[Paper note] Embedding Deep Metric for Person Re-identification: A Study Against Large Variation

  • ECCV 2016
  • Author: Hailin Shi, Yang Yang, Xiangyu Zhu, Shengcai Liao, Zhen Lei, Weishi Zheng, Stan Z. Li


  • Re-id research topics:
    • Improving discriminative features.
    • Good metric for comparison.
    • This paper mainly focus on learning good metrics.
  • Influenced by face recognition method (the author also works on face recognition).
  • Contributions:
    • Moderate Positive Mining, a novel positive sample selection strategy for training CNN while the data has large intra-class variations.
    • Metric weight constraint (combine Euclidean distance with Mahalanobis distance).

Moderate positive mining

  • Intuitions
    • Positive samples with large distance is harmful.
    • Positive samples with too little distance have little contribution to convergance.
    • What to do: reduce the intra-class variance while preserving the intrinsic graphical structure of pedestrian data via mining the moderate positive pairs in the local range (picture).
      <picture here>
  • Algorithm of choosing moderate positive sample (picture)
    • Compute the distances of 1-all positive&negative samples
    • Mine the hardest negative sample (min distance negative), distance=d
    • Subset of positive samples where distance is larger than d
    • In this subset, find positive pair with min distance – moderate positive
      <picture here>

Metric weight constraint

  • Euclidean distance shortcomings:
    • Sensitive to the scale?
    • Blind to the correlation across dimensions
    • Using the Mahalanobis distance is a better choice for multivariate metric, argued by other work
  • Another FC after distance between features is calculated to gain Mahalanobis distance.
    • Get Mahalanobis distance
      • d(x1,x2)=(x1x2)TM(x1x2)
      • M=WWT (ensure M is semi-definate matrix)
      • d(x1,x2)=||WT(x1x2)||2
    • This can be implemented by an FC layer
  • Weight constraint
    • Euclidean better generalization ability, less discriminability.
    • Balance between Euclidean and Mahalanobis distance.
    • M should have large values at the diagonal (Euclidean) and small values elsewhere, by giving constraint:
      • ||WWTI||2FC
    • Further combine the constraint into the loss function as a regularization term:
      • Triplet loss: L=d(x1,xp2)+[md(x1,xn2)] (margin set to 2 in the experiment)
      • Regularization: L̂ =L+λ2||WWTI||2F (tune λ to get the best trade-off)
      • Gradient w.r.t W is computed by L̂ W=LW+λ(WWTI)W

    CNN architecture

    <picture here>

    CNN structure

    • 3 branches CNN
      • Original image 128x64 => 3x64x64 (with overlap)
      • Untied (unshared) filter between CNN branches to learn specific features from the different human body parts of pedestrian image.


    • Their baseline is very weak (worse than CUHK-03 baseline)
    • Three parts are analyzed
      • Moderate positive and hard negative (improve 10%+)
      • Weight constraint, tune on λ ( λ around 102 gets good trade-off)
      • Tied or untied filters between branches (Untied a little better)
    • Augmentation
      • Random translation
      • Randomly cropped (0-5 pixels) in horizon and vertical, and stretched to recover the size
    • Datasets
      • CUHK03 (Rank-1: 61.32% with hand-crafted bbox, 52.09% with detected bbox)
      • CUHK01 + Market-1501 in training (Rank-1: 86.59%)
      • VIPeR (Rank-1: 43.39%)




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