Jaw Crusher's Operating Rules

Jaw Crusher's Operating Rules:    
1. Preparation before Starting
(1) Check lubriSBMing of main bearings Chrome Beneficiation Plant  ; check whether the toggle plate and movable jaw, underlay of upper toggle plate can

work well, and whether there is enough lubriSBMion between toggle plate and underlay of upper toggle plate.
(2) Check whether all fixed parts are well fixed.
(3) Check whether the weight center of flying wheel and groove wheel is all right. The weight center should be in line with

eccentric shaft through the central hole of main bearings.
(4) Check whether the belt is installed well and replace with a new one if it is worn Gravel Crushing Equipment  . Clear the belt wheel and groove wheel

with clean cloth if there is any oil stain on them.
(5) Correct the protecting devices if there are not in good condition.
(6) Check whether there are any materials in the crushing groove and clear it.
(7) Check whether the gasket is installed correctly or pressed tightly.
2. Starting of Crusher
(1) Start the machine only after making sure that the machine and transmission part can work in good condition.
(2) This machine can only start in no -loading condition.
(3) Stop the machine immediately if any uncommon phenomena occur coal crusher for sale  . Start the machine only after checking and correcting.
3. Use of Crusher
(1) Start feeding after checking that the machine works well.
(2) Put the material evenly into the machine, and avoid putting material from the side or feeding too much to avoid over

feeding, sudden load change or being blocked.
(3) Stop feeding before stops the machine. Stop the motor after all the materials are discharged.
(4) Stop the motor if there is any stagnancy due to the blocking up of material inside the machine.
(5) The other side can be used if one side of fixed jaw plate and movable jaw plate are worn.
(6) Check all fixed parts before starting to use and tighten the part if it is loosening.

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使用dlib库实现简单的瘦脸功能需要进行以下步骤: 1. 安装dlib库和其他相关库,如numpy和opencv。 2. 加载一张人脸照片并使用dlib的人脸检测器检测出人脸的关键点。 ```python import dlib import cv2 import numpy as np # 加载图片 img = cv2.imread("example.jpg") # 初始化人脸检测器和关键点检测器 detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector() predictor = dlib.shape_predictor("shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat") # 检测人脸和关键点 faces = detector(img, 1) for face in faces: landmarks = predictor(img, face) ``` 3. 根据关键点的位置计算出需要瘦脸的区域。 一般来说,瘦脸的方法是将下颚和脸颊的宽度减小一定比例,可以通过缩小下颚和脸颊关键点的横坐标实现。这里以缩小下颚为例: ```python # 提取下颚关键点的坐标 jaw_points = [] for i in range(0, 17): jaw_points.append((landmarks.part(i).x, landmarks.part(i).y)) # 计算下巴线的中心点 jaw_center = np.mean(jaw_points, axis=0) # 将下颚关键点的横坐标向中心点移动 for i in range(0, 17): x = landmarks.part(i).x y = landmarks.part(i).y landmarks.part(i).x = int(x - (x - jaw_center[0]) * 0.1) ``` 4. 绘制并输出瘦脸后的结果。 ```python # 将结果绘制在原图上 for i in range(0, 68): x = landmarks.part(i).x y = landmarks.part(i).y cv2.circle(img, (x, y), 1, (0, 0, 255), -1) # 输出瘦脸后的结果 cv2.imwrite("result.jpg", img) ``` 完整代码如下: ```python import dlib import cv2 import numpy as np # 加载图片 img = cv2.imread("example.jpg") # 初始化人脸检测器和关键点检测器 detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector() predictor = dlib.shape_predictor("shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat") # 检测人脸和关键点 faces = detector(img, 1) for face in faces: landmarks = predictor(img, face) # 提取下颚关键点的坐标 jaw_points = [] for i in range(0, 17): jaw_points.append((landmarks.part(i).x, landmarks.part(i).y)) # 计算下巴线的中心点 jaw_center = np.mean(jaw_points, axis=0) # 将下颚关键点的横坐标向中心点移动 for i in range(0, 17): x = landmarks.part(i).x y = landmarks.part(i).y landmarks.part(i).x = int(x - (x - jaw_center[0]) * 0.1) # 将结果绘制在原图上 for i in range(0, 68): x = landmarks.part(i).x y = landmarks.part(i).y cv2.circle(img, (x, y), 1, (0, 0, 255), -1) # 输出瘦脸后的结果 cv2.imwrite("result.jpg", img) ```


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