Inquire into in 2013 the development prospect of the compound type crusher

take a wide view compound type crusher in China development level, in order to being subjected to the check and supervision of deveolping the history, industrial level etc. related factor, the our country reunites the whole market environment, technique craft level, equipments of crusher luck camp to manage etc. to still fall behind very much.Anticipated to process profession to see from the freestone bone Diamond Mining Equipment  , some important equipmentses,such as still opposite the technique of hydraulic pressure cone equipmentses, such as type crusher and impact type crusher...etc., fell behind.

compound type crusher the brief name break for compound, is broken up production line with make one of the in common use equipmentses in the sand production line.The compound crusher is comprehensive the same kind crusher technique is at home and abroad and carry on to the main technique parameter excellent turn design to develop but become of new model thin ground, snag product, mainly used for medium-sized cement works broken up the cement living to anticipate, familiar anticipate.

is cement works technique reformation or lately set up the thin ground equipments that the cement production line provided ideal, also be applicable to the iron ore, sandstone and gypsum, shaft furnace dirt and coal Gan stonevertical roller mill in cement industry  , and lump coal...etc. other win hard ore of broken up, have broken up ratio big, can consume small, revolve steady, simple structure, operation maintain convenience etc. characteristics.

the our country reunite crusher whole level of opposite fall behind, with our country the mineral industry have no result that the preface mines to have for long time close relation, of people paid attention to in early days economy of rapid growth, excesssive of the development resulted in the injury that could not converse to the environment, but reunited crusher profession for constantly and continuously providing an equipments for market, hardly put forth effort on the innovation, cause China compound crusher technique level deveolp full slow-moving.

but since 2009, Chinese government enlarged to mine for minerals strength for restructuring of industry, and put forth effort to promote mineral mountain management to large turn, modernization the mode of production move forward.This will urge to adopt a stone field from the operator and not only want to raise level in the safety, and environment...etc., but also need to pay attention to product mass Construction Waste Recycling Plant  , productivity and efficiency.The change that brings from here will also make the broken up screening equipments profession of future deveolp facing large turn, modernization direction deveolp.

head for along with Chinese mineral industry large turn, modernization, reuniting the crusher profession will also actively regulate with the development need that adjusts a market.

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