 15:03:00 96

转载 Developer Center

Overview: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/aa937802.aspx .NET platform development fundamentals: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms1721...

2012-08-24 22:12:00 93



2012-08-24 20:37:00 89

转载 Public key vs Private Key

Encryption Encryption technologies can be used to assure data confidentiality. Passing data through a network is very delicate regarding security ...

2012-08-24 11:57:00 620

转载 .NET Framework Interview Questions

The .NET Framework is an application development platform that provides services for building, deploying, and running desktop, web, and phone appli...

2012-08-24 11:35:00 345

转载 The mechanics , secrets of Strong Naming

If you've been working with .NET for any length of time, you've probably run across the concept of a strong name. No, that doesn't mean that your a...

2012-08-24 11:29:00 108

转载 Assemblies: locating, binding and deploying

1. http://archive.cnblogs.com/a/2047853/or http://ondotnet.com/pub/a/dotnet/2003/03/17/bindingpolicy.html 2. http://www.codeproject.com/Articles...

2012-08-24 11:23:00 96

转载 Making a private assembly a global assembly

A global assembly is a public assembly that is shared by multiple applications. Unlike private assembly, a global assembly is not copied to bin dir...

2012-08-24 10:25:00 122

转载 quick

http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/csharpgeneral/thread/c4833a15-2882-47f9-9caf-d469dc2b0a64/ ...

2012-08-23 22:39:00 70

转载 assembly

http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/csharpgeneral/thread/c4833a15-2882-47f9-9caf-d469dc2b0a64/ ...

2012-08-23 22:30:00 70

转载 Debug

http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/37456/How-To-Inspect-the-Content-of-a-Program-Database-P http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/37883/Symbols-Fil...

2012-08-21 18:45:00 79

转载 AD tutorial

http://searchwindowsserver.techtarget.com/tutorial/Active-Directory-Tutorial 转载于:https://my.os...

2012-08-17 17:23:00 83

转载 IT相关名词扫盲

微软的Windows Mobile 操作系统的一种PDA|掌上电脑。Pocket PC是一种手持设备,可帮助您存储并检索 电子邮件、联系人和约会信息,播放多媒体文件,玩赏电子游戏,借助MSN Messenger交换文本消息,浏览Web内容……您将能够与台式机实现信息交换和同步。相对于PDA...

2012-08-11 14:58:00 115

转载 SPN mapping - Service Principal Name

What is a SPN ? Service Principal Names http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc961723.aspx Service principal names are associated with the s...

2012-08-10 16:33:00 135

转载 Kerberos - Authentication

The Internet is an insecure place. Many of the protocols used in the Internet do not provide any security. Tools to "sniff" passwords off of the ne...

2012-08-10 14:44:00 169

转载 Tools

1. Wireshark The world's foremost network protocol analyzer It is a powerful and easy to use packet capture and analyzer tool, which can capture...

2012-08-10 11:41:00 62

转载 Tech Websites

1. http://www.webopedia.com/ 2. http://stackoverflow.com/ 3. http://www.programmingvideotutorials.com/ 4. http://www.engvid.com/Study English ...

2012-08-10 10:41:00 98

转载 An Introduction to Mutual SSL Authentication

(pronounced as separate letters) Short for Secure Sockets Layer, a protocol developed by Netscape for transmitting private documents via the Intern...

2012-08-10 10:39:00 118

转载 TCP Port 443

TCP port 443 is the standard TCP port that is used for website which use SSL. When you go to a website which uses the https at the beginning you...

2012-08-09 13:58:00 571

转载 AD RMS failed to create a license because infor...

http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-IE/exchange2010/thread/fa8a67cc-6945-4a6c-9bc8-8e950a9c7adb?prof=required ...

2012-08-09 12:46:00 189

转载 4. Character encoding basics

Text in a computer or on the Web is composed of characters. Characters represent letters of the alphabet, punctuation, or other symbols.Characters ...

2012-08-08 12:50:00 204

转载 3.Introduction to Digital Certificates


2012-08-07 12:14:00 50

转载 2. What's .cab file ?

http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd361921.aspx 转载于:https://my.oschina.net/u/556267/b...

2012-08-02 20:04:00 95

转载 1. How to Inspect the Content of a Program Data...

As Windows software developers, we all extensively use Visual Studio and/or WinDbg to step into our code, set breakpoints, watch variables, and per...

2012-08-02 16:04:00 71

转载 4. Microsoft VC++

http://www.functionx.com/visualc/ 转载于:https://my.oschina.net/u/556267/blog/70411

2012-08-02 12:51:00 68

转载 3. Introduction to Windows

http://www.functionx.com/win32/Lesson01.htm 转载于:https://my.oschina.net/u/556267/blog/70410...

2012-08-02 12:48:00 77

转载 2. PowerShell tutorial for admins

http://4sysops.com/archives/powershell-tutorial-for-admins-part-1-cmdlets-and-pipeline/ 转载于:ht...

2012-08-01 15:57:00 61

转载 1. Command Line in Windows

http://commandwindows.com/index.html 转载于:https://my.oschina.net/u/556267/blog/70159

2012-08-01 11:19:00 134



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