A reply on a geothermal heating and cooling solution

Ontario-SEA@yahoogroups.com, "jenn2eddie" wrote:
I joined the Ontario SEA list hoping members could/would impart some guidance.

My family erected two 20' x 96' double poly greenhouses this Autumn. We are in the process of installing hydro to the greenhouses. I would liked to have gone with a solar/wind combo tied to the grid, but the cost was prohibitive - $85,000. So, my dream of running a truly sustainable grower nursery starts to wain.

I have done some research on the most efficient and cost-effective method of heating the greenhouses for the two to three month period we'll need for growing. Tried and true greenhouse propane heaters with a backup generator seem to meet our requirements.

What I would like, is to install geo-thermal furnaces, and get the added benefits of cooling in the summer. My concern is that they may be too 'green'. I have only found one article in a recent trade publication that discussed geo-thermal in greenhouses. The case study involved a huge grower in Europe. The article wasn't helpful for a newbie grower on a small scale. In twenty years time, I may be an expert on greenhouse heating.

For the moment, I am having difficulty finding someone, or some source, that can help us design a sustainable venture without breaking the bank. Will the plants be CO2 deprived? If so, we'd need to supplement the CO2 - negating the reason for installing a greener heating system. Would it not? Maybe someone knows a grower who is already using geo-thermal on a small scale? Any sage advice, before I write the cheque to the propane company for two new heaters?


Hi Jenn:
I might be a little bit familiar with the geothermal application, since I took a one year course in geothermal energy technology. If you are interested in the geothermal/wind power applications, we can discuss.

I took a look at about your requirements: geo-heating in winter and geo-cooling in summer. To meet both of your requirements in one geothermal application, a heat pump might be your solution.

There is not much geothermal resources in Ontario, which means hot springs/geyser, faults, dead volcano and etc. The geothermal gradient averages 25-30°C/1000m, which is not feasible for generating electricity or drying. But one good thing for geo-water is, if the well is deep enough, the underground water will keep an ambient temperature, just like the lake Ontario under lake water. The ambient temperature (e.g. 10 degree in depth of 50m) will not change much with the season or weather, which makes the underground water a constant temperature source.

The principle of the heat pump is to get heat from the heat source (ambient water) in the winter and release heat to the cool source (ambient water) in the summer, like a dual-function air-condition machine, whose heating function is less efficient than its air-condition function.

In order to take advantage of this temperature source, a heat pump is needed, which exchanges heat with the ambient temperature water in the well.

The process would be like the following:
1. pump the underground ambient water from the wells.
2. heat exchange with secondary working fluid, which has much lower evaporation temperature than water, like ammonia, or mixture of ammonia with water and etc.
3. use the secondary working fluid to heat exchange with the air in the green house.
4. re-inject the heat-exchanged underground water back to the ground in different wells.

The main devices needed are:
1. pumps to get water out of the well and re-injection.
2. heat exchanger between underground water and ammonia, the heat-exchange wall might need titanium to resist the corrosion/deposition from both underground water and ammonia, and special seal should be carried out on-site.
3. heat exchanger between ammonia and air in green house.
4. controller to adjust temperature and switch the air-condition and heating.

The consumption of the system would be only electricity.

Combined with a small wind power device, it might fit your need. Since solar device doesn't work cost-efficient for your simple heating application in winter. The green house itself can be exposed to the sun shine directly to get heat in a sunny winter day time. In the evening, wind turbine normally will run quite well because of the more stable and powerful night wind. The electricity would make the heat pump run in fully power, while the heating is needed most.

Hope the information provided above will help you a little bit.


Ken Hong


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