process control


root@localhost sharedfolder]# cp nco_pa.conf /opt/netcool/omnibus/etc
cp: overwrite `/opt/netcool/omnibus/etc/nco_pa.conf'? y
[root@localhost sharedfolder]#              
[root@localhost sharedfolder]# cp /etc/pam.d/passwd /etc/pam.d/netcool
[root@localhost sharedfolder]# cd /etc/pam.d/
[root@localhost pam.d]# ls
atd               gdm                other              run_init       system-auth                   system-config-printer
authconfig        gdm-autologin      passwd             runuser        system-auth-ac                system-config-rootpassword
authconfig-gtk    gdmsetup           pirut              runuser-l      system-cdinstall-helper       system-config-securitylevel
authconfig-tui    gnome-screensaver  pm-hibernate       sabayon        system-config-authentication  system-config-selinux
chfn              gnome-system-log   pm-powersave       serviceconf    system-config-date            system-config-services
chsh              gssftp             pm-suspend         setup          system-config-display         system-config-soundcard
config-util       halt               pm-suspend-hybrid  smtp           system-config-kdump           system-config-time
cpufreq-selector  kbdrate            poweroff           smtp.sendmail  system-config-keyboard        system-config-users
crond             kshell             ppp                sshd           system-config-language        system-install-packages
cups              login              pup                su             system-config-lvm             vmware-guestd
dateconfig        neat               reboot             su-l           system-config-netboot
eject             netcool            remote             sudo           system-config-network
ekshell           newrole            rhn_register       sudo-i         system-config-network-cmd
[root@localhost pam.d]# cat passwd
auth       include      system-auth
account    include      system-auth
password   include      system-auth
[root@localhost pam.d]# $OMNIHOME/bin/nco_install_ospam

                 Netcool/OMNIbus 7.1 ObjectServer PAM Installation

Ready to install and setup the PAM module.

What is the name of the authentication server? [NCOMS] NCO_PA

Do you wish to view the updates to be added to /etc/pam.d? (y/n)? [y]

# PAM Configuration for the Netcool/OMNIbus ObjectServer.
auth required   /opt/netcool/omnibus/platform/linux2x86/module/pam/omnibus_os/
account required        /opt/netcool/omnibus/platform/linux2x86/module/pam/omnibus_os/
password required       /opt/netcool/omnibus/platform/linux2x86/module/pam/omnibus_os/

Do you wish to install these changes? (y/n)? [y]

Installation complete.

NOTE: You now need to enable the use of PAM by the ObjectServer itself by
setting or adding the property 'Sec.UsePam : TRUE' to the ObjectServers
properties file.

[root@localhost pam.d]#

[root@localhost install]# cd startup/
[root@localhost startup]# ls
linux2x86  linux2x86install
[root@localhost startup]# chmod 750 linux2x86install    修改权限
[root@localhost startup]# pwd
[root@localhost startup]# ./linux2x86install 执行
./linux2x86install: line 22: [: Server: integer expression expected
./linux2x86install: line 25: [: Server: integer expression expected
This script. copies a startup script. into the /etc/rc.d/init.d directory to enable
you to automatically start and stop Netcool/OMNIbus processes.

It does this by:
        Copying linux2x86/etc/rc.d/init.d/nco to /etc/rc.d/init.d/nco
        Linking /etc/rc.d/init.d/nco to /etc/rc.d/rc1.d/K65nco
        Linking /etc/rc.d/nit.d/nco to /etc/rc.d/rc2.d/S81nco

Do you wish to continue (y/n)? [y] y
Name of the Process Agent Daemon [NCO_PA]:
Should NCO_PA run in secure mode (y/n)? [y]
Enter value for environment variable NETCOOL_LICENSE_FILE [27000@localhost]:
Scripts installed.
[root@localhost startup]#


[root@localhost etc]# pwd
[root@localhost etc]# ls -l *conf*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1493 Oct 16 20:31 nco_config.props
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2572 Oct 16 20:31 nco_confpack.props
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1212 Oct 16 20:31 nco_pa.conf
[root@localhost etc]# vi nco_pa.conf
[root@localhost etc]# cd ..
[root@localhost omnibus]# ls
RELEASE_ID  bin  db  desktop  etc  gates  help  install  java  log  patches  platform  probes  tsm  upgrade  utils  var
[root@localhost omnibus]# cd bin
[root@localhost bin]# ls
hs_err_pid28300.log  nco_config    nco_g_crypt          nco_install_ospam  nco_pa_shutdown  nco_proxyserv   nco_store_resize
nco                  nco_confpack  nco_g_objserv_bi     nco_message        nco_pa_start     nco_removeuser  nco_v3_admin
nco_adduser          nco_crypt     nco_g_objserv_uni    nco_objserv        nco_pa_status    nco_run         nco_xigen
nco_banner           nco_dbinit    nco_get_login_token  nco_os_migrate     nco_pa_stop      nco_sql         nco_xprops
nco_check_store      nco_elct      nco_help             nco_pa_addentry    nco_pad          nco_sql_crypt   start
nco_common           nco_event     nco_id               nco_pa_crypt       nco_ping         nco_ssladmin    sybinit.err
[root@localhost bin]# ./nco_pa_crypt tivoli
[root@localhost bin]# cd ..
[root@localhost omnibus]# ls
RELEASE_ID  bin  db  desktop  etc  gates  help  install  java  log  patches  platform  probes  tsm  upgrade  utils  var
[root@localhost omnibus]# cd etc
[root@localhost etc]# ls -l *conf*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1493 Oct 16 20:31 nco_config.props
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2572 Oct 16 20:31 nco_confpack.props
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1212 Oct 16 20:31 nco_pa.conf
[root@localhost etc]# vi nco_pa.conf

1.按格式修改,process按实际情况增加.2启动secure 密码用nco_pa_crypt 进行转换


[[root@localhost etc]#

# List of processes
nco_process 'MasterObjectServer'
        Command '$OMNIHOME/bin/nco_objserv -name NCOMS -pa NCO_PA' run as 0
        Host            =       'localhost'
        Managed         =       True
        RestartMsg      =       '${NAME} running as ${EUID} has been restored on ${HOST}.'
        AlertMsg        =       '${NAME} running as ${EUID} has died on ${HOST}.'
        RetryCount      =       0
        ProcessType     =       PaPA_AWARE
nco_process 'A'
        Command '$OMNIHOME/bin/nco_objserv -name HEJUN -pa NCO_PA' run as 0
        Host            =       'localhost'
        Managed         =       True
        RestartMsg      =       '${NAME} running as ${EUID} has been restored on ${HOST}.'
        AlertMsg        =       '${NAME} running as ${EUID} has died on ${HOST}.'
        RetryCount      =       0
        ProcessType     =       PaPA_AWARE
nco_process 'B'
        Command '$OMNIHOME/bin/nco_g_objserv_uni -name UNI_GATE -pa NCO_PA' run as 0
        Host            =       'localhost'
        Managed         =       True
        RestartMsg      =       '${NAME} running as ${EUID} has been restored on ${HOST}.'
        AlertMsg        =       '${NAME} running as ${EUID} has died on ${HOST}.'
        RetryCount      =       0
        ProcessType     =       PaPA_AWARE
nco_process 'nco_p_syslog'
        Command '$OMNIHOME/probes/nco_p_syslog -pa NCO_PA' run as 0
        Host            =       'localhost'
        Managed         =       True
        RestartMsg      =       '${NAME} running as ${EUID} has been restored on ${HOST}.'
        AlertMsg        =       '${NAME} running as ${EUID} has died on ${HOST}.'
        RetryCount      =       0
        ProcessType     =       PaPA_AWARE

# List of Services
nco_service 'Core'
        ServiceType     =       Master
        ServiceStart    =       Auto
        process 'MasterObjectServer' NONE

nco_service 'A'
        ServiceType     =       Master
        ServiceStart    =       Auto
        process 'A' NONE

nco_service 'B'
        ServiceType     =       Master
        ServiceStart    =       Auto
        process 'B' NONE

nco_service 'syslog'
        ServiceType     =       Master
        ServiceStart    =       Auto
        process 'nco_p_syslog' NONE


# This service should be used to store processs that you want to temporarily
# disable. Do not change the ServiceType or ServiceStart settings of this
# process.
nco_service 'InactiveProcesses'
        ServiceType     =       Non-Master
        ServiceStart    =       Non-Auto

# 'user'       -   (optional) only required for secure mode PAD on target host
#                  'user' must be member of UNIX group 'ncoadmin'
# 'password'   -   (optional) only required for secure mode PAD on target host
#                  use nco_pa_crypt to encrypt.
        host 'localhost' 'NCO_PA' 'hejun' 'EIEHBLBCBGFB'

[root@localhost etc]#


[root@localhost etc]# cd ../bin
[root@localhost bin]# ./nco_xigen    添加NCO_PA ObjectServer

add user hejun and assign this handsome boy's name  to group ncoadmin (^_^)

edit all the ObjectServer 's configuration(.porps) in $OMNIHOME/etc/   directory. for example

 PA.Name: 'NCO_PA'                                      # STRING (Name of process agent)
 PA.Password: 'EIEHBLBCBGFB'                                    # STRING (Password to use when connecting to the process agent)
 PA.Username: 'hejun'                                   # STRING (Username to use when connecting to the process agent)
# PAAware: 0                                            # INTEGER ()
# PaAwareName: ''                                       # STRING ()
# Profile: FALSE                                        # BOOLEAN (Enable profiling)
# ProfileStatsInterval: 120                             # INTEGER (Profiler statistics report interval)
# Props.CheckNames: TRUE                                # BOOLEAN (Cause program to abort if any property is not understood at the time it is read)
# PropsFile: '$OMNIHOME/etc/NCOMS.props'                # STRING (Path to gateways property file.)
# Region.ProtectAll: FALSE                              # BOOLEAN (Make all regions write-protected)
# RestrictionUpdateCheck: TRUE                          # BOOLEAN (Specifies whether or not users can update events that will not appear in their view
# RestrictProxySQL: FALSE                               # BOOLEAN (Restrict the set of SQL commands proxies can submit)
# Sec.AuditLevel: 'warn'                                # STRING (Security audit level)
# Sec.AuditLog: 'stdout:'                               # STRING (Security audit trail)
 Sec.UsePam: TRUE                                       # BOOLEAN (Use Pluggable Authentication Modules)

$OMNIHOME/bin/nco_pad -name NCO_PA -authenticate PAM -user hejun -password EIEHBLBCBGFB


[root@localhost bin]# ./nco_pa_status -server NCO_PA -user hejun -password tivoli
Service Name         Process Name         Hostname   User      Status      PID
Core                 MasterObjectServer   localhost  root      RUNNING   25583
A                    A                    localhost  root      RUNNING   25584
B                    B                    localhost  root      PENDING       0
syslog               nco_p_syslog         localhost  root      PENDING       0
[root@localhost bin]#

PENDing的原因在于粗体字.去掉-pa NCO_PA 就行了.



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