D3 Shape

SVG的图形都是通过paht元素来做的,D3 Shape则提供了计算pathd属性的快捷方法


d3.arccreate a new arc generator.
arcgenerate an arc for the given datum.
arc.centroid(arguments…)compute an arc’s midpoint.
arc.innerRadius([radius])set the inner radius.
arc.outerRadius([radius])set the outer radius.
arc.cornerRadius([radius])set the corner radius, for rounded corners.
arc.startAngle([angle])set the start angle.
arc.endAngle([angle])set the end angle.
arc.padAngle([angle])set the angle between adjacent arcs, for padded arcs.
arc.padRadius([radius])set the radius at which to linearize padding.
arc.context([context])set the rendering context.


d3.piecreate a new pie generator.
piecompute the arc angles for the given dataset.
pie.valueset the value accessor.
pie.sortset the sort order comparator.
pie.sortValuesset the sort order comparator.
pie.startAngleset the overall start angle.
pie.endAngleset the overall end angle.
pie.padAngleset the pad angle between adjacent arcs.


d3.linecreate a new line generator.
linegenerate a line for the given dataset.
line.xset the x accessor.
line.yset the y accessor.
line.definedset the defined accessor.
line.curveset the curve interpolator.
line.contextset the rendering context.
d3.lineRadialcreate a new radial line generator.
lineRadialgenerate a line for the given dataset.
lineRadial.angleset the angle accessor.
lineRadial.radiusset the radius accessor.
lineRadial.definedset the defined accessor.
lineRadial.curveset the curve interpolator.
lineRadial.contextset the rendering context.


d3.areacreate a new area generator.
areagenerate an area for the given dataset.
area.xset the x0 and x1 accessors.
area.x0set the baseline x accessor.
area.x1set the topline x accessor.
area.yset the y0 and y1 accessors.
area.y0set the baseline y accessor.
area.y1set the topline y accessor.
area.definedset the defined accessor.
area.curveset the curve interpolator.
area.contextset the rendering context.
area.lineX0derive a line for the left edge of an area.
area.lineX1derive a line for the right edge of an area.
area.lineY0derive a line for the top edge of an area.
area.lineY1derive a line for the bottom edge of an area.
d3.radialAreacreate a new radial area generator.
radialAreagenerate an area for the given dataset.
radialArea.angleset the start and end angle accessors.
radialArea.startAngleset the start angle accessor.
radialArea.endAngleset the end angle accessor.
radialArea.radiusset the inner and outer radius accessors.
radialArea.innerRadiusset the inner radius accessor.
radialArea.outerRadiusset the outer radius accessor.
radialArea.definedset the defined accessor.
radialArea.curveset the curve interpolator.
radialArea.contextset the rendering context.
radialArea.lineStartAnglederive a line for the start edge of an area.
radialArea.lineEndAnglederive a line for the end edge of an area.
radialArea.lineInnerRadiusderive a line for the inner edge of an area.
radialArea.lineOuterRadiusderive a line for the outer edge of an area.


var line = d3.line()
   .x(function(d) { return x(d.date); })
   .y(function(d) { return y(d.value); })

d3.curveBasis - a cubic basis spline, repeating the end points.
d3.curveBasisClosed - a closed cubic basis spline.
d3.curveBasisOpen - a cubic basis spline.
d3.curveBundle - a straightened cubic basis spline.
bundle.beta - set the bundle tension beta.
d3.curveCardinal - a cubic cardinal spline, with one-sided difference at each end.
d3.curveCardinalClosed - a closed cubic cardinal spline.
d3.curveCardinalOpen - a cubic cardinal spline.
cardinal.tension - set the cardinal spline tension.
d3.curveCatmullRom - a cubic Catmull–Rom spline, with one-sided difference at each end.
d3.curveCatmullRomClosed - a closed cubic Catmull–Rom spline.
d3.curveCatmullRomOpen - a cubic Catmull–Rom spline.
catmullRom.alpha - set the Catmull–Rom parameter alpha.
d3.curveLinear - a polyline.
d3.curveLinearClosed - a closed polyline.
d3.curveMonotoneX - a cubic spline that, given monotonicity in x, preserves it in y.
d3.curveMonotoneY - a cubic spline that, given monotonicity in y, preserves it in x.
d3.curveNatural - a natural cubic spline.
d3.curveStep - a piecewise constant function.
d3.curveStepAfter - a piecewise constant function.
d3.curveStepBefore - a piecewise constant function.
curve.areaStart - start a new area segment.
curve.areaEnd - end the current area segment.
curve.lineStart - start a new line segment.
curve.lineEnd - end the current line segment.
curve.point - add a point to the current line segment.

d3.linkVertical - create a new vertical link generator.
d3.linkHorizontal - create a new horizontal link generator.
link - generate a link.
link.source - set the source accessor.
link.target - set the target accessor.
link.x - set the point x-accessor.
link.y - set the point y-accessor.
link.context - set the rendering context.
d3.linkRadial - create a new radial link generator.
radialLink.angle - set the point angle accessor.
radialLink.radius - set the point radius accessor.

d3.symbol - create a new symbol generator.
symbol - generate a symbol for the given datum.
symbol.type - set the symbol type.
symbol.size - set the size of the symbol in square pixels.
symbol.context - set the rendering context.
d3.symbols - the array of built-in symbol types.
d3.symbolCircle - a circle.
d3.symbolCross - a Greek cross with arms of equal length.
d3.symbolDiamond - a rhombus.
d3.symbolSquare - a square.
d3.symbolStar - a pentagonal star (pentagram).
d3.symbolTriangle - an up-pointing triangle.
d3.symbolWye - a Y shape.
d3.pointRadial -
symbolType.draw - draw this symbol to the given context.

d3.stack - create a new stack generator.
stack - generate a stack for the given dataset.
stack.keys - set the keys accessor.
stack.value - set the value accessor.
stack.order - set the order accessor.
stack.offset - set the offset accessor.
d3.stackOrderAppearance - put the earliest series on bottom.
d3.stackOrderAscending - put the smallest series on bottom.
d3.stackOrderDescending - put the largest series on bottom.
d3.stackOrderInsideOut - put earlier series in the middle.
d3.stackOrderNone - use the given series order.
d3.stackOrderReverse - use the reverse of the given series order.
d3.stackOffsetExpand - normalize the baseline to zero and topline to one.
d3.stackOffsetDiverging - positive above zero; negative below zero.
d3.stackOffsetNone - apply a zero baseline.
d3.stackOffsetSilhouette - center the streamgraph around zero.
d3.stackOffsetWiggle - minimize streamgraph wiggling.

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