
8 篇文章 0 订阅
7 篇文章 2 订阅



图1 前瞻1步的博弈树


function MinMax-Decision(state) returns an action
	inputs: state, current state in game
	v←Min-Value(state, -∞, +∞, k)
	return the action in Successors(state) with value v

function Max-Value(state, α, β, k) return a utility vale
	inputs: state, current state in game
	        α, the value of the best alternative for Max along the path to state
	        β, the value of the best alternative for Min along the path to state
	        k, current depth in game path
	if k == 0 then return UTILITY(state)
	for s in Successors(state) do
		v←MAX(v, Min-Value(s, α, β, k-1))
		if v≥β then return v
		α←MAX(α, v)
	return v

function Min-Value(state, α, β, k) return a utility vale
	inputs: state, current state in game
	        α, the value of the best alternative for Max along the path to state
	        β, the value of the best alternative for Min along the path to state
	        k, current depth in game path
	if k == 0 then return UTILITY(state)
	for s in Successors(state) do
		v←MIN(v, Max-Value(s, α, β, k-1))
		if v≤α then return v
		β←MIN(β, v)
	return v

当前瞻d步、每步的合法走子有n种时,剪枝前的时间复杂度为O(n^d),剪枝后为 O(n^(d/2))。在相同时间内,剪枝后前瞻的步数是原来的两倍;在相同的步数内,搜索到结果的时间是原来的平方根。刚好符合我们的需求。



void CWuZiQi::MaxMinDecision( const int points[16][16], bool first, int oldp[16][16], int newp[16][16], int *nx, int *ny, int k )
	int i, j, t;
	int x, y;
	int cntr;
	MyPoint v[KMAX];
	int numbq, numwq;
	int a1[16][16], a2[16][16];
	//int tiju[16][16][8][2];
	MyPoint b[225], w[225];

	//out = fopen( "mm.txt", "w" );

	for ( i = 1; i <= 15; i++ )
		for ( j = 1; j <= 15; j++ )
			oldp[i][j] = points[i][j];
			newp[i][j] = points[i][j];
	for ( i = 0; i < KMAX; i++ )
		{v[i].val = 0; v[i].x = 0; v[i].y = 0;}

	cntr = QuickCount( oldp );
	if ( cntr == 1 )
		*nx = 7; *ny = 7;
		newp[7][7] = 2;

	MinValue( oldp, first, -MAX, MAX, k, v );
	FillMatrix( tiju, 0 );
	HowManyInLine( oldp, tiju );
	ValueTheChessboardNaive( oldp, tiju, a1, a2 );
	FillMatrix( a1, 0 );
	FillMatrix( a2, 0 );
	MaxMinValuationOnEmpty( oldp, a1, a2 );
	FillMatrix( b, a1 );
	FillMatrix( w, a2 );
	SortTheValuation( b, w, &numbq, &numwq );
	PrintMatrix( b, w, numbq, numwq );
	int cur = b[0].val - w[0].val;
	int fur = v[k - 1].val;
	if ( first )
		if ( cur < 0 && fur > 0 )  // both current and future are dangerous
			if ( cur + fur <= 0 )
				{x = w[0].x; y = w[0].y;}  // current is worse
			else  // future is better, but it isn't sure
				t = rand() % 1000;
				if ( t < 100 )
					{x = v[k - 1].x; y = v[k - 1].y;}  // future
					{x = w[0].x; y = w[0].y;}  // current
		else if ( cur >= 0 && fur <= 0 )  // both current and future are ok
			if ( cur + fur > 0 )  // current is better
				{x = b[0].x; y = b[0].y;}  
			else  // future is better, but it isn't sure
				t = rand() % 1000;
				if ( t < 200 )
					{x = v[k - 1].x; y = v[k - 1].y;}  // defence
					{x = b[0].x; y = b[0].y;}  // attack
		else if ( cur < 0 && fur <= 0 )  //current is bad, further is ok
			if ( cur < fur )  // current is more dangerous than future
				{x = w[0].x; y = w[0].y;}
			else  // future is better, but it isn't sure
				t = rand() % 1000;
				if ( t < 100 )
					{x = v[k - 1].x; y = v[k - 1].y;}  // future
					{x = w[0].x; y = w[0].y;}  // current
		else  //current is ok, further is bad
			if ( cur > fur )  // current is better
				{x = b[0].x; y = b[0].y;}
			else  // future is worse, but current is not that bad
				t = rand() % 1000;
				if ( t < 400 )
					{x = v[k - 1].x; y = v[k - 1].y;}  // defence
					{x = b[0].x; y = b[0].y;}  // attack
		newp[x][y] = 1;
		if ( cur >= 0 && fur >= 0 )  // both current and future are dangerous
			if ( cur > fur )
				{x = b[0].x; y = b[0].y;}  // current is worse
			else  // future is better, but it isn't sure
				t = rand() % 1000;
				if ( t < 100 )
					{x = v[k - 1].x; y = v[k - 1].y;}  // future
					{x = b[0].x; y = b[0].y;}  // current
		else if ( cur < 0 && fur < 0 )  // both current and future are ok
			if ( cur < fur )  // current is better
				{x = w[0].x; y = w[0].y;}  
			else  // future is better, but it isn't sure
				t = rand() % 1000;
				if ( t < 200 )
					{x = v[k - 1].x; y = v[k - 1].y;}  // defence
					{x = w[0].x; y = w[0].y;}  // attack
		else if ( cur >= 0 && fur < 0 )  //current is bad, further is ok
			if ( cur + fur > 0 )  // current is more dangerous than future
				{x = b[0].x; y = b[0].y;}
			else  // future is better, but it isn't sure
				t = rand() % 1000;
				if ( t < 100 )
					{x = v[k - 1].x; y = v[k - 1].y;}  // future
					{x = b[0].x; y = b[0].y;}  // current
		else  //current is ok, further is bad
			if ( cur + fur < 0 )  // current is better
				{x = w[0].x; y = w[0].y;}
			else  // future is worse, but current is not that bad
				t = rand() % 1000;
				if ( t < 400 )
					{x = v[k - 1].x; y = v[k - 1].y;}  // defence
					{x = w[0].x; y = w[0].y;}  // attack
		newp[x][y] = 2;
	//fclose( out );
	*nx = x; *ny = y;

void CWuZiQi::MaxValue( const int qp[16][16], bool first, int alpha, int beta, int k, MyPoint res[KMAX] )
	int i, j, val;
	int tqp[16][16], t[16][16];
	MyPoint v;
	FillMatrix( t, 0 );
	for ( i = 1; i <= 15; i++ )
		for ( j = 1; j <= 15; j++ )
			t[i][j] = qp[i][j];
	if ( k == 0 )
		//PrintMatrix( qp );
		val = MaxMinValuationOnNonempty( t, first );
		res[k].val = val;
		//fprintf( out, "%d\t%d\t%d\t%d------(%d, %d)MAX0\n", k, res[k].x, res[k].y, res[k].val, alpha, beta );
	v.val = -MAX;
	for ( i = 1; i <= 15; i++ )
		for ( j = 1; j <= 15; j++ )
			if ( qp[i][j] != 0 )
			FillMatrix( tqp, 0 );
			FillMatrix( tqp, t );
			if ( first )
				tqp[i][j] = 2;
				tqp[i][j] = 1;
			res[k - 1].x = i; res[k - 1].y = j;
			MinValue( tqp, first, alpha, beta, k - 1, res );
			if ( v.val < res[k - 1].val )
				{v.val = res[k - 1].val; v.x = res[k - 1].x; v.y = res[k - 1].y;}
			if ( v.val >= beta )
				res[k - 1].val = v.val; res[k - 1].x = v.x; res[k - 1].y = v.y;
				//fprintf( out, "%d\t%d\t%d\t%d------(%d, %d)MAX1\n", k, v.x, v.y, v.val, alpha, beta );
			if ( v.val > alpha )
				alpha = v.val;
				//fprintf( out, "%d\t%d\t%d\t%d------(%d, %d)MAX2\n", k, v.x, v.y, v.val, alpha, beta );
	if ( k == KMAX )
		{res[k - 1].val = v.val; res[k - 1].x = v.x; res[k - 1].y = v.y;}
		{res[k].val = v.val; res[k].x = v.x; res[k].y = v.y;}
	//fprintf( out, "%d\t%d\t%d\t%d------(%d, %d)MAX3\n", k, v.x, v.y, v.val, alpha, beta );

void CWuZiQi::MinValue( const int qp[16][16], bool first, int alpha, int beta, int k, MyPoint res[KMAX] )
	int i, j, val;
	int tqp[16][16], t[16][16];
	MyPoint v;
	FillMatrix( t, 0 );
	for ( i = 1; i <= 15; i++ )
		for ( j = 1; j <= 15; j++ )
			t[i][j] = qp[i][j];
	if ( k == 0 )
		//PrintMatrix( qp );
		val = MaxMinValuationOnNonempty( t, first );
		res[k].val = val;
		//fprintf( out, "%d\t%d\t%d\t%d------(%d, %d)MIN0\n", k, res[k].x, res[k].y, res[k].val, alpha, beta );
	v.val = MAX;
	for ( i = 1; i <= 15; i++ )
		for ( j = 1; j <= 15; j++ )
			if ( t[i][j] != 0 )
			FillMatrix( tqp, 0 );
			FillMatrix( tqp, t );
			if ( first )
				tqp[i][j] = 1;
				tqp[i][j] = 2;
			res[k - 1].x = i; res[k - 1].y = j;
			MaxValue( tqp, first, alpha, beta, k - 1, res );
			if ( v.val > res[k - 1].val )
				{v.val = res[k - 1].val; v.x = res[k - 1].x; v.y = res[k - 1].y;}
			if ( v.val <= alpha )
				res[k - 1].val = v.val; res[k - 1].x = v.x; res[k - 1].y = v.y;
				//fprintf( out, "%d\t%d\t%d\t%d------(%d, %d)MIN1\n", k, v.x, v.y, v.val, alpha, beta );
			if ( v.val < beta )
				beta = v.val;
				//fprintf( out, "%d\t%d\t%d\t%d------(%d, %d)MIN2\n", k, v.x, v.y, v.val, alpha, beta );
	if ( k == KMAX )
		{res[k - 1].val = v.val; res[k - 1].x = v.x; res[k - 1].y = v.y;}
		{res[k].val = v.val; res[k].x = v.x; res[k].y = v.y;}
	//fprintf( out, "%d\t%d\t%d\t%d------(%d, %d)MIN3\n", k, v.x, v.y, v.val, alpha, beta );

评论 1




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


