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原创 [Paper note] Deep Relative Distance Learning: Tell the Difference Between Similar Vehicles

Paper note for Deep Relative Distance Learning: Tell the Difference Between Similar Vehicles

2017-02-17 13:41:08 2374

原创 [Paper note] LSTM: A Search Space Odyssey

paper note for LSTM a search space odyssey

2017-01-12 15:33:27 1866

原创 [Paper note] MARS: A Video Benchmark for Large-Scale Person Re-identification

paper note for mars

2017-01-11 15:48:01 2448

原创 [Paper note] FlowNet: Learning Optical Flow with Convolutional Networks

paper note for FlowNet

2017-01-11 13:50:32 1412

原创 [Paper note] Video-based Person Re-identification with Accumulative Motion Context

paper note for Video-based Person Re-identification with Accumulative Motion Context

2017-01-05 13:28:16 2018

原创 [Paper note] Language Modeling with Gated Convolutional Networks

paper note for Gated Convolutional Network paper

2017-01-05 11:01:38 975

原创 [Paper note] Learning from Simulated and Unsupervised Images through Adversarial Training

paper note for SimGAN

2016-12-30 09:50:22 881

原创 [Paper note] Feature Pyramid Networks for Object Detection

paper note for FPN

2016-12-27 16:52:33 1535

原创 [Paper note] RefineNet: Multi-Path Refinement Networks for High-Resolution Semantic Segmentation

paper not for RefineNet

2016-12-23 13:24:36 1730

原创 [Paper note] Pyramid Scene Parsing Network

paper note for PSPNet

2016-12-22 11:42:34 997

原创 [Paper note] PVANET: Deep but Lightweight Neural Networks for Real-time Object Detection

paper note for PVANET

2016-12-16 12:58:35 601

原创 [Paper note] Aggregated Residual Transformations for Deep Neural Networks

paper note for ResNeXt

2016-12-15 13:06:18 608

原创 [Paper note] Xception: Deep Learning with Depthwise Separable Convolutions

paper note for Xception

2016-12-13 15:00:44 2570

原创 [paper note] Densely Connected Convolutional Networks

paper note of Densely Connected Convolutional Networks

2016-12-13 11:58:34 996

原创 [paper note] A Survey of Motion Planning and Control Techniques for Self-driving Urban Vehicles

PeopleEmilio FrazzoliBasic Concept on ITS and Self-Driving CarsVehicle mobility modelTypical constraints Structure of the environmentComputational requirementsOn-board computation and w

2016-11-20 17:40:47 2534

原创 [paper note] Human Re-identification in Crowd Videos using Personal, Social and Environmental (PSE)

paper note for Human Re-identification in Crowd Videos using Personal, Social and Environmental (PSE) Constraints

2016-10-29 13:50:54 1121

原创 [paper note] Deep Attributes Driven Person Re-identification

paper note for Deep Attributes Driven Multi-Camera PersonRe-identification

2016-10-28 15:30:09 650

原创 [paper note] Human-In-The-Loop Person Re-Identification

ECCV 2016PaperPosterAuthor: Hanxiao Wang, Shaogang Gong, Xiatian Zhu, Tao (Tony) Xiang Professor Shaogang Gong from Queen Mary, University of London, who works closely with Dr. Tony Xiang, is an ex

2016-10-28 12:15:30 1237

原创 [Paper note] Embedding Deep Metric for Person Re-identification: A Study Against Large Variation

Paper note for Embedding Deep Metric for Person Re-identification: A Study Against Large VariationECCV 2016Author: Hailin Shi, Yang Yang, Xiangyu Zhu, Shengcai Liao, Zhen Lei, Weishi Zheng, Stan Z. Li

2016-10-25 12:41:59 932

原创 [Paper note] Joint Learning of Single-image and Cross-image Representations for Person Re-id.

paper note for joint SIR, CIR learning for persion re-id

2016-10-14 10:48:30 512

原创 [Paper note] Gated Siamese Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for Human Re-Identification

Paper note of gated SCNN for human re-id

2016-10-14 10:42:55 2601

原创 Acrobat/Adobe Reader字符显示有毛刺的解决方法

Acrobat/Adobe Reader字符显示有毛刺的解决方法在编辑->首选项->页面显示->渲染中,平滑文本选择用于显示器即可解决。

2016-04-10 11:23:06 1631

原创 gist介绍

Gist使用github上有一个很好用的gist工具,可以保存和分享代码片(snippnets),支持多种语言,包括markdown,可以当博客使用。这里提供了关于gist的很好的介绍。一些Tips: 1. gist被墙了,想用只能翻墙,,, 2. 一个gist的显示名称好像是按照字母序排列的,没找到怎么改 3. gistbox是一个很好用的gist管理工具,可以给gist加标签。gistbo

2016-04-10 11:07:01 1005



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