牛年大礼包:《SAP FI/CO 问答500例》


SAP FI/CO—Questions and Answers
SAP FI/CO—Questions and Answers  1
SAP Basics 12
1 What is ‘SAP'? 12
2 Tell Me More About (The History Of) SAP  13
3 What are the ‘Solutions’ Currently Available from SAP? 13
4 What are the Components of the ‘SAP ERP’ Solution?  13
5 What is the Significance of the ‘SAP NetWeaver’ Platform?  13
6 What are the Components of ‘NetWeaver’? 14
7 What are the Components of the ‘SAP Business Suite’? 14
8 What are the Most Recent Releases of the ‘SAP R/3' Solution? 15
9 What ‘Industry Solutions’ (IS) are Available from SAP? 15
10 What is ‘SAP xApps’?  15
11 What are all the Components of ‘SAP xApps’?  15
12 What is known as ‘Duet’? 16
13 Explain the ‘SAP Document Builder’  16
14 Explain the ‘SAP Solution Manager’ 17
15 Explain how ‘mySAP ERP Financial’ is Better/Different than ‘R/3
Financial Accounting’ 18
16 What is an ‘SAP Solution Map’?  19
17 What is ‘SAP Business One’?  19
ABAP and Basis  20
18 What is ‘Basis’? 20
19 Explain the SAP R/3 ‘System Architecture’ 20
20 What is an ‘Instance’? 21
21 What do You Mean by the ‘SAP R/3 System Landscape’?  21
22 What is an ‘R/3 Data Dictionary’?  21
23 What is an ‘SAP Business Object’? 21
24 Explain ‘Client-Dependent’ and ‘Client-Independent’ Tables  22
25 What are the Different ‘Types’ of ‘ABAP/4 Programs’? 22
26 What are ‘Internal Tables’?  23
27 What is a ‘Logical Database’?  23
28 What are the Two Methods for Modifying SAP ‘Standard Tables’?  23
29 What is ‘BDC’ Programming in SAP?  23
30 What is the ‘BAPI’? 24
31 What is ‘ALE’? 24
32 Is ‘SAP XI’ Intended to Replace ‘ALE’?  25
33 What is an ‘RFC’? 25
34 What is ‘OLE’?  25
35 What is a ‘Match Code’ in SAP?  25
36 What is a ‘Drill-down’ Report?  25
37 What is ‘ALV’ Programming in ABAP? 26
38 What is ‘DynPro’?  26
39 What is an ‘ABAP/4 Query’? 26
40 What are the Components of ‘SAPscript’?  27
41 Why Do We Need ‘Enhancements’?  27
42 Differentiate ‘Screen Painter’ from ‘Menu Painter’  28
43 What is a ‘Modification Assistant’?  29
44 What is a ‘Spool Request’? 29
45 What is the ‘CTS’? 29
46 What is a ‘Transport’? 29
47 How do You Find Out Who has ‘Transported’ a ‘Transport Request’? 30
48 What is an ‘Authorization’ in SAP?  30
49 Explain the ‘Client’ concept of SAP  30
50 How can You Find the Field/Data Underlying a ‘Transaction’? 31
51 Explain ‘LSMW’ 32
52 How do You Transport ‘LSMW’ Data from One System to Another?  32
53 Can You Transport ‘Variants’ of Multiple Programs in One Step?  32
54 What is ‘SAPNet’?  33
Project Implementation 33
55 What is ‘ASAP’? 33
56 Explain ‘ASAP Roadmap’ Phases  33
57 List the Tools for the ‘Project Preparation Phase’ of ‘ASAP’ 34
58 List the Tools for ‘Business Case Development’ in ‘ASAP’  34
59 List the Tools for ‘Project Management and Methodology’ in ‘ASAP’ 34
60 When do You Use the ‘ASAP BPML’ Tool? 35
61 Explain ‘Hardware’ Sizing for a SAP Implementation 35
62 Explain ‘ASAP BPML’  35
63 What are ‘BPPs’ in ASAP?  35
64 Explain ‘C-Maps’ 35
65 What is the Advantage of SAP’s ‘Smart Implementations’? 36
66 What is the ‘SAP Solution Architect’?  36
67 What is ‘Configuration’ in SAP?  37
68 What is the ‘IMG’?  37
69 Explain the Various ‘Types’ of IMGs  37
70 What are All the Various Ways of ‘Customizing’?  38
71 Why is the ‘IMG’ Route of Customizing Easier than the ‘Tables’ Route?
72 What is known as the ‘Go-Live Check’?  39
73 When Should You Conduct ‘Business Process Re-engineering’ (BPR)?
74 What are ‘User Parameters’?  39
Financial Accounting (FI) 40
General 40
75 Explain ‘Financial Accounting (FI)’ in SAP  40
76 What are the ‘Submodules’ within FI? 40
77 Name the Submodules Within FI, from Which FI-GL Gets Simultaneous
Postings  41
78 Name Three Distinct Characteristics of FI-GL 41
Global and Enterprise Settings 41
79 What do You mean by ‘Organizational Units’ in SAP? 41
80 What are the Important ‘Organizational Units’ in FI? 41
81 What is a ‘Company’? 42
82 What is a ‘Company Code,’ and how is this different from a ‘Company’?
83 What are the Important ‘Global Settings’ for a Company Code? 43
84 Can You Assign more than One ‘Company Code’ to a ‘Company’? 43
85 What is a ‘Business Area’?  44
86 Can You Attach a ‘Business Area’ to a Transaction? 44
87 How do You Post Cross-company Code Business Area postings?  44
88 What is the ‘Credit Control Area’ in SAP?  44
89 What is a ‘Chart of Accounts’?  45
90 What are all the Major Components of a ‘Chart of Accounts’?  45
91 What is an ‘Operating Chart of Accounts’?  45
92 How does ‘Group Chart of Accounts’ Differ from ‘Operating Chart of
Accounts’? 45
93 What is a ‘Country Chart of Accounts’? Why do You need This?  46
94 Can one ‘Chart of Accounts’ be Assigned to Several Company Codes?46
95 What is a ‘Fiscal Year’ and ‘Fiscal Year Variant’? 46
96 How do You Assign a ‘Fiscal Year Variant’ to a Company Code?  46
97 What is a ‘Posting Period’?  47
98 How does the System Identify a ‘Posting Period’?  47
99 What Happens when You Post to Year 2006 when You are in 2007?  47
100 What do You Mean by ‘Opening/Closing’ Posting Periods?  47
101 What is a ‘Posting Period Variant’?  47
102 Can You Selectively ‘Open’ and ‘Close’ accounts? 48
103 Why is it not Possible to Post to a Customer A/C in a Previously Closed
‘Period’? 48
104 Can You Open a ‘Posting Period’ only for a Particular User? 48
105 What is a ‘Special Period’? When do You Use it?  48
106 What is the Maximum Number of ‘Posting Periods’ in SAP? 48
107 What is a ‘Special Purpose Ledger’?  48
108 What Variations are Possible when Defining a ‘Fiscal Year’?  49
109 What is known as ‘Year Shift/Displacement’ in a Fiscal Year? 49
110 Can You have ‘non-Calendar’ Months as ‘Periods’ in a ‘non-Calendar’
Fiscal Year?  50
111 What is a ‘Year-dependent’ Fiscal Year?  51
112 What Precautions should you Take while Defining a ‘Shortened Fiscal
Year’? 51
113 Tell me more about a ‘Shortened Fiscal Year’  51
114 How do You Open a new ‘Fiscal Year’ in the System? 51
115 How do you ‘Carry-Forward’ Account Balances?  51
116 Can You Explain how ‘Carry-Forward’ Happens in SAP? 51
117 Is there a Prerequisite for ‘Carry-Forward’ Activity?  51
118 How many ‘Retained Earnings’ A/C can be Defined? 52
119 Can You have Multiple ‘Retained Earnings’ A/C? 52
120 How do You Maintain ‘Currency’ in SAP? 52
121 What is a ‘Local Currency’? 52
122 What is a ‘Parallel Currency’?  52
123 What is a ‘Group Currency’?  52
124 What is the ‘Global Company Code Currency’? 53
125 What is an ‘Account Currency’? 53
126 What are all the Prerequisites for Posting in a ‘Foreign Currency’?  53
127 How are ‘Exchange Rates’ Maintained in SAP?  53
128 What is an ‘Exchange Rate Type’? List some of them  53
129 What is known as the ‘Translation Factor’?  53
130 Is there an Easy Way to Maintain Exchange Rates in SAP? 54
131 What is known as an ‘Exchange Rate Spread’?  54
132 Explain the use of ‘Direct’ or ‘Indirect Quotations’  54
133 Explain how ‘Taxes’ are Handled in SAP 54
134 How is Tax Calculated in SAP?  55
135 Explain the Configurations Required for Taxes in SAP  57
136 What is a (Tax) ‘Jurisdiction Code’? 57
137 Tell me about the ‘Tax Reports’ in SAP 58
138 How is ‘Master Data’ different from ‘Transaction Data’? 58
139 Can You Post an A/C Document if the ‘Credit’ is not Equal to the ‘Debit’?
General Ledger Accounting 59
140 What is a ‘Document’ in SAP?  59
141 What is a ‘Document Header’?  59
142 What is a ‘Document Type’? 59
143 How is ‘Account Type’ Connected to ‘Document Type’?  60
144 What do You mean by ‘Net’ Postings’?  61
145 Explain the Various ‘Reference Methods’  61
146 What is the ‘Document Change Rule’? 61
147 Differentiate between ‘Account Assignment Model,’ ‘Recurring Entries,’
and ‘Sample Document,’ 62
148 What is a ‘Line Item’?  63
149 What is a ‘Posting Key’?  63
150 Differentiate between the ‘Parking’ and the ‘Holding’ of Documents 63
151 What is an ‘Automatic Posting’?  64
152 What is ‘Clearing’?  64
153 Explain ‘Reversal of Documents’ in SAP 65
154 Explain ‘True Reversal,’ How is it different from regular ‘Reversal’?  65
155 What is ‘Fast Entry’? 66
156 How do You Create ‘GL Account Master Data’? 66
157 What is ‘Collective Processing’ of GL Accounts?  66
158 What is ‘Individual Processing’ of GL Accounts? 67
159 Is it Possible to Change an Existing B/S GL A/C to the P&L Type?  67
160 Why doesn’t the System allow You to Change the ‘Tax Category’ in a
GL A/C Master? 68
161 What is an ‘Account Group’? 68
162 Describe ‘Number Range Interval’  69
163 What is a ‘Screen Layout’?  70
164 What is a ‘Field Status Group’?  71
165 What do You mean by ‘Balances in Local Currency’ Only? 71
166 What is ‘Line Item Display’?  72
167 What is ‘Archiving’? How does it differ from ‘Deletion’? 72
168 Tell me the Two uses of ‘Blocking’ an Account 72
169 How do You Configure the GL A/C for the ‘House Bank’?  72
170 What is an ‘Intermediate Bank’?  72
171 Explain ‘Intercompany Postings’ 73
172 How can You Manually ‘Clear’ ‘Open Items’? When? 73
173 How do You Perform. ‘Period Closing’ in SAP?  73
174 What is ‘Pre-closing’?  74
175 Explain ‘Financial Closing’  74
176 What is a ‘Financial Statement Version’? 74
177 What Items are Required in a ‘Financial Statement Version’?  76
178 How do You Ensure ‘Correct’ Balances in the ‘Financial Statement
Version’? 76
179 How do You Perform. ‘Annual Closing’ in SAP?  76
180 Explain ‘Managerial Closing’  76
181 What is the ‘New FI-GL’ in FI in ECC?  77
Accounts Receivable 78
182 Explain ‘Customer/Vendor Master Records’ 78
183 Who is an ‘Alternate Payee’?  81
184 What is the ‘Trading Partner’ concept? 82
185 Explain ‘Tolerance’ in Transaction Processing 82
186 What is ‘Dual Control’ in Master Records?  83
187 What is a ‘Bank Director’ in SAP?  83
188 What is a ‘House Bank’?  84
189 Explain a ‘Sales Cycle’ in SAP 85
190 Explain ‘Automatic Account Assignment’ in SD  85
191 Explain ‘Revenue Account Determination’ in SD  86
192 Outline ‘Credit Management’ in SAP  87
193 What is a ‘Credit Check? 88
194 Differentiate ‘Static Credit Check’ from ‘Dynamic Check’ 89
195 List the Reports in ‘Credit Management’  89
196 How does ‘Partial Payment’ differ from ‘Residual Payment’?  90
197 What is ‘Payment Advice’?  90
198 Describe ‘Lockbox’ Processing  90
199 How can ‘Reason Codes’ Help with Incoming Payment Processing? 90
200 What is ‘Dunning’ in SAP? 91
201 What is a ‘Dunning Procedure’?  91
202 What is the ‘Dunning Area’?  92
203 Describe the ‘Dunning’ Process 92
204 Can you ‘dun’ customers across ‘Clients’ in a Single ‘Dunning Run’?  94
205 What differentiates one ‘Dunning Level’ from Another? 94
206 How many ‘Dunning Levels’ can be Defined?  94
Accounts Payables  94
207 Explain the ‘Account Payables’ Submodule  94
208 What Documents Result from ‘Procurement Processes’? 94
209 Describe a ‘Purchase Cycle’  95
210 What is a ‘Purchase Requisition’ (PR)? 95
211 What is a ‘Request for Quotation’ (RFQ)?  95
212 What is an ‘Outline Agreement’?  96
213 What is a ‘Contract’? 96
214 What is a ‘Release Order’? 96
215 What is a ‘Scheduling Agreement’?  96
216 What is a ‘Quotation?  96
217 What is a ‘Purchase Order’ (PO)?  96
218 What is a ‘PO History’?  97
219 Will the FI Document be Created with the Purchase Order (PO)? 97
220 Explain FI-MM Integration 97
221 What Happens, in SAP, when You Post a ‘Goods Receipt’? 98
222 Explain ‘Invoice Verification’ (IV) in SAP  98
223 How do You Deal with ‘Tax’ when You Post an Invoice?  99
224 What ‘Variances’ do You come Across in Invoice Verification?  99
225 Outline ‘Vendor Payments’ in the SAP System 99
226 Explain ‘Automatic Payment Program’  99
227 Explain ‘Automatic Payment Program’ Configuration  100
228 How do You Execute an ‘Automatic Payment Program’?  102
229 Can You Pay a Vendor in a Currency Other than the Invoice Currency?
230 What is a ‘Payment Block’?  103
231 How do You Release ‘Blocked Invoices for Payments’?  103
232 What is the ‘Account Assignment Category’? 104
233 What is a ‘Credit Memo’? 104
234 What are ‘Special GL Transactions’? 104
235 Differentiate ‘Free Offsetting Entry’ from a ‘Statistical Posting’  105
236 What is a ‘Noted Item’  105
Asset Accounting 105
237 Explain ‘Asset Accounting’ (FI-AA) 105
238 What is a ‘Lean Implementation’ in FI-AA? 106
239 What are the kinds of ‘Assets’ in SAP?  107
240 Explain ‘Complex Assets’ and ‘Asset Subnumbers’  107
241 What is a ‘Group asset’ in SAP? When You will use This? 107
242 What is a ‘Asset Super Number’ in SAP?  108
243 What is a ‘Chart of Depreciation’? How does it differ from a ‘Chart of
Accounts’? 108
244 How do You Create an ‘Asset Accounting Company Code’?  108
245 What is ‘Depreciation’? Explain the Various Types  109
246 Define ‘Depreciation Areas’  109
247 How do You Set up ‘Depreciation Area postings’ to FI from FI-AA?  110
248 What is an ‘Asset Class?  111
249 Why do You need ‘Asset Classes’?  112
250 What is an ‘Asset Class Catalog’? 112
251 Is it Possible to Create ‘Asset Classes’ Automatically?  112
252 What is an ‘Asset Value Date’? 112
253 What is an ‘Asset Master’?  112
254 Explain the Two Ways used to Create ‘Asset Masters’  113
255 Is it Possible to Create Multiple Assets in a Single Transaction? 113
256 What is the ‘Time-dependent Data’ in an Asset Master? 113
257 Explain ‘Asset Acquisition’  114
258 What are Automatically Set in the Asset Masters During ‘Initial
Acquisition’?  114
259 Why it is Necessary to ‘Block’ an Asset Master Record?  115
260 How do you ‘Delete’ an Asset Master? 115
261 What is an ‘(Asset) Transaction Type’ in FI-AA?  115
262 Explain ‘Assets under Construction’ (AuC) in SAP 116
263 How do You Capitalize AuC in SAP? 116
264 What do You mean by ‘Low Value Assets’?  117
265 Explain ‘Asset Transfer’ in SAP  117
266 What is a ‘Transfer Variant?  118
267 Explain ‘Asset Retirement’ in FI-AA  118
268 Describe Transfer of ‘Legacy Asset Data’ to SAP  119
269 Outline ‘Automatic Transfer of Old Assets’  119
270 What is an ‘Asset Transfer Date’?  120
271 Describe ‘Mass Change/How do You Achieve this?  120
272 What is ‘Periodic Processing’ in FI-AA? Explain 121
273 What is a ‘Depreciation Key’?  121
274 What is an ‘Internal Calculation Key’?  121
275 What is known as a ‘Depreciation Run’ in SAP? 122
276 Explain the Various Steps in a ‘Depreciation Run’  122
277 How does the System Calculate ‘Depreciation’?  122
278 Explain ‘Derived Depreciation’  123
279 What is known as a ‘Repeat Run’ in the Depreciation Process?  123
280 What does ‘Restart a Depreciation Run’ Mean?  123
281 What is ‘Depreciation Simulation’? 123
282 What is a ‘Sort Version’? 123
283 Can you select ‘Direct FI Posting’ for a ‘Depreciation Run’? 123
284 Explain ‘Year Closing’ in FI-AA  124
285 Explain ‘Asset History Sheet’  124
286 What is an ‘Asset Explorer’? 125
287 Explain ‘Production Set-up’ in FI-AA 126
Controlling (CO) 127
General Controlling  127
288 Explain ‘Controlling (CO)’ in SAP  127
289 What are the Important ‘Organizational Elements of CO’?  127
290 What is a ‘Controlling Area’? How is it Related to a Company Code?127
291 Outline ‘Company Code—Controlling Area’ Assignments  128
292 Explain the Different Types of ‘Controlling Area/Company Code’
assignments 128
293 What are the ‘Components of Controlling’?  129
294 Why do You Need ‘Cost Element Accounting’?  130
295 Explain ‘Cost Center Accounting’  130
296 What is ‘Activity-Based Costing’?  130
297 What is ‘Product Cost Controlling’ (CO-PC)?  130
298 What is ‘Profitability Analysis’ (CO-PA)?  131
299 How is ‘Profit Center Accounting’ (EC-PCA) Different from CO-PA?  131
300 Explain ‘Integration of CO’ with its Components and Other SAP
Modules  131
301 What is a ‘Cost Object’? 132
302 Differentiate Between ‘Real’ and ‘Statistical Postings’ in CO 133
303 How do You Define ‘Number Ranges’ in CO? 133
304 How Does ‘Master Data’ Differ from ‘Transaction Data’ in CO? 133
Cost Element Accounting  134
305 What is a ‘Cost Element’? 134
306 What is a ‘Primary Cost Element’? 134
307 What is a ‘Secondary Cost Element’? 134
308 What is a ‘Cost Element Category’?  134
309 How do you Automatically Create ‘Cost Elements’?  135
Cost Center Accounting 135
310 Define ‘Cost Center Accounting (CO-OM-CCA)’  135
311 What is a ‘Cost Center’?  135
312 What is a ‘Cost Center Category’?  135
313 What is a ‘Standard Hierarchy?  136
314 Explain Posting of Costs to ‘Cost Centers’  136
315 What is an ‘Activity Type’? 137
316 Where do You Assign Activity Type in Cost Centers?  137
317 What is a ‘Resource’ in CO?  137
318 What is a ‘Statistical Key Figure’ (SKF)? 137
319 Explain the ‘Planning’ steps in CO-OM-CCA 138
320 What is a ‘Plan Version’?  138
321 What is ‘Integrated Planning’ in CO-OM-CCA? 139
322 Explain ‘Plan Layout’  139
323 Explain a ‘Plan Profile’ 139
324 How do You Copy ‘Plan Data’ from one period to another?  140
325 What is the recommended Planning Sequence, in CO?  140
326 What are the two options for entering Plan Data?  140
327 What are ‘Distribution Keys’?  140
328 Differentiate ‘Activity-Dependent ‘and ‘Activity-Independent’ Costs  141
329 What is a ‘Mixed Cost’? 141
330 Explain ‘Manual Primary Cost Planning’  141
331 Explain ‘Automatic Primary Cost Planning’ 142
332 Explain ‘Manual Secondary Cost Planning’  142
333 Explain ‘Assessment’ in Secondary Cost Planning  143
334 What is an ‘Allocation Structure’? 143
335 Explain ‘Segments’ and ‘Cycles’ 144
336 What is ‘Iterative Processing’ of Cycles?  144
337 What is ‘Splitting’? Explain the ‘Splitting Structure’  144
338 What is an ‘Activity Price Calculation’? 145
339 How does the System Calculate the ‘Activity Price’?  145
340 What is known as the ‘Political Price’ for an Activity Type?  145
341 What is ‘Allocation Price Variance? 145
342 What is ‘Budgeting’?  145
343 What are the ‘Direct Allocation’ Methods of Posting in CO?  145
344 What is the ‘Indirect Allocation’ Method of Postings in CO?  146
345 Explain ‘CO Automatic Account Assignment’  146
346 How does ‘Validation’ differ from ‘Substitution’?  146
347 What is a ‘Call-up Point’? 147
348 What is ‘Boolean Logic’? 147
349 Explain ‘Reposting’ in Cost Center Accounting 147
350 Is ‘Periodic Reposting’ Different from ‘Reposting’? 148
351 Explain ‘Manual Cost Allocation’ 148
352 What is ‘Direct Activity Allocation’?  148
353 How do You Calculate ‘Accrued Costs’? 148
354 Describe the ‘Reconciliation Ledger’ 148
355 What is ‘Variance Analysis’ in CO-OM-CCA?  149
356 What are the ‘Categories of Variances’ in CO-OM-CCA?  149
357 Explain the ‘Input Variance’  149
358 What is an ‘Output Variance’? 149
359 How do You Deal with ‘Variances’?  150
360 What are All the ‘Standard Reports’ in CO?  150
361 What is ‘Summarization’ in CO?  151
Internal Orders  151
362 What is an ‘Internal Order’? 151
363 How does an ‘Individual Order’ differ from a ‘Standing Order’?  152
364 What are the ‘Groups’ of Internal Orders?  152
365 How do ‘Statistical Internal Orders’ Differ from ‘Real Orders’? 152
Logistics 153
Sales & Distribution (SD) 153
366 What are the Components of the SAP SD Module? 153
367 What are the Important Organizational Elements of SAP SD? 153
368 Explain the ‘Sales Organization’ How it is Assigned to a ‘Plant’?  154
369 What is a ‘Distribution Channel’? 154
370 What is a ‘Distribution Chain’?  154
371 What is a ‘Division’? 155
372 Explain the Assignments Among Organizational Units in SD 155
373 What is a ‘Sales Area’?  155
374 Explain How ‘Human Elements’ are Organized in SD  156
375 Where and How is a ‘Business Area Assignment’ done? 156
376 A ‘Plant’ is Assigned to Which of the Entities in the SD Organization?
377 How is the ‘Shipping Point’ Determined by the System? 156
378 What are the Important ‘Customer Master Records’? 156
379 What are the Various Sections of the ‘Customer Master Record’? 157
380 What is a ‘Customer-Material Information Record’? 157
381 What is a ‘Sales Order’?  157
382 Explain the Process Flow for a ‘Standard Sales Order’ 158
383 Outline the Process Flow for ‘Sales Returns’  158
384 Describe the Process Flow for a ‘Credit Memo’  158
385 What are the ‘Special Sales Document Types’?  158
386 What is the ‘Consignment Stock Process’?  159
387 Explain ‘Sales Document Blocking’ 159
388 Can You ‘Block’ a Transaction for a Material that is ‘Flagged for
Deletion’? 159
389 Can Items in a ‘Sales Order’ Belong to Different ‘Distribution Channels’?
390 Can the Items in a ‘Billing Document’ Belong to Different ‘Distribution
Channels’?  159
391 Differentiate Between a ‘Sales Area’ and a ‘Sales Line’ 159
392 Can a ‘Sales Area’ Belong to Different Company Codes?  160
393 What is the ‘Storage Location Rule’? 160
394 How do You Configure the ‘Partner Determination Procedure’ in SD?
395 Where do You Define ‘Unloading Points’ and ‘Goods Receiving Hours’?
396 Where do You Define the ‘Terms of Payment’ for a Customer?  160
Material Management (MM)  160
397 What Functions are Supported in the SAP ‘Material Management’ (MM)?
398 What is ‘MRP’?  161
399 Explain the Basic ‘Organizational Structure’ in MM 161
400 Define ‘Plant’ in SAP 162
401 Explain the ‘Storage Location’ in SAP  162
402 Explain the ‘Purchasing Organization’ in SAP 162
403 Explain the ‘Purchasing Group’ Concept in MM 162
404 Explain the ‘Valuation Area’ Concept in MM 162
405 What is a ‘Factory Calendar’?  163
406 Explain How SD and MM are Connected in SAP  163
407 Outline the Functions Supported by ‘Material Master’  163
408 Explain Why a ‘Material Master’ is Divided into ‘Views’ 163
409 What Information is Available in the ‘Accounting View’ of a ‘Material
Master’?  164
410 Why do You Need ‘Material Types’ in MM? 164
411 Explain the ‘Price Control Indicator’  164
412 Explain ‘Prices Maintenance’ for Materials Transferred from ‘Legacy’ to
SAP  165
413 What is the ‘Material Status’? 166
414 What is the ‘EAN’?  166
415 What are Some of the ‘Partner Functions’ of a ‘Vendor’?  166
416 What is a ‘Batch’ in the Context of ‘Batch Management’? 166
417 What are the Possible Values for ‘Procurement Types’?  167
418 What are the ‘prerequisites’ for an ‘MRP Run’?  167
419 What is an ‘MRP Area’?  167
420 What is an ‘MRP List’?  167
421 Explain the ‘Re-Order Point’ Procedure  167
422 Explain the ‘Inventory Management’ Submodule 168
423 What is ‘Goods Movement’? 168
424 What is a ‘Goods Receipt’?  168
425 Explain the ‘Accounting’ Side of GR  168
426 What Happens During a ‘Goods Issue’?  169
427 Explain ‘Stock Transfers’  169
428 What is a ‘Stock Type’? 169
429 Explain ‘Return Delivery’ 169
430 What are All the Various Types of ‘Physical Inventory’?  170
431 What is a ‘Material Ledger’?  170
432 Explain ‘Split Valuation’ Why is it Necessary?  170
433 Explain the Basic Steps in ‘Configuring Split Valuation’  170
434 Outline ‘Stock Valuation Methods’ for Material Revaluation  171
435 How Does ‘Automatic Account Assignment’ Work in MM?  171
436 Explain ‘Automatic Account Assignment’ Configuration in MM  171
437 Explain the ‘Transaction Keys’ in MM 171
438 How Does the System Determine the Correct ‘GL a/c’ for a Posting?172
Production Planning (PP) 172
439 Explain How the PP Module is Organized in SAP 172
440 Explain How ‘PP’ is ‘Integrated’ with Other Modules 173
441 What is a ‘BOM’? 173
442 What are the ‘BOM Categories’ Supported by SAP?  173
443 What are All the ‘Technical Types of BOM’?  173
444 Differentiate ‘Variant BOM’ from ‘Multiple BOM’  173
445 Is it Possible to Convert a ‘Multiple BOM’ into a ‘Variant BOM’?  174
446 What is a ‘Work Center’ in PP? 174
447 What is a ‘Routing’ in PP?  174
448 What are All the ‘Sub-components’ of Production Orders? 174
449 What is a ‘Product Hierarchy’? 174
450 Define ‘BOM Group’ 175
451 Define ‘SOP’ (Sales & Operations Planning) 175
452 What is known as ‘Demand Management’? 175
453 What is ‘Capacity Planning’? 175
454 Explain ‘MRP’ (Material Requirements Planning) 175
455 What are the Three ‘MRP Procedures’? 176
456 What is ‘MPS’ (Master Production Scheduling)?  176
457 What is ‘Consumption-based Planning’? 176
Miscellaneous  176
458 Explain ‘Cash Management’ in SAP  176
459 What is the ‘Cash (Management) Position’? 176
460 Explain ‘Groupings’ and ‘Levels’ 177
461 Explain ‘Liquidity Forecast’  177
462 How do You Set Up ‘Cash Management’ in SAP?  178
463 Explain ‘Bank Statement’ in Cash Management 178
464 What are the Configurations for ‘Bank Statement Processing’? 178
465 Differentiate ‘Manual Check Deposit’ from ‘Electronic Check Deposit’
466 Explain ‘Travel Management’ in SAP 179
467 What is a ‘Personal Action’? 179
468 What is an ‘Infotype’?  179
469 Explain ‘Travel Manager’ in SAP  180
470 What is a ‘Value Priced’?  180
471 What is a ‘Schedule Manager’?  181
472 How do You Use the ‘Schedule Manager’ in SAP? 182
SAP Tables  182
Financial Accounting (FI)  182
Controlling (CO) 186
Sales & Distribution (SD)  188
Materials Management (MM)  190
Production Planning (PP) 191
SAP Transaction Codes  193
Overview 193
Basis & ABAP  196
Financial Accounting (FI): Customizing  201
Financial Accounting (FI): Transactions  206
Material Management (MM)  217
Sales and Distribution (SD)  220
Production Planning (PP) 223

haveattach.gifSAP FI-CO Q&A2009_01_27.pdf
(2009-01-27 20:03:07, Size: 2.45 MB, Downloads: 30)

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