Vibration mill's good?Believe that many people want to know,ore grinder mill everyone is with such a curiosity, so is want to know is how a strange thing!
Vibration mill is of good performance in many aspect, list one by one to you, such as its use is closed loop system composed of multilayer screening machine, vibration grinding machine adopts iron polluting, large pieces of ceramic roller crusher, crushing to about 30 mm in oversize monocular eccentric vibration mill continuous grinding, adjust the feed rate, feed particle size, the size of the grinding medium and gradation, the amplitude of vibration mill adjustable output, grain shape and grain size distribution of discharge, and to adjust the output of each part and change the product particle size.This technology used in the product purity is very high, such as microelectronics, fine ceramics, medicine, food, military and other industries, vibrating screen
Multilayer, most can be up to 23 layer, make the product particle size distribution is very narrow, the vibration plate and grinding medium, crushing roller materials can be used and the grinding material consistent materials, or pollutants in a certain range does not affect the performance of the product material.
All the introduction, it is a good, really is as good as some performance, meet to know!
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