Check failed: top_shape[j] == bottom[i]->shape(j) (1 vs. 2) All inputs must have the same shape, exc

在运行ShuffleNet的过程中碰到了如下报错 :

I1018 19:26:19.104892  3548 net.cpp:84] Creating Layer resx13_concat
I1018 19:26:19.104895  3548 net.cpp:406] resx13_concat <- resx13_match_conv
I1018 19:26:19.104898  3548 net.cpp:406] resx13_concat <- resx13_conv3
I1018 19:26:19.104902  3548 net.cpp:380] resx13_concat -> resx13_concat
F1018 19:26:19.104913  3548 concat_layer.cpp:42] Check failed: top_shape[j] == bottom[i]->shape(j) (1 vs. 2) All inputs must have the same shape, except at concat_axis.
*** Check failure stack trace: ***
    @     0x7f2beb8fcdaa  (unknown)
    @     0x7f2beb8fcce4  (unknown)
    @     0x7f2beb8fc6e6  (unknown)
    @     0x7f2beb8ff687  (unknown)
    @     0x7f2bebfc6227  caffe::ConcatLayer<>::Reshape()
    @     0x7f2bec05e365  caffe::Net<>::Init()
    @     0x7f2bec060262  caffe::Net<>::Net()
    @     0x7f2bec01b9a0  caffe::Solver<>::InitTrainNet()
    @     0x7f2bec01c8f3  caffe::Solver<>::Init()
    @     0x7f2bec01cbcf  caffe::Solver<>::Solver()
    @     0x7f2bec079b01  caffe::Creator_SGDSolver<>()
    @           0x40ee6e  caffe::SolverRegistry<>::CreateSolver()
    @           0x407efd  train()
    @           0x40590c  main
    @     0x7f2bea908f45  (unknown)
    @           0x40617b  (unknown)
    @              (nil)  (unknown)


I1018 19:26:19.104895  3548 net.cpp:406] resx13_concat <- resx13_match_conv
I1018 19:26:19.104898  3548 net.cpp:406] resx13_concat <- resx13_conv3
I1018 19:26:19.104902  3548 net.cpp:380] resx13_concat -> resx13_concat


I1018 19:26:19.052892  3548 net.cpp:84] Creating Layer resx1_conv3
I1018 19:26:19.052904  3548 net.cpp:406] resx1_conv3 <- resx1_conv2
I1018 19:26:19.052908  3548 net.cpp:380] resx1_conv3 -> resx1_conv3
I1018 19:26:19.053154  3548 net.cpp:122] Setting up resx1_conv3
I1018 19:26:19.053160  3548 net.cpp:129] Top shape: 90 216 6 6 (699840)

上面是rex1_conv3层的定义,可以看见输出shape 为 [90 216 6 6]

I1018 19:26:19.051407  3548 net.cpp:84] Creating Layer resx1_match_conv
I1018 19:26:19.051409  3548 net.cpp:406] resx1_match_conv <- pool1_pool1_0_split_0
I1018 19:26:19.051414  3548 net.cpp:380] resx1_match_conv -> resx1_match_conv
I1018 19:26:19.051427  3548 net.cpp:122] Setting up resx1_match_conv
I1018 19:26:19.051434  3548 net.cpp:129] Top shape: 90 24 6 6 (77760)

上面是resx1_match_conv层的定义,可以看见输出的shape 为 [90 24 6 6]

I1018 19:26:19.053496  3548 net.cpp:84] Creating Layer resx1_concat
I1018 19:26:19.053500  3548 net.cpp:406] resx1_concat <- resx1_match_conv
I1018 19:26:19.053503  3548 net.cpp:406] resx1_concat <- resx1_conv3
I1018 19:26:19.053508  3548 net.cpp:380] resx1_concat -> resx1_concat
I1018 19:26:19.053527  3548 net.cpp:122] Setting up resx1_concat
I1018 19:26:19.053532  3548 net.cpp:129] Top shape: 90 240 6 6 (777600)
I1018 19:26:19.053534  3548 net.cpp:137] Memory required for data: 51244200



I1018 19:26:19.102349  3548 net.cpp:84] Creating Layer resx13_match_conv
I1018 19:26:19.102351  3548 net.cpp:406] resx13_match_conv <- resx12_elewise_resx12_elewise_relu_0_split_0
I1018 19:26:19.102355  3548 net.cpp:380] resx13_match_conv -> resx13_match_conv
I1018 19:26:19.102373  3548 net.cpp:122] Setting up resx13_match_conv
I1018 19:26:19.102377  3548 net.cpp:129] Top shape: 90 480 1 1 (43200)

此时resx13_match_conv的输出shape是 [ 90 480 1 1]

I1018 19:26:19.103997  3548 net.cpp:84] Creating Layer resx13_conv3
I1018 19:26:19.103999  3548 net.cpp:406] resx13_conv3 <- resx13_conv2
I1018 19:26:19.104003  3548 net.cpp:380] resx13_conv3 -> resx13_conv3
I1018 19:26:19.104576  3548 net.cpp:122] Setting up resx13_conv3
I1018 19:26:19.104599  3548 net.cpp:129] Top shape: 90 480 2 2 (172800)

此时resx13_conv3的输出shape是 [ 90 480 2 2 ]

这就是top_shape[j] == bottom[i]->shape(j) (1 vs. 2)报错是(1 vs. 2)的原因。


我们需要在train.prototxt修改网络参数,来让resx13_match_conv的输出也变成[ 90 480 2 2],所以找到resx13_match_conv层的定义:

layer {
  name: "resx13_match_conv"
  type: "Pooling"
  bottom: "resx12_elewise"
  top: "resx13_match_conv"
  pooling_param {
    pool: AVE
    kernel_size: 3
    stride: 2

因为上一层来的数据从下面日志文件可以读到shape是:[ 90 480 3 3]

I1018 19:26:19.102326  3548 net.cpp:122] Setting up resx12_elewise_resx12_elewise_relu_0_split
I1018 19:26:19.102330  3548 net.cpp:129] Top shape: 90 480 3 3 (388800)
I1018 19:26:19.102334  3548 net.cpp:129] Top shape: 90 480 3 3 (388800)
I1018 19:26:19.102335  3548 net.cpp:137] Memory required for data: 256336200
I1018 19:26:19.102337  3548 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer resx13_match_conv
I1018 19:26:19.102349  3548 net.cpp:84] Creating Layer resx13_match_conv
I1018 19:26:19.102351  3548 net.cpp:406] resx13_match_conv <- resx12_elewise_resx12_elewise_relu_0_split_0
I1018 19:26:19.102355  3548 net.cpp:380] resx13_match_conv -> resx13_match_conv
I1018 19:26:19.102373  3548 net.cpp:122] Setting up resx13_match_conv
I1018 19:26:19.102377  3548 net.cpp:129] Top shape: 90 480 1 1 (43200)

所以这里将 kernel_size: 3 改为 kernel_size: 2,即:

layer {
  name: "resx13_match_conv"
  type: "Pooling"
  bottom: "resx12_elewise"
  top: "resx13_match_conv"
  pooling_param {
    pool: AVE
    kernel_size: 2
    stride: 2


`inputs_dim` 和 `outputs_dim` 是用于定义神经网络模型输入和输出维度的变量。在这个上下文中: - `inputs_dim = inputs_train.shape[2]`[^1] 表示从训练数据 `inputs_train` 中提取特征向量(通常这是图像或序列数据的宽度、长度或通道数),计算其深度(第三个维度)来确定输入层的大小。 - `outputs_dim = 1` 指定了输出层的节点数量。如果问题是二分类任务,那么可能只有一个神经元输出一个概率分数(0到1之间),如果是回归任务,则可能是连续数值的预测,此时单个节点代表一个值,不需要额外的维度。 当你构建Keras模型时,这些信息会被用来构造合适的层结构,如全连接层(Dense layer),它们会基于这些维度创建权重矩阵: ```python # 假设inputs_train是形状为(batch_size, input_height, input_width, channels) input_shape = (None,) + inputs_train.shape[1:] # 使用None表示批量大小可以变化 # 创建一个接受输入_dim维度输入的模型 inputs = keras.Input(shape=input_shape) # 使用base_model的输出作为输入 x = base_model(inputs) # 如果输出是一维(如回归任务) predictions = layers.Dense(outputs_dim)(x) # 创建完整的模型 model = keras.Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=predictions) # 编译模型,设置损失函数(如对于二分类问题,可能是binary_crossentropy) model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='binary_crossentropy') # 或者其他的回归损失,如'mean_squared_error' ```
评论 3




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