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原创 Debug in Node.j

Using console object: console.log('xxx');Using Node.js internal debugger (v8 engine): node debug xxx.jsrefer to: https://nodejs.org/api/debugger.html#debugger_debuggerUsing node-inspector:

2015-04-11 18:28:13 1083

原创 Hot reload tools for Node.js

Tools are used to automatically restart the node process when the file is modified.node-dev: https://github.com/fgnass/node-devnode-supervisor: https://github.com/isaacs/node-supervisornodemon:

2015-04-11 17:38:41 1473

转载 Some issues encountered in Node.js First Look

There are some issues encountered when learning Node.js First Look.Issue: After "npm install -g express", run express xxx (app name), show error "express command not found".    Solution: using

2015-04-11 17:28:39 831

原创 Install Git on Mac

The git installer for Mac that you used should have installed git into /usr/local/git. Check if /usr/local/git/bin is included in PATH.  Running echo $PATH from the terminal and make sure th

2015-04-08 23:29:18 1351

转载 Top 10 Secure Coding Practices

Top 10 Secure Coding Practices Validate input. Validate input from all untrusted data sources. Proper input validation can eliminate the vast majority of software vulnerabilities. Be suspicious

2015-02-09 16:13:31 1421

原创 Remote connect to Amazon EC2 instance

Remote Connect to Amazon EC2 Instance

2014-10-29 10:48:03 1524

转载 Markup Extensions for XAML

refer to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee855815(v=vs.110).aspx

2014-08-22 15:12:51 508

转载 StaticResource vs DynamicResource


2014-08-18 16:50:14 777

转载 How to create Web Deployment Package and install the package

Create Web Deployment Package

2014-08-11 17:43:47 697

转载 Creating a ClickOnce application

ClickOnce是微软在.NET 2.0框架中发布的一项技术,允许大家在Visual Studio中方便地部署和更新.NET的Windows应用程序。部署功能是通过把应用程序文件复制到一个文件夹中、FTP目录中或者某个Web位置上,并同时附加一个清单文件来实现的。清单文件是一个具有.application扩展名的XML文件,它包含了所有程序文件的一个列表,以及类似发布者标识这样的安全相关信息。C

2014-08-08 19:24:46 629

原创 Add more security in Visual Studio 2012

Add more security in Visual Studio 2012

2014-08-06 16:43:24 1031

转载 Amazon Resource Names (ARNs)

The following are the general formats for ARNs; the specific components and values used depend on the AWS service.arn:aws:service:region:account:resourcearn:aws:service:region:account:resourcetype/

2014-07-29 16:29:33 1000

原创 Enable MFA for a user

If you are root/admin account, in order to configure a virtual MFA device, you must have physical access to the device.For example, if you are configuring MFA for a user who will use a smartphone to

2014-07-29 16:14:10 1070

转载 ios申请真机调试( xcode 5)详细解析

已经有开发证书的直接跳过第一步第一步:申请“开发证书”进入苹果开发者99美元账号:选择:Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles关于 Certificates,Identifiers,Profiles 的介绍请看 ”Certificates, Identifiers ,Profiles“选择:Certi

2014-07-25 20:04:03 477

转载 iOS Developer:真机测试

如果出现ios development一项为灰色不可点击状态,苹果的说法是如果您要为此电脑添加证书,请revoke以前的证书后添加,或者通过以前的mac导出证书        原文不记得了,大概这个意思,苹果不希望你的开发者账号里出现多台Mac的证书,如果在其他mac上已经添加过证书的话,就直接通过P12导出(导出方法见下文)后给当前的Mac使用即可,或者删除之前的证书后再添加

2014-07-25 19:57:42 4428

转载 Valid signing identity not found解决办法(原有IDP私钥丢失)及Certificate、App ID、Devices、Provisioning Profiles之间区别


2014-07-25 19:54:45 480

转载 armv6, armv7, armv7s的区别

ARM是微处理器行业的一家知名企业,arm处理器以体积小和高性能的优势在嵌入式设备中广泛使用,几乎所有手机都是使用它的。armv6, armv7, armv7s是ARM CPU的不同指令集,原则上是向下兼容的。如iPhone4S CPU支持armv7, 但它同时兼容armv6,只是使用armv6指令可能无法充分发挥它的特性。同理iPhone5 CPU支持armv7s,它虽然也兼容armv7

2014-07-25 19:14:28 11709

转载 关于Certificate、Provisioning Profile、App ID的介绍及其之间的关系

1.概念介绍如果你拥有一个开发者账户的话,在iOS Dev Center打开Certificates, Indentifiers & Profiles,你就可以看到如下的列表:Profile Portal改版有一段时间了,改版之后的结构比以前更清晰明了,易于理解和管理。上面的列表就包含了开发、调试和发布iOS应用程序所需的所有内容:Certificates、Iden

2014-07-25 19:10:22 933

转载 传递引用类型参数(ref)

引用类型的变量不直接包含其数据;它包含的是对其数据的引用。 当通过值传递引用类型的参数时,有可能更改引用所指向的数据,如某类成员的值。 但是无法更改引用本身的值;也就是说,不能使用相同的引用为新类分配内存并使之在块外保持。 若要这样做,应使用 ref 或 out 关键字传递参数。

2014-07-18 17:00:13 1505

转载 CLR内存管理


2014-07-18 16:49:00 761

原创 值类型,引用类型,装箱,拆箱

装箱是将值类型转换为 object 类型或由此值类型实现的任何接口类型的过程。 当 CLR 对值类型进行装箱时,会将该值包装到 System.Object 内部,再将后者存储在托管堆上。 取消装箱将从对象中提取值类型。 装箱是隐式的;取消装箱是显式的。 装箱和取消装箱的概念是类型系统 C# 统一视图的基础,其中任一类型的值都被视为一个对象。

2014-07-15 15:23:54 1826

原创 static, readonly, const

staticUse the static modifier to declare a static member, which belongs to the type itself rather than to a specific object. The static modifier can be used with classes, fields, methods, proper

2014-07-11 12:34:26 1072

原创 Modifiers: virtual, override, new, abstract, sealed, internal

internal声明类、类成员、接口或接口成员具有内部可见性。internal 修饰符使类、接口或成员仅在当前包中可见。 当前包之外的代码不能访问 internal 成员。只有在同一程序集的文件中,内部类型或成员才是可访问的在全局范围内,internal 修饰符与 public 修饰符相同。不能将 internal 修饰符与其他任何可见性修饰符(public、private 或

2014-07-11 11:45:32 1340

转载 Static Constructors

A static constructor is used to initialize any static data, or to perform a particular action that needs to be performed once only. It is called automatically before the first instance is created or

2014-07-07 18:17:53 653

转载 .NET深入解析LINQ框架


2014-07-07 12:40:20 1085

转载 log4net Tutorial

IntroductionOne of the greatest logging tools out there for .NET is log4net. This software is the gold standard for how logging should be done. It is simple, powerful, and extensible. The best par

2014-05-09 13:19:14 696

原创 IIS Connection Timeout vs httpRuntime executionTimeout

ConnectionTimeout specifies how long, in seconds, should the code waitbefore timing out from trying to OPEN a connection. It relates directly tothe line connection.Oen();HttpRuntime is how long

2014-05-09 09:49:28 2033

转载 How to do logging in C# with log4net

If you are writing server code in C# or to a lesser extent desktop/client then it's a good idea to include logging code so when something goes wrong you know where to start looking. The Java world has

2014-05-07 14:20:08 1098

原创 Logging from multiple processes using log4net

en logging with log4net to a file (using the FileAppender), the FileAppender is holding an exclusive lock on the file. This doesn’t cause any problems, not even when the application is running with mu

2014-05-06 18:27:43 1072

原创 Set tooltip on customized tab header in WPF

in TextBlocks.xaml<ResourceDictionary xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml">

2014-05-06 15:28:01 553

转载 How to Start a Business in 10 Days

With an executive staffing venture about to open, a business loan from the in-laws gnawing at her conscience and a new baby to care for, Michelle Fish was already feeling the pressure. But what really

2014-05-04 10:49:58 1396

转载 Job Interview: Why Only 3 Questions Really Matter

Even for the most fearless amongst us, job interviews can be nerve wracking. In order to give us the best chance of success we tend to prepare for many of the difficult questions we anticipate, questi

2014-04-29 12:24:52 614

原创 How to resolve "your security settings have blocked an untrusted application from running" in Mac

If you encounter the error "your security settings have blocked an untrusted application from running" when open a website in Mac, how to resolve it?Adds your website to "Exception site list" on "Se

2014-01-18 17:42:50 6150

原创 Different timers in .net

Multi-threads timers: System.Threading.Timer and System.Timers.Timer (.net framework):App will handle timer event on a thread pool thread. Timers.Timer is a wrapper for Threading.Timer. They are use

2014-01-07 11:52:46 661

转载 Async Return Types

Async methods have three possible return types: TaskTResult>, Task, and void.The TaskTResult> return type is used for an async method that contains a return (C#) statement in which the opera

2013-12-19 16:14:00 666

转载 Task Parallelism

The Task Parallel Library (TPL) is based on the concept of a task, which represents an asynchronous operation. In some ways, a task resembles a thread or ThreadPool work item, but at a higher level

2013-12-19 15:42:16 1042

原创 How to fix "http error 403.14 - forbidden" in IIS7

If you encounter the following error: "http error 403.14 - forbidden. The Web server is configured to not list the contents of this directory." when browsing site in IIS7, you can run"aspnet_regiis

2013-11-18 16:24:20 1666


Error LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt appear often on Visual C++ 2010 and this error don’t let you to compile and run your program coded on V

2013-11-18 16:20:58 1454

转载 Using Spring.net in console application

Download Spring.net in http://www.springframework.net/Install Spring.NET.exeCreate a console application, and reference Spring.Core.dll.Add App.config to project, the content is as f

2013-09-03 18:29:37 747

转载 Grand Central Dispatch

什么是GCD?Grand Central Dispatch或者GCD,是一套低层API,提供了一种新的方法来进行并发程序编写。从基本功能上讲,GCD有点像NSOperationQueue,他们都允许程序将任务切分为多个单一任务然后提交至工作队列来并发地或者串行地执行。GCD比之NSOpertionQueue更底层更高效,并且它不是Cocoa框架的一部分。除了代码的平行执行能力,GC

2013-08-26 12:07:41 903



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