Public key vs Private Key


Encryption technologies can be used to assure data confidentiality. Passing data through a network is very delicate regarding security issues. So encrypting the data before it passes the network and decrypting it afterwards can prevent eavesdroppers from reading the data during its transmittal.

The process of plaintext being coded to create ciphertext is called encryption, and the process of decoding ciphertext to restore the plaintext is called decryption.

There are two types of encryption: symmetric key encryption and asymmetric (public) key encryption, which can be even used in conjunction.

Symmetric Key Encryption

means the same key is used to both encrypt and decrypt a message. The key is a secret key because it is kept as a shared secret between the two involved entities (sender and receiver). Not keeping it secret would lead to the confidentiality of the encrypted data being compromised. Symmetric key encryption is often much faster then public encryption, up to 1000 times, because public encryption needs higher computational efforts.

Asymmetric (Public) Key Encryption

is based on two different keys for encryption and decryption: a private key (known only to its owner) and a public key (available and known to other entities on the network). A public key is typically used to encrypt a message, guaranteeing that only the person with the corresponding private key can decrypt the message. The other way, the message can be encrypted using the private key and then decrypted with the public key.

Key pair comprise of two uniquely related cryptographic keys (basically long random numbers), which together form a pair of keys.

The private key is kept secret on your computer since it is used for decryption.

The public key, which is used for encryption, is given to anybody who wants to send encrypted mail to you

Below is an example of a Public Key:

3048 0241 00C9 18FA CF8D EB2D EFD5 FD37 89B9 E069 EA97 FC20 5E35 F577 EE31 C4FB C6E4 4811 7D86 BC8F BAFA 362F 922B F01B 2F40 C744 2654 C0DD 2881 D673 CA2B 4003 C266 E2CD CB02 0301 0001

The Public Key is what its name suggests - Public. It is made available to everyone via a publicly accessible repository or directory. On the other hand, the Private Key must remain confidential to its respective owner.

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Both keys are created together and are both generated by the same algorythm. The only difference is one is made public and one is kept to yourself, you could swap them if you wanted but you would negate the security inheirent in the technology. They are the same in function, both are encrypting/decrypting keys. Because the key pair is mathematically related, whatever is encrypted with a Public Key may only be decrypted by its corresponding Private Key and vice versa.

For example, if Bob wants to send sensitive data to Alice, and wants to be sure that only Alice may be able to read it, he will encrypt the data with Alice's Public Key. Only Alice has access to her corresponding Private Key (only hold by herself) and as a result is the only person with the capability of decrypting the encrypted data back into its original form.

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 As only Alice holds and has access to her Private Key, it is possible that only Alice can decrypt the encrypted data. Even if someone else gains access to the encrypted data, it will remain confidential as they should not have access to Alice's Private Key.

Public Key Cryptography can therefore achieve Confidentiality. However another important aspect of Public Key Cryptography is its ability to create a Digital Signature.


Public keys can also be used to create and validate digital signatures. The goal is to achieve message integrity, that is ensuring that the data an recipient receives has not been altered during transit.

The basis here is that the data to be signed is combined with the private key and then transformed by some algorithm. Taken this, only someone possessing the private key could have created the digital signature, but anyone that has access to the corresponding public key can verify the digital signature. The important part: any changes made on the signed data invalidate the whole signature. So digital signatures allow a recipient to cryptographically verify that a message has not been altered since it was signed. To ease the use of the signature mechanism, the signatures themselves can be sent together with the data signed, so that the receiver can easily verify the message' origin.

Digital signature

A digital signature functions for electronic documents like a handwritten signature does for printed documents. The signature is an unforgeable piece of data that asserts that a named person wrote or otherwise agreed to the document to which the signature is attached.

A digital signature actually provides a greater degree of security than a handwritten signature. The recipient of a digitally signed message can verify both that the message originated from the person whose signature is attached and that the message has not been altered either intentionally or accidentally since it was signed. Furthermore, secure digital signatures cannot be repudiated; the signer of a document cannot later disown it by claiming the signature was forged.

In other words, Digital Signatures enable "authentication" of digital messages, assuring the recipient of a digital message of both the identity of the sender and the integrity of the message

 What is authentication?

Authentication allows the receiver of a digital message to be confident of both the identity of the sender and the integrity of the message


Digital Certificates provide a means of proving your identity in electronic transactions, much like a driver license or a passport does in face-to-face interactions. With a Digital Certificate, you can assure friends, business associates, and online services that the electronic information they receive from you are authentic.

Digital Certificates are the electronic counterparts to driver licenses, passports and membership cards. You can present a Digital Certificate electronically to prove your identity or your right to access information or services online.

Digital Certificates, also known as digital certificates, bind an identity to a pair of electronic keys that can be used to encrypt and sign digital information. A Digital Certificate makes it possible to verify someone's claim that they have the right to use a given key, helping to prevent people from using phony keys to impersonate other users. Used in conjunction with encryption, Digital Certificates provide a more complete security solution, assuring the identity of all parties involved in a transaction.

A Digital Certificate is issued by a Certification Authority (CA) and signed with the CA's private key.

A Digital Certificate typically contains the:

  • Owner's public key
  • Owner's name
  • Expiration date of the public key
  • Name of the issuer (the CA that issued the Digital Certificate
  • Serial number of the Digital Certificate
  • Digital signature of the issuer

So how to pass public or symmetric keys? Passing one's public key (the way it is most commonly needed) face-to-face is a possibility, but obviously not very practicable in every situation. Often it will be necessary to obtain a public key using some public directory, a less secure mechanism than face-to-face. So it's important for a user accessing a key from such a directory to have the certainty that this key really is the key it claims to be from. A standardized way to do so is to use certificates. A certificate is a digitally signed statement that contains information about the owner and its public key, binding these two pieces of information together.

Certificates are issued by entities or services called certificate authority (CA). A CA guarantees the validity of the binding between the certificate owner and its public key. Trusting a CA means trusting that any certificate created and issued for its owner by that CA identifies the owner of the certificate. Therefore the private key that corresponds to the public key in the certificate is deemed to be known only by the specified owner. Certificates can contain different type of data. A standard format representing certificates is X.509. Below, the members of this certificate format are listed.

Versionof the certificate format, f.i. 3
Certificate Serial Numberunique serial number assigned by the issuing CA
Certificate Algorithm Identifier and Parameterspublic key cryptography and message digest algorithms used by the issuing CA to digitally sign the certificate
Issuername of issuing CA
Validity Periodstart and expiration date
Subjectname of person or entity that is owner of the certificate
Subject Public-Key Information incl. Algorithm Identifier & Public-Key Value

- the public key and a list of public key cryptography algorithms
- information specifying the cryptography operations for which the public and private key can be used

Extensional Optional Fields
Certification Authority's Digital SignatureCA's digital signature

Certificate Stores

All certificates are stored in certificate stores, where several default stores are available:

Personal certificates store for current logged-in user, not visible to other users logged in

Personal certificates store common for all users

Trusted Root Certification Authorities and contains certificates for user-trusted root CAs. Certificates with a certification path to a root CA certificate are trusted by the current user for all valid purposes of the certificate.

as above, but trusted by all users

There are root CAs that are trusted by default, such as Verisign. Though our examples use a trial Verisign certificate, these are issued by the Verisign Test Authority, which is not trusted by default.

How is a digital signature used for authentication?

Suppose Alice wants to send a signed message to Bob. She creates a message digest by using a hash function on the message. The message digest serves as a "digital fingerprint" of the message; if any part of the message is modified, the hash function returns a different result. Alice then encrypts the message digest with her private key. This encrypted message digest is the digital signature for the message.

Alice sends both the message and the digital signature to Bob. When Bob receives them, he decrypts the signature using Alice's public key, thus revealing the message digest. To verify the message, he then hashes the message with the same hash function Alice used and compares the result to the message digest he received from Alice. If they are exactly equal, Bob can be confident that the message did indeed come from Alice and has not changed since she signed it. If the message digests are not equal, the message either originated elsewhere or was altered after it was signed.

Note that using a digital signature does not encrypt the message itself. If Alice wants to ensure the privacy of the message, she must also encrypt it using Bob's public key. Then only Bob can read the message by decrypting it with his private key.






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