8.5 间接绘制
在vkCmdDraw() and vkCmdDrawIndexed()命令中,命令的参数(vertexCount,vertexOffset, 等等)以立即参数直接传递给命令本身。这意味这你需要知道在你的应用程序中构建命令缓冲区时每一次绘制调用的准确参数。然而,在一些情况下,你并不知道每一次绘制的准确参数。比如以下例子:
voidvkCmdDrawIndirect (
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkBuffer buffer,
VkDeviceSize offset,
uint32_t drawCount,
uint32_t stride);
typedefstruct VkDrawIndirectCommand {
uint32_t vertexCount;
uint32_t instanceCount;
uint32_t firstVertex;
uint32_t firstInstance;
} VkDrawIndirectCommand;
VkDrawIndirectCommand的成员和vkCmdDraw()命令中的参数有相似的含义。vertexCountand instanceCount是顶点和索引的个数,firstVertex and firstInstance是顶点和实例索引的起始值。
voidvkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect (
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkBuffer buffer,
VkDeviceSize offset,
uint32_t drawCount,
uint32_t stride);
typedefstruct VkDrawIndexedIndirectCommand {
uint32_t indexCount;
uint32_t instanceCount;
uint32_t firstIndex;
int32_t vertexOffset;
uint32_t firstInstance;
} VkDrawIndexedIndirectCommand;
VkDrawIndexedIndirectCommand的参数和vkCmdDrawIndexed()中同名的参数有相同的意义。indexCountand instanceCount是发送到管线的顶点索引和实例的个数;firstIndex成员指定了从索引缓冲区中开始取出索引的位置,vertexOffset指定了叠加到索引数据的偏移值;firstInstance指定了实例计数器起始值。
• You canbuild command buffers with indirect draws long before they’re needed, fillingin the final parameters for the draw (in the buffer object rather than thecommand buffer) before the
command buffer is submitted for execution.
• You can create a command buffer containing an indirect draw, submitit, overwrite the
parameters in the buffer object, and submitthe same command buffer again. This effectively
patches new parameters into what could be along, complex command buffer.
• You can write parameters into a buffer object by using stores froma shader object, or by using a command such as vkCmdFillBuffer() orvkCmdCopyBuffer() to generate drawing
parameters on the device itself—either inthe same command buffer or in another submitted just
before the one containing the drawcommands.
以可能已经注意到了vkCmdDrawIndirect() and vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect() 都接受drawCountand a stride 参数。这些参数允许你传递绘制命令的数组到Vulkan。一次vkCmdDrawIndirect() or vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect()调用将会激发drawCount个独立的绘制,每一次绘制都各从VkDrawIndirectCommand or VkDrawIndexedIndirectCommand取出参数。
1.Note that this behavior differs from OpenGL, in which a stride of zero causesthe device to assume a tightly packed array, and it is impossible to source thesame parameters over and over.