2021-12-08 datanode存储相关(二):数据块管理

1 概述



FsDatasetImpl会通过持有一个 FsVolumeList 对象对 Datanode 上定义的所有存储目录下的数据块进行管理与操作,而 FsVolumeList 对象统一管理 Datanode 上定义的多个 FsVolumelmpl 对象。FsDatasetlmpl 还会持有一个DataStorage 对象,从而实现对 Datanode 的存储空间进行操作。同时 FsDatasetImpl 会通过持有一个 ReplicaMap 对象维护 Datanode 上所有副本的信息与状态。


2 FsDatasetImpl

2.1 FsDatasetSpi接口


  • 操作卷
   * Returns a list of FsVolumes that hold reference counts.
   * The caller must release the reference of each volume by calling
   * {@link FsVolumeReferences#close()}.
FsVolumeReferences getFsVolumeReferences();

   * Add a new volume to the FsDataset.
   * If the FSDataset supports block scanning, this function registers
   * the new volume with the block scanner.
   * @param location      The storage location for the new volume.
   * @param nsInfos       Namespace information for the new volume.
void addVolume(
    final StorageLocation location,
    final List<NamespaceInfo> nsInfos) throws IOException;

   * Removes a collection of volumes from FsDataset.
   * If the FSDataset supports block scanning, this function removes
   * the volumes from the block scanner.
   * @param volumes  The paths of the volumes to be removed.
   * @param clearFailure set true to clear the failure information about the
   *                     volumes.
void removeVolumes(Collection<StorageLocation> volumes, boolean clearFailure);

/** @return the volume that contains a replica of the block. */
V getVolume(ExtendedBlock b);

/** @return a volume information map (name {@literal =>} info). */
Map<String, Object> getVolumeInfoMap();

   * Returns info about volume failures.
   * @return info about volume failures, possibly null
VolumeFailureSummary getVolumeFailureSummary();
  • 操作数据块
   * Gets a list of references to the finalized blocks for the given block pool.
   * <p>
   * Callers of this function should call
   * {@link FsDatasetSpi#acquireDatasetLock} to avoid blocks' status being
   * changed during list iteration.
   * </p>
   * @return a list of references to the finalized blocks for the given block
   *         pool.
List<ReplicaInfo> getFinalizedBlocks(String bpid);

   * @return the generation stamp stored with the block.
Block getStoredBlock(String bpid, long blkid) throws IOException;

   * Returns an input stream at specified offset of the specified block.
   * @param b block
   * @param seekOffset offset with in the block to seek to
   * @return an input stream to read the contents of the specified block,
   *  starting at the offset
   * @throws IOException
InputStream getBlockInputStream(ExtendedBlock b, long seekOffset)
    throws IOException;

   * Finalizes the block previously opened for writing using writeToBlock.
   * The block size is what is in the parameter b and it must match the amount
   *  of data written
   * @param b Block to be finalized
   * @param fsyncDir whether to sync the directory changes to durable device.
   * @throws IOException
   * @throws ReplicaNotFoundException if the replica can not be found when the
   * block is been finalized. For instance, the block resides on an HDFS volume
   * that has been removed.
void finalizeBlock(ExtendedBlock b, boolean fsyncDir) throws IOException;

   * Unfinalizes the block previously opened for writing using writeToBlock.
   * The temporary file associated with this block is deleted.
   * @throws IOException
void unfinalizeBlock(ExtendedBlock b) throws IOException;

   * Check if a block is valid.
   * @param b           The block to check.
   * @param minLength   The minimum length that the block must have.  May be 0.
   * @param state       If this is null, it is ignored.  If it is non-null, we
   *                        will check that the replica has this state.
   * @throws ReplicaNotFoundException          If the replica is not found
   * @throws UnexpectedReplicaStateException   If the replica is not in the 
   *                                             expected state.
   * @throws FileNotFoundException             If the block file is not found or there 
   *                                              was an error locating it.
   * @throws EOFException                      If the replica length is too short.
   * @throws IOException                       May be thrown from the methods called. 
void checkBlock(ExtendedBlock b, long minLength, ReplicaState state)
    throws ReplicaNotFoundException, UnexpectedReplicaStateException,
FileNotFoundException, EOFException, IOException;

   * Is the block valid?
   * @return - true if the specified block is valid
boolean isValidBlock(ExtendedBlock b);
  • 操作缓存
   * Caches the specified blocks
   * @param bpid Block pool id
   * @param blockIds - block ids to cache
void cache(String bpid, long[] blockIds);

   * Uncaches the specified blocks
   * @param bpid Block pool id
   * @param blockIds - blocks ids to uncache
void uncache(String bpid, long[] blockIds);

   * Determine if the specified block is cached.
   * @param bpid Block pool id
   * @param blockId - block id
   * @return true if the block is cached
boolean isCached(String bpid, long blockId);
  • 操作块池
   * add new block pool ID
   * @param bpid Block pool Id
   * @param conf Configuration
void addBlockPool(String bpid, Configuration conf) throws IOException;

   * Shutdown and remove the block pool from underlying storage.
   * @param bpid Block pool Id to be removed
void shutdownBlockPool(String bpid) ;

   * Deletes the block pool directories. If force is false, directories are 
   * deleted only if no block files exist for the block pool. If force 
   * is true entire directory for the blockpool is deleted along with its
   * contents.
   * @param bpid BlockPool Id to be deleted.
   * @param force If force is false, directories are deleted only if no
   *        block files exist for the block pool, otherwise entire 
   *        directory for the blockpool is deleted along with its contents.
   * @throws IOException
void deleteBlockPool(String bpid, boolean force) throws IOException;
  • 回收相关
   * Enable 'trash' for the given dataset. When trash is enabled, files are
   * moved to a separate trash directory instead of being deleted immediately.
   * This can be useful for example during rolling upgrades.
void enableTrash(String bpid);

   * Clear trash
void clearTrash(String bpid);

   * @return true when trash is enabled
boolean trashEnabled(String bpid);


2.2 构造函数


synchronized(this)  {
    if (data == null) {
        data = factory.newInstance(this, storage, getConf());


   * An FSDataset has a directory where it loads its data files.
  FsDatasetImpl(DataNode datanode, DataStorage storage, Configuration conf
      ) throws IOException {
    this.fsRunning = true;
    this.datanode = datanode;
    this.dataStorage = storage;
    this.conf = conf;
    // 设置最小读取或写入序列化文件的缓冲大小:io.file.buffer.size
    this.smallBufferSize = DFSUtilClient.getSmallBufferSize(conf);
    // 创建一个可重入读写锁
    this.datasetRWLock = new InstrumentedReadWriteLock(
        "FsDatasetRWLock", LOG, conf.getTimeDuration(
    this.datasetWriteLock = new AutoCloseableLock(datasetRWLock.writeLock());
    this.datasetReadLock = new AutoCloseableLock(datasetRWLock.readLock());
    this.datasetWriteLockCondition = datasetWriteLock.newCondition();

    // The number of volumes required for operation is the total number
    // of volumes minus the number of failed volumes we can tolerate.
    // 在dn停止服务前允许失败的卷数
    volFailuresTolerated = datanode.getDnConf().getVolFailuresTolerated();

    Collection<StorageLocation> dataLocations = DataNode.getStorageLocations(conf);
    // 获取卷异常信息
    List<VolumeFailureInfo> volumeFailureInfos = getInitialVolumeFailureInfos(
        dataLocations, storage);

    volsConfigured = datanode.getDnConf().getVolsConfigured();
    int volsFailed = volumeFailureInfos.size();

    if (volFailuresTolerated < DataNode.MAX_VOLUME_FAILURE_TOLERATED_LIMIT
        || volFailuresTolerated >= volsConfigured) {
      throw new HadoopIllegalArgumentException("Invalid value configured for "
          + "dfs.datanode.failed.volumes.tolerated - " + volFailuresTolerated
          + ". Value configured is either less than maxVolumeFailureLimit or greater than "
          + "to the number of configured volumes (" + volsConfigured + ").");
    if (volFailuresTolerated == DataNode.MAX_VOLUME_FAILURE_TOLERATED_LIMIT) {
      if (volsConfigured == volsFailed) {
        throw new DiskErrorException(
            "Too many failed volumes - " + "current valid volumes: "
                + storage.getNumStorageDirs() + ", volumes configured: "
                + volsConfigured + ", volumes failed: " + volsFailed
                + ", volume failures tolerated: " + volFailuresTolerated);
    } else {
      if (volsFailed > volFailuresTolerated) {
        throw new DiskErrorException(
            "Too many failed volumes - " + "current valid volumes: "
                + storage.getNumStorageDirs() + ", volumes configured: "
                + volsConfigured + ", volumes failed: " + volsFailed
                + ", volume failures tolerated: " + volFailuresTolerated);

    // 创建storageMap,key为StorageDirectory.uuid,value为DataStorage
    storageMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, DatanodeStorage>();
    // 创建ReplicaMap,维护Datanode上所有数据块副本的状态
    // ReplicaMap 维护一个Map,保存 Datanode 上所有块池与这个块池保存的数据块副本信息的映射关系。
    // 数据块副本的信息是通过 ReplicaInfo 类描述的
    volumeMap = new ReplicaMap(datasetRWLock);
    ramDiskReplicaTracker = RamDiskReplicaTracker.getInstance(conf, this);

    // 创建一个卷选择器对象
    final VolumeChoosingPolicy<FsVolumeImpl> blockChooserImpl =
            VolumeChoosingPolicy.class), conf);
    // 创建卷list,是一个FsVolumeImpl的集合
    volumes = new FsVolumeList(volumeFailureInfos, datanode.getBlockScanner(),
    // 创建一个FsDatasetAsyncDiskService实例,可以看作是一个线程池,对应各个卷,便于完成磁盘的异步操作
    asyncDiskService = new FsDatasetAsyncDiskService(datanode, this);
    // RamDiskAsyncLazyPersistService,作用和FsDatasetAsyncDiskService类似,不过作用的policy为lazy_persist
    asyncLazyPersistService = new RamDiskAsyncLazyPersistService(datanode, conf);
    deletingBlock = new HashMap<String, Set<Long>>();

    // 添加与激活存储卷
    for (int idx = 0; idx < storage.getNumStorageDirs(); idx++) {

    cacheManager = new FsDatasetCache(this);

    // Start the lazy writer once we have built the replica maps.
    // We need to start the lazy writer even if MaxLockedMemory is set to
    // zero because we may have un-persisted replicas in memory from before
    // the process restart. To minimize the chances of data loss we'll
    // ensure they get written to disk now.
    if (ramDiskReplicaTracker.numReplicasNotPersisted() > 0 ||
        datanode.getDnConf().getMaxLockedMemory() > 0) {
      lazyWriter = new Daemon(new LazyWriter(conf));
    } else {
      lazyWriter = null;


    // Add a Metrics2 Source Interface. This is same
    // data as MXBean. We can remove the registerMbean call
    // in a release where we can break backward compatibility
    MetricsSystem ms = DefaultMetricsSystem.instance();
    ms.register("FSDatasetState", "FSDatasetState", this);

    localFS = FileSystem.getLocal(conf);
    blockPinningEnabled = conf.getBoolean(
    maxDataLength = conf.getInt(


2.3 主要变量

// 当前数据节点对象的引用
final DataNode datanode;
// DataStorage对象的引用,提供了管理存储空间的能力
final DataStorage dataStorage;
// 对象统一管理 Datanode 上定义的多个 FsVolumelmpl 对象
private final FsVolumeList volumes;

// 在FsDatasetImpl中, 对于每一个存储目录都会构造一个DataStorage对象, 
// storageMap字段就是用来保存这些存储的, 是storageUuid->DataStorage的映射。
// FsDatasetImpl可以通过storageUuid获取对应的DataStorage对象。
final Map<String, DatanodeStorage> storageMap;
final FsDatasetAsyncDiskService asyncDiskService;
final Daemon lazyWriter;

// FsDatasetCache类型, 用于将数据块缓存到内存中的工具类
final FsDatasetCache cacheManager;
private final Configuration conf;
private final int volFailuresTolerated;
private final int volsConfigured;
private volatile boolean fsRunning;

// ReplicaMap类型, 用于记录Datanode上所有数据块副本的信息
final ReplicaMap volumeMap;
final Map<String, Set<Long>> deletingBlock;
final RamDiskReplicaTracker ramDiskReplicaTracker;
// 为每个volume提供一个只有一个线程的线程池,用作异步内存磁盘(ramdisk)操作,
final RamDiskAsyncLazyPersistService asyncLazyPersistService;

private static final int MAX_BLOCK_EVICTIONS_PER_ITERATION = 3;

private final int smallBufferSize;

final LocalFileSystem localFS;

private boolean blockPinningEnabled;
private final int maxDataLength;

final AutoCloseableLock datasetWriteLock;
final AutoCloseableLock datasetReadLock;
final InstrumentedReadWriteLock datasetRWLock;
private final Condition datasetWriteLockCondition;
private static String blockPoolId = "";

3 FsDatasetImpl变量详解


3.1 FsVolumeList


class FsVolumeList {
    // ArrayList的线程安全变种,元素的类型为FsVolumeImpl
    private final CopyOnWriteArrayList<FsVolumeImpl> volumes =
        new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
    // Tracks volume failures, sorted by volume path.
    // map from volume storageID to the volume failure info
    // 记录数据卷异常的原因
    private final Map<StorageLocation, VolumeFailureInfo> volumeFailureInfos =
        new TreeMap<StorageLocation, VolumeFailureInfo>());
    // 将要被删除的FsVolumeImpl
    private final ConcurrentLinkedQueue<FsVolumeImpl> volumesBeingRemoved =
        new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>();
    private final AutoCloseableLock checkDirsLock;
    private final Condition checkDirsLockCondition;

    private final VolumeChoosingPolicy<FsVolumeImpl> blockChooser;
    private final BlockScanner blockScanner;

    FsVolumeList(List<VolumeFailureInfo> initialVolumeFailureInfos,
                 BlockScanner blockScanner,
                 VolumeChoosingPolicy<FsVolumeImpl> blockChooser) {
        this.blockChooser = blockChooser;
        this.blockScanner = blockScanner;
        this.checkDirsLock = new AutoCloseableLock();
        this.checkDirsLockCondition = checkDirsLock.newCondition();
        for (VolumeFailureInfo volumeFailureInfo: initialVolumeFailureInfos) {

3.2 ReplicaMap

ReplicaMap 保存了 Datanode 上所有数据块副本的信息。ReplicaMap 维护一个Map,保存 Datanode 上所有块池与这个块池保存的数据块副本信息的映射关系。数据块副本的信息是通过 ReplicaInfo 类描述的。


// Map of block pool Id to a set of ReplicaInfo.
// key为BlockPoolId,value为一系列ReplicaInfo
private final Map<String, FoldedTreeSet<ReplicaInfo>> map = new HashMap<>();

3.2.1 ReplicaState


enum ReplicaState {
    /** Replica is finalized. The state when replica is not modified. */
    // Datanode定义了FinalizedReplica类来保存FINALIZED状态副本的信息
    /** Replica is being written to. */
    // 刚刚由HDFS客户端创建的副本或者进行追加写(append) 操作的副本, 
    // 副本的数据正在被写入, 部分数据对于客户端是可见的。 
    // Datanode定义了ReplicaBeingWritten类来保存RBW状态副本的信息
    /** Replica is waiting to be recovered. */
    // 如果Datanode重启或者宕机, 所有RBW状态的副本在Datanode重启后都将被加载为RWR状态, 
    RWR会等待块恢复操作。 Datanode定义了ReplicaWaitingToBeRecovered类来保存RWR状态副本的信息
    /** Replica is under recovery. */
    // 进行块恢复时的副本。 Datanode定义了ReplicaUnderRecovery类来保存RUR状态副本的信息
    /** Temporary replica: created for replication and relocation only. */
    // Datanode之间复制数据块, 或者进行集群数据块平衡操作(cluster balance) 时, 
    // 正在写入副本的状态就是TEMPORARY状态。 和RBW不同的是, TEMPORARY状态的副本对于
    // 客户端是不可见的, 同时Datanode重启时将会直接删除处于TEMPORARY状态的副本。 
    // Datanode定义了ReplicaInPipeline类来保存TEMPORARY状态副本的信息。

3.2.2 ReplicaInfo

ReplicaInfo 是一个抽象类,用来描述 Datanode 上保存的数据块副本信息。ReplicaInfo 类对外提供了getBlockFile()、getMetaFile()、getVolume()、getStorageUuid() 等方法,分别用于获取副本的数据块文件、校验文件、副本所在存储目录的FsVolumeImpl对象以及副本所在存储目录的 storageUuid 信息。

ReplicaInfo 有如下几个子类分别用来描述处于不同状态的数据块副本。

  1. ReplicaBeingWritten 对应 RBW 状态的副本,副本正通过数据流管道写入 Datanode.
  2. ReplicaUnderRecovery 对应 RUR 状态的副本,副本正在进行恢复操作。
  1. ReplicaWaitingToBeRecovered 对应 RWR 状态的副本,副本等待恢复操作。
  2. FinalizedReplica 对应 FINALIZED 状态的副本,副本已!经完成写操作,并且已经提交

3.3 FsVolumeImpl


3.3.1 变量介绍

//  这个字段在这里主要用于加锁操作
private final FsDatasetImpl dataset;

// 当前存储目录对应的StorageDirectory的storageID。
private final String storageID;
private final StorageType storageType;

// 当前FsVolumeImpl下所有BlockPoolSlice的引用, 是blockPoolId->BlockPoolSlice的映射。
private final Map<String, BlockPoolSlice> bpSlices  = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, BlockPoolSlice>();

// Refers to the base StorageLocation used to construct this volume
// (i.e., does not include STORAGE_DIR_CURRENT in
// <location>/STORAGE_DIR_CURRENT/)
private final StorageLocation storageLocation;

// 当前存储目录下current文件夹的引用。
private final File currentDir;    // <StorageDirectory>/current

// 当前存储目录的磁盘使用情况。
private final DF usage;
private final ReservedSpaceCalculator reserved;
private CloseableReferenceCount reference = new CloseableReferenceCount();

// Disk space reserved for blocks (RBW or Re-replicating) open for write.
private AtomicLong reservedForReplicas;

// 当前存储目录的预留磁盘空间大小。
private long recentReserved = 0;
private final Configuration conf;
// Capacity configured. This is useful when we want to
// limit the visible capacity for tests. If negative, then we just
// query from the filesystem.
protected volatile long configuredCapacity;
private final FileIoProvider fileIoProvider;
private final DataNodeVolumeMetrics metrics;

   * 线程池, 用来处理添加到缓存中的新的数据块。
   * Per-volume worker pool that processes new blocks to cache.
   * The maximum number of workers per volume is bounded (configurable via
   * dfs.datanode.fsdatasetcache.max.threads.per.volume) to limit resource
   * contention.

protected ThreadPoolExecutor cacheExecutor;

3.3.2 构造函数

// 此构造函数主要是完成上面提及的变量的初始化
FsVolumeImpl(FsDatasetImpl dataset, String storageID, StorageDirectory sd,
             FileIoProvider fileIoProvider, Configuration conf, DF usage)
    throws IOException {

    if (sd.getStorageLocation() == null) {
        throw new IOException("StorageLocation specified for storage directory " +
                              sd + " is null");
    this.dataset = dataset;
    this.storageID = storageID;
    this.reservedForReplicas = new AtomicLong(0L);
    this.storageLocation = sd.getStorageLocation();
    this.currentDir = sd.getCurrentDir();
    this.storageType = storageLocation.getStorageType();
    this.configuredCapacity = -1;
    this.usage = usage;
    if (this.usage != null) {
        reserved = new ReservedSpaceCalculator.Builder(conf)
        boolean fixedSizeVolume = conf.getBoolean(
        if (fixedSizeVolume) {
            cachedCapacity = this.usage.getCapacity();
    } else {
        reserved = null;
        LOG.warn("Setting reserved to null as usage is null");
        cachedCapacity = -1;
    if (currentDir != null) {
        File parent = currentDir.getParentFile();
        cacheExecutor = initializeCacheExecutor(parent);
        this.metrics = DataNodeVolumeMetrics.create(conf, parent.getPath());
    } else {
        cacheExecutor = null;
        this.metrics = null;
    this.conf = conf;
    this.fileIoProvider = fileIoProvider;

3.3.3 往FsVolumeList添加FsVolumeImpl


// 添加与激活存储卷
for (int idx = 0; idx < storage.getNumStorageDirs(); idx++) {


private void addVolume(Storage.StorageDirectory sd) throws IOException {
    final StorageLocation storageLocation = sd.getStorageLocation();

    // If IOException raises from FsVolumeImpl() or getVolumeMap(), there is
    // nothing needed to be rolled back to make various data structures, e.g.,
    // storageMap and asyncDiskService, consistent.
    // 通过建造者设计模式创建FsVolumeImpl实例
    FsVolumeImpl fsVolume = new FsVolumeImplBuilder()
    // 创建数据卷引用
    FsVolumeReference ref = fsVolume.obtainReference();
    ReplicaMap tempVolumeMap = new ReplicaMap(datasetRWLock);
    // 往数据卷中填充volumeMap
    // 先从缓存中获取副本进行填充,如果缓存中填充失败的话,通过ForkJoin(RecursiveAction)往volumeMap填充
    fsVolume.getVolumeMap(tempVolumeMap, ramDiskReplicaTracker);

    // 激活数据卷
    activateVolume(tempVolumeMap, sd, storageLocation.getStorageType(), ref);
    LOG.info("Added volume - " + storageLocation + ", StorageType: " +


   * Activate a volume to serve requests.
   * @throws IOException if the storage UUID already exists.
private void activateVolume(
    ReplicaMap replicaMap,
    Storage.StorageDirectory sd, StorageType storageType,
    FsVolumeReference ref) throws IOException {
    try (AutoCloseableLock lock = datasetWriteLock.acquire()) {
        // 判断storageMap是否添加了当前数据卷对应的storage
        DatanodeStorage dnStorage = storageMap.get(sd.getStorageUuid());
        if (dnStorage != null) {
            final String errorMsg = String.format(
                "Found duplicated storage UUID: %s in %s.",
                sd.getStorageUuid(), sd.getVersionFile());
            throw new IOException(errorMsg);
        // 往volumeMap中添加所有replica
        // 往storageMap中添加数据卷对应的storage
                       new DatanodeStorage(sd.getStorageUuid(),
        asyncDiskService.addVolume((FsVolumeImpl) ref.getVolume());
        // 往FsVolumeList添加当前对应卷的引用

4 BlockPoolSlice


private final Map<String, BlockPoolSlice> bpSlices
      = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, BlockPoolSlice>();

BlockPoolSlice类负责管理指定存储目录下一个指定block pool 的所有数据块。block pool在每个存储目录下都会有一个block pool 目录存储数据块,换句话说, BlockPollSlice管理的就是这个block pool 目录的所有数据块。


current目录包含finalized、 rbw以及lazyPersisit三个子目录。

finalized目录保存了所有FINALIZED状态的副本, rbw目录保存了RBW(正在写) 、 RWR(等待恢复) 、 RUR(恢复中) 状态的副本, tmp目录保存了TEMPORARY状态的副本。

当在客户端发起写请求而创建一个新的副本时, 这个副本将会被放到rbw目录中。

当在数据块备份和集群平衡存储过程中创建一个新的副本时, 这个副本就会放到tmp目录中。

一旦一个副本完成写操作并被提交, 它就会被移动到finalized目录中。

当Datanode重启时, tmp目录中的所有副本将会被删除, rbw目录中的副本将会被加载为RWR状态, finalized目录中的副本将会被加载为FINALIZED状态。

lazyPersist目录为HDFS 2.6版本新加入的, 用来支持在内存中写入临时数据块副本以及慢持久化(lazypersist) 数据块副本的特性, lazyPersist目录就是用于保存这些慢持久化的数据块副本的。

finalized子目录的结构比较特殊, 它即包含目录也包含文件。 finalized子目录存储了两种类型的文件。

4.1 BlockPoolSlice构造函数

BlockPoolSlice的构造方法首先会创建current目录、 finalized目录、 lazyPersist目录、rbw目录以及tmp目录, 并将这些目录的引用赋值到对应的字段上。完成子目录的创建之后, 构造方法会初始化dfsUsage字段, 用来统计块池目录的磁盘使用情况。 最后构造方法会添加一个钩子, 当Datanode进程结束时保存整个文件系统的磁盘使用信息。

 * Create a blook pool slice
 * @param bpid Block pool Id
 * @param volume {@link FsVolumeImpl} to which this BlockPool belongs to
 * @param bpDir directory corresponding to the BlockPool
 * @param conf configuration
 * @param timer include methods for getting time
 * @throws IOException
BlockPoolSlice(String bpid, FsVolumeImpl volume, File bpDir,
               Configuration conf, Timer timer) throws IOException {
    // blockPoolId
    this.bpid = bpid;
    // 对应的数据卷
    this.volume = volume;
    // 该类抽象出DataNode执行的各种文件IO操作,
    // 并在每个文件IO之前和之后调用分析(用于收集统计信息)和故障注入(用于测试)事件挂钩。
    this.fileIoProvider = volume.getFileIoProvider();
    // 创建current目录
    this.currentDir = new File(bpDir, DataStorage.STORAGE_DIR_CURRENT);
    // 创建finalized目录
    this.finalizedDir = new File(
        currentDir, DataStorage.STORAGE_DIR_FINALIZED);
    // 创建lazypersist目录
    this.lazypersistDir = new File(currentDir, DataStorage.STORAGE_DIR_LAZY_PERSIST);
    if (!this.finalizedDir.exists()) {
        if (!this.finalizedDir.mkdirs()) {
            throw new IOException("Failed to mkdirs " + this.finalizedDir);

    // 文件缓冲大小
    this.ioFileBufferSize = DFSUtilClient.getIoFileBufferSize(conf);

    // 是否删除重复副本:true
    this.deleteDuplicateReplicas = conf.getBoolean(

    // 缓存中的dfsused检查间隔时间:10min
    this.cachedDfsUsedCheckTime =

    // 服务器将接受的最大请求大小:128mb
    this.maxDataLength = conf.getInt(

    this.timer = timer;

    // Files that were being written when the datanode was last shutdown
    // are now moved back to the data directory. It is possible that
    // in the future, we might want to do some sort of datanode-local
    // recovery for these blocks. For example, crc validation.
    // 创建tmp目录
    this.tmpDir = new File(bpDir, DataStorage.STORAGE_DIR_TMP);
    if (tmpDir.exists()) {
        fileIoProvider.fullyDelete(volume, tmpDir);
    // 创建rbw目录
    this.rbwDir = new File(currentDir, DataStorage.STORAGE_DIR_RBW);

    // create the rbw and tmp directories if they don't exist.
    fileIoProvider.mkdirs(volume, rbwDir);
    fileIoProvider.mkdirs(volume, tmpDir);

    // 副本缓存的根目录,默认就是current目录
    String cacheDirRoot = conf.get(
    if (cacheDirRoot != null && !cacheDirRoot.isEmpty()) {
        this.replicaCacheDir = new File(cacheDirRoot,
        if (!this.replicaCacheDir.exists()) {
            if (!this.replicaCacheDir.mkdirs()) {
                throw new IOException("Failed to mkdirs " + this.replicaCacheDir);
    } else {
        this.replicaCacheDir = currentDir;
    // 副本缓存过期时间
    this.replicaCacheExpiry = conf.getTimeDuration(

    // Use cached value initially if available. Or the following call will
    // block until the initial du command completes.
    // 已使用的dfs空间
    // dfsUsage字段是DU类型的, 
    // DU类是用于统计磁盘使用情况的工具类。是通过shell的方式获取操作系统的磁盘使用情况
    // du -sk 这就是shell使用的命令
    this.dfsUsage = new FSCachingGetSpaceUsed.Builder().setBpid(bpid)

    // 初始化ForkJoinPool
    if (addReplicaThreadPool == null) {
        // initialize add replica fork join pool
        initializeAddReplicaPool(conf, (FsDatasetImpl) volume.getDataset());
    // Make the dfs usage to be saved during shutdown.
    shutdownHook = new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            if (!dfsUsedSaved) {






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