The first day in CC

Today is the first day in CC.


Today is the first day in CC.

I arrived late for 10 minutes, because of the bad traffice on 401. It took me 1 hour and 10 minutes to reach the office. I found another two guys are waiting in front of the reception. Once I arrived, all of three are welcomed by the HR people. Then in the small meeting room, Leena began to show us the 11 minutes of orientation video and began to do the paper work with us. The other two guys, Nicholas and Leo (HK) are full-time permanent position in CIG. And I am in CIC as Technical Support Representative. We went around the main building in CC. Then I was guided to my supervisor Andrey Seepa. After showing me around CIC, I was given a schedule of July. To my surprise, it is all training without anything else.

After half an hour talking with the trainer, he decided to skipped the basic of photography. He just gave me some orientation about the CC's website and CU's website. I also recommended him to use google instead of the CC website's search function, which is not as efficient as google one.

In the afternoon, we continued with our training on camera/lense product line and flash, also some website associated, like Camera Museum and Bebit. Also he brought me an 20D with EFS lenses. I played quite a while. Finally before 5pm, we found we have gone through two day's training in just one afternoon.

I didn't go back home directly, instead I read some notes on the board, around 5:15 I left the office and drive back, which take me 40 minutes.

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在PostgreSQL (PG) 中遇到 "day must be between the first and last day of the month" 这样的错误通常是由于你在日期操作中尝试插入无效的日期范围。例如,如果你试图插入一个月的第32天或者0日(即非存在的日子)。 为了解决这个问题,你可以按照以下步骤检查并修复: 1. **数据验证**:确保用户输入的数据(如果通过用户界面获取)在合理的范围内,比如使用正则表达式检查日期格式是否正确,并且确实在一个月内。 ```sql CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION validate_date(date_column date) RETURNS boolean AS $$ BEGIN RETURN EXTRACT(DAY FROM $1) BETWEEN 1 AND 31; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- 使用函数检查输入值 SELECT validate_date(your_date_column); ``` 2. **存储过程或触发器**:如果你在数据库层面需要这种约束,可以创建一个存储过程或者触发器,在插入新记录之前自动检查日期是否有效。 ```sql CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION check_month_boundary(p_date date) RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN IF NOT (p_date >= '2000-01-01' AND p_date <= '2999-12-31' AND EXTRACT(DAY FROM p_date) BETWEEN 1 AND 31) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Invalid date: Day must be between 1 and 31'; END IF; RETURN NEW; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER check_date_constraint BEFORE INSERT ON your_table FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE check_month_boundary(NEW.your_date_column); ``` 3. **应用事务**:在插入操作前开启事务,如果插入失败则回滚事务。 ```sql BEGIN; INSERT INTO your_table (your_date_column) VALUES ('your_date'); IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE your_date_column = 'your_date') THEN ROLLBACK; RAISE 'Day out of range'; ELSE COMMIT; END IF; ```




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