Concurrent Programming 3 : Language Features (OC)

可能对atomic 和 nonatomic不太理解,看这里:

Language Features

The @synchronized directive provides a simple mechanism for creating locks in Objective-C code, thereby enabling concurrent threads to synchronize access to shared state. The syntax for using this directive in your code is shown in Listing 17-1.

Listing 17-1.  Syntax for the @synchronized Directive

  // Critical section - code protected by the directive

Listing 17-1 shows that the @synchronized directive is followed by a unique identifier in parentheses and a protected block of code surrounded by braces. The unique identifier is an object used to distinguish the protected block. If multiple threads attempt to access this critical section with the same unique identifier, one of the threads would acquire the lock first and the other(s) would block until the first thread finished executing the critical section.

Note that the @synchronized block implicitly adds an exception handler to the protected code. This handler automatically releases the lock in the event that an exception is thrown. Hence, you must enable Objective-C exception handling in your code in order to use this directive.

The Objective-C language also includes a feature that is intended to provide atomic access to properties. The atomic property qualifier is an Objective-C language feature that is designed to provide atomic access to a property, even when its accessor methods are called concurrently from different threads. Atomic means that a property’s accessor methods always set/get a complete (consistent) value, regardless of whether the property is being accessed concurrently. The following statement declares an atomic, read-write property namedgreeting.

@property (atomic, readwrite) NSString *greeting;

By default, an Objective-C property is atomic, hence the use of the atomic keyword in the preceding property declaration is not necessary.

Note that the atomic property qualifier provides atomic access for a property, but not thread safety. Listing 17-2 depicts a class named Person whose interface declares atomic properties named firstName and lastName.

Listing 17-2.  Person Class Atomic Properties

@interface Person : NSObject
@property (readwrite) NSString *firstName;
@property (readwrite) NSString *lastName;

Although the properties firstName and lastName are atomic, as specified earlier, a Personobject is not thread-safe. Hence, if two different threads accessed the same Person object, access to each of the individual properties within the object would be atomic, but the names could be inconsistent relative to each other, depending upon the order of access and the (get/set) operations performed. For example, the following statement declares a Personproperty.

@property (readwrite) Person *person;

The property is itself composed of two properties (firstName and lastName) that can be accessed atomically, but the person property itself is not thread-safe. This is due to the fact that there is no mechanism provided to collectively synchronize concurrent access to its components (i.e., firstName and lastName could be modified independently). This can be accomplished using the @synchronized directive or a synchronization primitive, which you will learn about shortly.

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